1.Ganglion-like Lesions of the Foot on the Ultrasonography.
Kyung Ah CHUN ; Dong Hwan SHIN ; Dong Hyun SEO ; Kanwarjot SINGH ; Jin Soo SUH
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society 2010;14(2):169-172
PURPOSE: The authors have experienced various lesions that simulate ganglion of the foot on the ultrasonography. The purpose of this study is to evaluate ultrasonographic findings of soft tissue lesions, which were interpreted as ganglion but confirmed as different lesions in the foot. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed a database of patients with ganglion on the ultrasonography from two different institutions. There were 109 patients who underwent both ultrasonography and surgical confirmation. Twenty one lesions were identified, of which initial interpretation on the ultrasonography included ganglion which pathology revealed to be different lesions. All images were evaluated by one musculoskeletal radiologist, regarding size, margins, internal echogenicity of lesions, and presence of posterior enhancement. RESULTS: Of 21 lesions, there were 6 fibrous tumors including fibroma, giant cell tumor of tendon sheath, and fibromatosis, 3 hemangiomas, 2 epidermal inclusion cysts, 2 chondromas, 2 angioleiomyomas, 1 trichilemal cyst, 1 neurofibroma, 1 granular cell tumor, 1 neurilemmoma, 1 neuromyxoma, and 1 nodular hidradenoma. Mean size of the lesion was 1.1 cm. Margins were smooth in 10, mild lobulation in 8 and marked lobulation in 3 lesions. Lesions were hypoechoic in 16, anechoic in 4 and isoechoic in 1 case. Posterior acoustic enhancement was definitely present in 5 lesions. CONCLUSION: On the ultrasonography, various soft tissue lesions of the foot may be confused with ganglion. During surgical resection care should be given even to a simple ganglion as it might turn up to be a solid lesions such as fibrous tumors.
Ganglion Cysts
Giant Cell Tumors
Granular Cell Tumor