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Author:(Kah-Guan Au EONG)


Au Eong Kah Guan ; Yulianti ; Fifiana

The Singapore Family Physician 2012;38(1 (Supplement)):31-36

8.Surgically-induced corneal changes following macular translocation with punctate retinotomies and chorioscleral infolding (limited macular translocation).

James C H PAN ; Wee-Jin HENG ; Kah-Guan Au EONG

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2006;35(8):588-590

10.A nationwide survey on the knowledge and attitudes of Malaysian optometry students on patients' visual experiences during cataract surgery.

Colin S H TAN ; Ai Hong CHEN ; Kah-Guan Au EONG

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2006;35(2):72-76

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