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Author:(Kavin KHATRI)

1.Complications in the management of closed high-energy proximal tibial plateau fractures.

Kavin KHATRI ; Vijay SHARMA ; Darsh GOYAL ; Kamran FAROOQUE

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2016;19(6):342-347

2.Minimally invasive osteosynthesis of distal tibial fractures using anterolateral locking plate: Evaluation of results and complications.

Devendra LAKHOTIA ; Gaurav SHARMA ; Kavin KHATRI ; G-N KUMAR ; Vijay SHARMA ; Kamran FAROOQUE

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2016;19(1):39-44

3.Neglected Thoraco Lumbar Traumatic Spine Injuries.

Kavin KHATRI ; Kamran FAROOQUE ; Vijay SHARMA ; Babita GUPTA ; Shivanand GAMANAGATTI

Asian Spine Journal 2016;10(4):678-684

4.Postoperative Epidural Fibrosis Prevention: Which Is Better–Autologous Fat versus Gelfoam

Karan RAJPAL ; Jagdeep SINGH ; Raj BAHADUR ; Kapil BANSAL ; Radhe SHYAM ; Kavin KHATRI

Asian Spine Journal 2022;16(3):343-351

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