1.Experimental Study of Microvascular Anastomosis Using GRF Glue.
Katsuhiko MATSUDA ; Nobushige TAMURA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1993;22(1):26-29
The GRF glue consists of mixture of gelatine and resorcine. The mixture is hardened by the addition of medical formaldehyde. Resorcine is diphenole which reacts with formaldehyde, creating tridimentional network. We performed microvascular anastomosis of abdominal aorta of the rat using GRF glue and the histologial study by the light microscope and the scanning electron microscope. Re-endoterization began from two days after anastomosis and completed at ten days to two weeks after anastomosis. From scanning electron microscopic study the invasion of macrophages and platelets in the case of anastomosis using GRF glue was less than in the case of manual or laser anastomosis. We revealed that GRF glue is very useful for bonding of micro vessels.
2.Percutaneous Delayed Closure of the Vertical Vein for Severe Left-Sided Heart Failure after Repair of the Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage.
Masahiko IIO ; Katsuhiko MIYAMOTO ; Osamu KURODA ; Tadashi NAKAGAWA ; Noboru INAMURA ; Hikaru MATSUDA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;20(9):1524-1527
A 31-day-old infant with total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (type I-A) suffered from severs left-sided heart failure unable to be weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) after total repair. By reopening the vertical vein, the CPB was successfully terminated and the sternum was closed primarily. Percutaneous delayed closure of the vertical vein by lifting up the string which had been encircled the vertical vein at the time of repair was performed 3 days after repair. Systemic arterial pressure and left atrial pressure were unchanged after closure of the vertical vein. Postoperative cardiac study revealed satisfactory result and no left-to-right shunt through the vertical vein.
3.Successful Surgical Repair of Prosthetic Valve Dehiscence Associated with Aortitis Syndrome in the Healing Phase.
Takeshi Shimamoto ; Katsuhiko Matsuda ; Tatsuro Sato ; Tadashi Ikeda ; Takaaki Koshiji ; Kazunobu Nishimura ; Shinichi Nomoto ; Toshihiko Ban
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(4):268-270
A 43-year-old woman underwent aortic valve replacement for aortic regurgitation causing aortitis syndrome. The postoperative course had been uneventful and inflammation was controlled by steroid therapy. She developed a moderate degree of dyspnea with cardiomegaly. Two years after the first aorta valve replacement (AVR), severe aortic regurgitation was observed on both echocardiography and aortography. Dehiscence of the prosthetic valve was suspected and an emergency operation was performed. To secure the reimplanted prosthetic valve, we applied the technique of passing felt-pledgeted sutures through the aortic wall in the vicinity to the right coronary cusp and the noncoronary cusp and others through the left coronary cusp with everting mattress sutures. The postoperative course of the second AVR has been uneventful for two months. Since prosthetic valve detachment can occur even if inflammation of aortitis is well controlled, strict management of inflammation is recommended for a prolonged period to prevent reccurence of aortitis and subsequent valve dehiscence.