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Author:(Kazushi Taoda)

1.Education for a Medical Student With Quadriplegia.

Kazushi TAODA

Medical Education 1998;29(4):245-251

2.Applying and Evaluation a New Course in the Igakugairon for 1st-Year Students to Develop an Active Learning Attitude.

Kazushi TAODA

Medical Education 1998;29(6):385-391

3.Fact-finding Survey of Work Load in Vine Growing Operation

Hiroji TSUJIMURA ; Kazushi TAODA ; Teruyo KITAHARA

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2011;60(1):1-17

4.Survey of Agricultural Machine-induced Injuries in Shiga Prefecture by Insurance Report, 1981-1992

Kazushi TAODA ; Katsuo NISHIYAMA ; Teruyo KITAHARA

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2003;52(1):31-42

5.The medical education of a student with a severe hearing impairment

Kazushi Taoda ; Teruyo Kitahara ; Hiroshi Matsuura

Medical Education 2012;43(4):299-307

6.Hygienic Study on Allergic Contact Dermatitis in Chrysanthemum Growers.

Kazushi TAODA ; Kazuo FUKUTOME ; Mitsuhiko FUNAKOSHI ; Teruyo KITAHARA ; Ippei MORI ; Katsuo NISHIYAMA ; Shinya WATANABE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1994;43(1):13-21

7.Dependency of temporary threshold shift of vibratory sensation in fingertip on 1/3 octave-band hand-arm vibration exposure period.

Katsuo NISHIYAMA ; Kazushi TAODA

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2006;11(3):108-114

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