1.100 Cases of Renal Transplantations.
Moon Hwan CHO ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1989;30(3):409-414
Various clinical evaluations in urological aspects were performed on 100 renal transplantations in the Department of Urology, Kosin Medical College from December 1984 to August l988. The following results were obtained. 1. Year distributions were as follows : 1 case was done in 1984, 5 cases in 1986, 31 cases in 1986, 30 cases in 1987, 33 cases in 1988. 2. Of 100 donors 44 cases were male and 56 cases were female. Sixth decade was most common. Of 100 recipients 71 cases were male and 29 cases were female. Fourth decade was must common. 3. Of all living-related donors 89 cases were related donors and 11 cases were unrelated donors. 4. The most common underlying renal disease requiring transplantation was chronic glomerulonephritis (90%) and reflux nephropathy was 2 cases(2 %). 5. All surgical approaches of donor nephrectomy were flank incision, usually with removal of 12th rib(59%). Selected kidney side was follow : 79 cases were left side and 21 cases was right side. 6. The ureteroneocystostomy was performed with modified Politano-Leadbetter method in initial 3 cases and extravesical Mac Kinnon method in 97 cases. 7. Our incidence of urological complications in 100 renal transplantations was 8%(8 cases). 6 cases were ureteral obstructions due to perinephric hematoma, 1 case was ureterotaneous fistula and 1 cases was bladder leakage. 8. Our incidence of complications in 100 donor nephrectomy was 3%(3 cases). 1 case was pleural effusion, 1 case was atelectasis and 1 case was perforation of stomach. 9. Results and prognosis in complicated cases were good.
Kidney Transplantation*
Pleural Effusion
Pulmonary Atelectasis
Tissue Donors
Unrelated Donors
Ureteral Obstruction
Urinary Bladder
2.A Case of Testicular Lymphoma with Vesical Involvement.
Chul Soo YOON ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1987;28(2):317-321
Malignant lymphoma of testis is rare, comprising 5% of all testicular tumor, but it is the most common type of testicular tumor in patients more than 5 years old. And malignant lymphoma of urinary bladder is extremely rare, while the majority of the affected patients fall within the to 60 age 40 group and is more common in female. Prognosis of the testicular lymphoma is very poor, and the interval free of disease is short and 9O % of patients die of generalized lymphoma within 2 years. Although in contrast to other nonepithelial malignant tumor, primary lymphoma of bladder carries a relatively favorable prognosis but secondary or disseminated bladder lymphoma has poor prognosis. This report concerns a case of simultaneous involvement of both testes and bladder by malignant lymphoma, which was treated with bilateral radical orchiectomy, transurethral resection of bladder and anticancer chemotherapy.
Child, Preschool
Drug Therapy
Urinary Bladder
3.A Case of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis which was Confused with Renal Pelvic Tumor.
Jong Geun CHOI ; In Yong CHAE ; Kap ByunK KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1990;31(4):613-616
There is no single characteristic clinical or radiological feature to diagnose xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, so it makes accurate preoperative diagnosis difficult. In our case, the renal parenchyme of affected kidney was well preserved on excretory urogram. The abnormal finding was only a filling defect within the right upper pelvocalyceal system. Herein we report a case of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in a 18 years old girl which was confused with renal pelvic tumor.
Pyelonephritis, Xanthogranulomatous*
4.A Case of Multilocular Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Jin Ho CHANG ; In Yong CHAE ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1990;31(4):609-612
Most renal cell carcinomas are solid but contain small cystic areas. Sometimes the cystic component predominates and such lesions are called cystic renal cell carcinomas. The radiographic and pathologic findings of cystic renal cell carcinoma are often more confusing and less specific than the findings of solid renal cell carcinoma. Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma is one form of cystic renal cell carcinoma variants and results from intrinsic multiloculated growth. A presumptive diagnosis of multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma was made preoperatively in a 38-year-old woman and it was treated with radical nephrectomy, so we report this case with brief review of the literatures.
Carcinoma, Renal Cell*
5.Initial Experiences of 15 Cases of Mainz Pouch.
In Yong CHAE ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1990;31(4):588-594
Since continent urinary diversion and bladder substitution after cystoprostatectomy have been offered as alternative to standard urinary diversion, increasing numbers of patients seek to avoid a wet stoma. So since 1988 we have used a pouch constructed from a combination of large and small bowel(Mainz pouch), which offers a low pressure reservoir of adequate capacity, antirefluxing ureteral reimplantation and continent reservoir. Initial applications of the Mainz pouch were for bladder augmentation after subtotal cystectomy and for continent urinary diversion. Current indications have been extended to complete bladder substitution after radical cystectomy with anastomosis of the pouch to the membranous urethra. A total or 15 patients underwent a Mainz pouch procedure ;6 for bladder augmentation, 8 for continent urinary diversion and 1 for total bladder substitution after radical cystectomy. All bladder augmentation cases, 4 of 8 diversion cases and substitution case are completely dry day and night. There are no significant perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Diversion
6.Cell Mediated Immunity on Urologic Tumor Using Delayed Cutaneous Hypersensitivity.
Chul Soo YOON ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1989;30(3):307-313
Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity test had been demonstrated to correlate inversely with stage of disease and predict prognosis of tumor. We evaluated the delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity(D.C.H.) with Multitest CMI between the tumor group and normal control group in Department of Urology, Kosin, Medical College Hospital during the period from October 1986 to August 1988. The result were as follows: 1. D.C.H. with Multitest CMI was compared between the normal control and tumor group: mean total score of positive antigens was markedly decreased in the tumor group(11.3mm for tumor, 15.9mm for control p<0.01) and average number of positive reaction was also decreased in the tumor group(2.6 for tumor, 4.2 for control p<0.01). 2. The percentages of energic response were 11.9% for tumor and 0% for control and the incidence of hypoenergy was also increased in the tumor group (34.2% for tumor, 9% for control). 3. The percentages of Warning score were 27.6% for tumor and 6.8% for control. 4. In comparison with each antigens, there were the strongest reaction and the highest reaction with tuberculin in both group (98.3% for control, 82.9% for tumor) while the weakest reaction with tetanus (16.3% for control, 3.9% for tumor). 5. In comparison of D.C.H. between male and female, low cell mediated immunity was observed in female for the average number of positive antigens in control(4.8 for male, 3.7 for female) and for the average store of in tumor (11.7 mm for male, 9.6 mm for female). 6. In D.C.H. between age groups in control, the youth (17-25 years old) showed the strongest reaction (mean total score 19.1 mm) and 26-65 years old group had relatively stable immunity.
Immunity, Cellular*
7.Percutaneous Nephrostomy: Experience in 101 Cases.
Korean Journal of Urology 1989;30(6):860-865
Percutaneous nephrostomy was done on 101 cases with advanced malignancy and benign conditions in the Department of Urology, Kosin Medical College during the period of March, 1985 to August 1988. We were successful in using percutaneous nephrostomy as urinary diversion to ureteral obstruction or urinary leakage in 96 cases(95.1%). In four fives of patients obstruction was due to neoplasm, with the cervical cancer the leading cause. The post-nephrostomy complications were renocolon fistula in 1 case, perinephric abecess in 2 cases, severe bleeding in 3 cases. percutaneous nephrotomy proved to be ideally suited in azotemic patients and urine leakage. Its use can obviate surgical nephrostomy and prolonged ureteral catheter drainage. We also are encouraged by our early experience with extensions of percutaneous nephrostomy, including percutaneous ureteral, renal stone dissolution.
Nephrostomy, Percutaneous*
Ureteral Obstruction
Urinary Catheters
Urinary Diversion
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
8.Percutaneous Nephrostomy: Experience in 101 Cases.
Korean Journal of Urology 1989;30(6):860-865
Percutaneous nephrostomy was done on 101 cases with advanced malignancy and benign conditions in the Department of Urology, Kosin Medical College during the period of March, 1985 to August 1988. We were successful in using percutaneous nephrostomy as urinary diversion to ureteral obstruction or urinary leakage in 96 cases(95.1%). In four fives of patients obstruction was due to neoplasm, with the cervical cancer the leading cause. The post-nephrostomy complications were renocolon fistula in 1 case, perinephric abecess in 2 cases, severe bleeding in 3 cases. percutaneous nephrotomy proved to be ideally suited in azotemic patients and urine leakage. Its use can obviate surgical nephrostomy and prolonged ureteral catheter drainage. We also are encouraged by our early experience with extensions of percutaneous nephrostomy, including percutaneous ureteral, renal stone dissolution.
Nephrostomy, Percutaneous*
Ureteral Obstruction
Urinary Catheters
Urinary Diversion
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
9.2 Cases of Female Lower Urinary Tract Fistula Treated with Gracilis Muscle Flap.
In Yong CHAE ; Jong Gun CHOI ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1990;31(3):467-470
The successful closure of a fistula clearly involves application of spectrum of techniques depending variable factors. There was variety of opinions regarding the timing and optimum surgical technique for repair of fistula. Several muscles and myocutaneous flaps are applicable to a variety of tissue defects. The gracilis muscle is especially useful as adjuncts for wound coverage, vaginal or penile reconstruction and as interpositional tissue for the closure of various fistulas. We experienced two cases of female urinary tract fistula treated with gracilis muscle flap successfully.
Myocutaneous Flap
Urinary Tract*
Wounds and Injuries
10.A Case of Extensive Female Urethral Loss Treated Using Bulbocavernous Myocutaneous Flap.
In Yong CHAE ; Moon Hwan CHO ; Kap Byung KIM ; Hyun Yul RHEW
Korean Journal of Urology 1989;30(6):965-968
Loss of the urethral floor with total urinary incontinence is a difficult problem that is infrequently encountered by the urologist. The techniques required for the urethral reconstruction are different and can be much more; delicate and demanding than the typical vesicovaginal fistula repair. Herein we report a case of the female urethral loss caused by chemical injury 3 years age and treated using bulbocavernous myocutaneous flap successfully.
Myocutaneous Flap*
Urinary Incontinence
Vesicovaginal Fistula