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Author:(Kathleen Heather REILLY)

2.Dynamic characteristic analysis of HIV mother to child transmission in China.

Jun-Jie WANG ; Kathleen Heather REILLY ; Hua HAN ; Zhi-Hang PENG ; Ning WANG

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2010;23(5):402-408

3.Heterosexual risk of HIV infection in China: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Chun-Peng ZANG ; Zhong-Wei JIA ; Katherine BROWN ; Kathleen Heather REILLY ; Jun-Jie WANG ; Ning WANG

Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(12):1890-1896

4.Estimation and projection of the HIV epidemic trend among the migrant population in China.

XiaoJun MENG ; Lu WANG ; Susan CHAN ; Kathleen Heather REILLY ; ZhiHang PENG ; Wei GUO ; GuoWei DING ; ZhengWei DING ; QianQian QIN

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2011;24(4):343-348

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