PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of a value clarification program on value clarification in juvenile delinquents. This study employed a two-group pre-post test study design. Data was collected from 16 subjects from Sept. 29 to Dec. 26, 2003 at N middle school in Seoul, Korea. 9 subjects constituted the control, while the experimental group was composed of 7 subjects. METHOD: The structured group therapy used in this study was developed on the basis of Raths et al. (1978) theory. The subjects participated in 10 sessions of therapy that lasted 60 minutes. The instruments used were value clarification Test (Lee, 1988), and SPSS Window. RESULT: The experimental group showed a significant increase in value clarification after their participation in the program. CONCLUSION: Based upon the findings it was concluded that a value clarification program was effective in improving value clarification in juvenile delinquents in the study.
*Social Values
*Psychotherapy, Group
Juvenile Delinquency/*rehabilitation