2.A Study on the Distribution of NADPH-Diaphorase and Neuropeptide Y Positive Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex of Apodemus Agrarius.
Young Bum HUH ; Seung Joon HWANG ; Jung Sik JO
Korean Journal of Anatomy 1997;30(1):57-64
Apodemus agrarius has been using for experimental purpose to identifying the route of infection and pathogenesis of korean hemorrhagic fever. However, despite the increasing amount of information being published at present about the physiologic and ecologic characteristics of Apodemus, few data are availalle about the morphologic findings in the brain. The NADPH-diaphorase[NADPH-d] positive neurons, uniquely resistant to toxic insults and neurodegenerative diseases, have been colocalized with neurons in the brain and peripheral tissue containing nitric oxide synthase, which generates nitric oxide, a recently identified neuronal messenger molecule. In this study we used NADPH-d histochemistry to evaluate the distribution of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive[NPY-IR] cells within neurons which contain nitric oxide synthase. In the cerebral cortex of Apodemus agrarius, NADPH-d positive and NPY-IR neurons were observed in all cortical layers, but they were concentrated in two bands layer II/III and V/VI extending into the subcortical white matter. Double labeling for NADPH-d and NPY showed colocalization of NPY with NADPH-d in numerous neurons of the cerebral cortex. The data obtained showed that about 74-79% of NPY-IR neurons contained NADPH-d in the neocortex and that 77-89% in the allocortex. The number of NPY-IR/NADPH-d positive neurons was about 10-13 per unit area [2,500,000 micrometer] in the neocortex and about 11-25 in the allocortex except retrosplenial cortex. In the retrosplenial cortex, the number of double labeled neurons was about 5 per unit area. NPY-IR and NADPH-d positive neurons were predominantly medium-sized with extended, multipolar or bipolar dendritic branches which belong to fusiform or stellate cell types. A moderately dense network of fine, varicose NADPH-d positive fibers was present throughout all cortical layers.
Cerebral Cortex*
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neuropeptide Y*
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide Synthase
3.Percutaneous Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Chest Lesions: Effectivenese When Using an 18-Gauge Needle.
So Sun KIM ; Seong Min KIM ; Gyoo Sik JUNG ; Young Duk JOH ; Jin Do HUH ; Bang HUH
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1995;32(1):103-108
PURPOSE: Results of 181 percutaneous needle aspiration biopsies performed with an 18-gauge needle during a period of 3 years were analyzed to determine efficacy and safety of the procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biposies were performed in patients that could not be diagnosed by bronchoscopy or sputum cytology. The biopsy procedure with 18-gauge Crown needle was guided by fiuoroscopy. The biopsy specimen placed in 10% formalin solution were histologically confirmed. RESULTS: In 160 patients(89%), the positive diagnosis was made by percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy. There were 153 lung lesions(120 malignant and 33 benign lesions) and 7 mediastinal lesions. the diagnostic accuracy of malignant and benign disease was 91% and 80% respectively. Complications included pneumothorax(n=11) and hemothorax(n=l):six of them required treatment with chest tube and the remainder showed spontaneous resporption. CONCLUSION: PCNB with an 18-gauge needle provided a reliable, relatively safe diagnostic tool to establish the diagnosis of both malignant and benign chest lesions.
Biopsy, Needle*
Chest Tubes
4.Percutaneous Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Chest Lesions: Effectivenese When Using an 18-Gauge Needle.
So Sun KIM ; Seong Min KIM ; Gyoo Sik JUNG ; Young Duk JOH ; Jin Do HUH ; Bang HUH
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1995;32(1):103-108
PURPOSE: Results of 181 percutaneous needle aspiration biopsies performed with an 18-gauge needle during a period of 3 years were analyzed to determine efficacy and safety of the procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biposies were performed in patients that could not be diagnosed by bronchoscopy or sputum cytology. The biopsy procedure with 18-gauge Crown needle was guided by fiuoroscopy. The biopsy specimen placed in 10% formalin solution were histologically confirmed. RESULTS: In 160 patients(89%), the positive diagnosis was made by percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy. There were 153 lung lesions(120 malignant and 33 benign lesions) and 7 mediastinal lesions. the diagnostic accuracy of malignant and benign disease was 91% and 80% respectively. Complications included pneumothorax(n=11) and hemothorax(n=l):six of them required treatment with chest tube and the remainder showed spontaneous resporption. CONCLUSION: PCNB with an 18-gauge needle provided a reliable, relatively safe diagnostic tool to establish the diagnosis of both malignant and benign chest lesions.
Biopsy, Needle*
Chest Tubes
5.Association of Urinary Urgency and Delay Time of Micturition in Women With Overactive Bladder.
International Neurourology Journal 2014;18(3):150-154
PURPOSE: Accurately measuring urinary urgency is important for diagnosing overactive bladder (OAB) and quantifying improvements in treatment outcome. Various methods have been recommended for evaluating urinary urgency, but these methods assess individual perceptions and preferences. To overcome the subjectivity in measuring urinary urgency, we evaluated the relationship between uroflowmetric parameters and urinary urgency in women with OAB. METHODS: Consecutive female patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (n=110) were prospectively enrolled in this study between April 2011 and September 2012. Individuals with a history of using medications that are known to affect bladder function were excluded. All enrolled patients completed uroflowmetry with a delayed time to voiding (T2V). After urination was completed, patients were asked whether they experienced any urinary hesitancy or urgency at that time. RESULTS: The mean patient age was 56.1 years; 70 out of 110 patients reported some degree of urinary urgency. T2V decreased with increased urgency. Several uroflowmetric parameters were observed to have a significant correlation with urinary urgency. T2V had a meaningful correlation coefficient for individuals with urgency, regardless of the voided volume. There was no significant correlation between the presence of urinary hesitancy and T2V. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that T2V would be a complementary tool for diagnosing and determining the degree of urinary urgency in women with OAB.
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Prospective Studies
Treatment Outcome
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Bladder, Overactive*
6.A clinical study on openbite & relapse tendency after IVRO of the mandibular prognathism.
Hyung Sik PARK ; Jin Young HUH ; Gi Jung KIM ; Moon Key KIM
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1997;23(1):35-42
IVRO is one of the most common procedures to setback prognathic mandible. Since 1993 we have set-up our own protocol for functional physiotherapy(Park's protocol) after IVRO. This is a study on openbite and relapse tendency after IVRO followed by our protocol. We obtained lateral cephalograms of twenty-seven patients which were taken immediately after surgery, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. Changes in positions of each point were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. No remarkable openbite occured during the first year after IVRO. Upper teeth, lower teeth and anterior mandible moved upward, it seems to show that post-op orthodontic treatment did not contribute to reduce openbite tendency during post-op period. Rater, the lower teeth and mandible moved with the upper teeth as the compensation mechanism. 2. Lower Incisal Edge moved anteriorly up to 6 months, so overjet decreased from 3.3mm to 2.9mm during the first six months. Skeletal changes in anterior mandible showed slight anterior movement, therefore showing slight relapse tendency, but it represented no statistical significance. 3. The physiotherapy according to our protocol was used for only a month after operation, but there was no openbite tendency, and the occlusion was stable over one year.
Compensation and Redress
Open Bite*
7.Sexual Dysfunction in Female Patients on Hemodialysis.
Korean Journal of Andrology 2007;25(3):112-117
PURPOSE: We sought to identify the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and to evaluate the six domains of sexual function in female hemodialysis patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We undertook a cross-sectional study based on self-administered questionnaires and reviews of laboratory data that were collected from February to June 2007. A total of 49 women (mean age 52.3 years) from eight dialysis units were enrolled. Sexual function was assessed by the Korean version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). RESULTS: Forty-one patients (83.7%) reported sexual dysfunction during the prior 6 months. The mean score for sexual function in the sexual dysfunction group was 15.1, much lower than 29.6 for the normal sexual function group (t=10.2, p=0.000). In the six domains of sexual function for the dysfunction group, orgasm (range 0~6.0) was 2.4, desire (range 1.2~6.0) 1.9, and arousal (range 0~6.0) 1.9. The sexual dysfunction group was significantly older in age and lower in serum albumin level as compared with normal sexual function group. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual dysfunction in female patients on hemodialysis was highly prevalent. Interventions to promote orgasm, desire, and arousal in female patients on hemodialysis should be developed.
Cross-Sectional Studies
Surveys and Questionnaires
Renal Dialysis*
Serum Albumin
8.Clinical Characteristics of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis.
Korean Journal of Urology 2004;45(9):935-940
PURPOSE: In most cases, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is diffusely or focally enlarged, mimicking a neoplastic process. The purpose of this study was to improve the preoperative diagnosis of this disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical characteristics, laboratory and radiological findings, preoperative diagnoses and operative methods of 13 patients with XGP, who underwent an operation between 1979 and 2004, were retrospectively reviewed. All patients had undergone intravenous pyelography(IVP) and ultrasonography. Their mean age was 51+/-3.3 years (range 30 to 71), with a male to female ratio of 4 to 9. RESULTS: All 13 patients had flank pain, 8(61.5%) had a urinary tract infection and 9(69.2%) with benign renal disease preoperatively underwent a simple nephrectomy. Four patients preoperatively diagnosed with a renal cell carcinoma(RCC) underwent a radical nephrectomy. 3 patients had extended to the psoas muscle. On the basis of the ultrasonographic features: (1) 6(46.1%) were diffuse hydronephrotic; (2) 4(30.8%) were diffuse parenchymal; (3) 2(15.4%) were diffuse contracted, and (4) 1(7.7%) was segmental or focal. On the basis of the computed tomography(CT) features, the diffuse or global forms(88.9%) were more common than the localized or focal forms(11.1%). Diffuse XGP may be staged as follows: Stage I(25%), involvement is limited to the kidney; Stage II(50%), involvement extends to the perirenal fat within Gerota's fascia; Stage II(25%), involvement extends beyond the Gerota's fascia into another organ. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative diagnosis of XGP will be raised through a better understanding of the characteristics and radiological findings of this disease.
Flank Pain
Psoas Muscles
Pyelonephritis, Xanthogranulomatous*
Retrospective Studies
Urinary Tract Infections
9.Female Urethral Adenocarcinoma: An Unusual Cause of Acute Urinary Retention.
Korean Journal of Urology 2008;49(8):759-761
Two women were referred for evaluation of new-onset urinary retention of unclear etiology. The results of the urodynamic study confirmed bladder outlet obstruction. The evaluations revealed a bladder neck mass with bilateral hydronephrosis on radiologic studies. Cystoscopy verified a urethral mass and transurethral biopsy was conducted. The pathology report showed a urethral adenocarcinoma. One patient underwent pelvic exenteration and ileal conduit, but another patient refused the operation
Pelvic Exenteration
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Bladder Neck Obstruction
Urinary Diversion
Urinary Retention
10.The Overview of Hospice Care as Urologist.
Korean Journal of Urological Oncology 2017;15(1):16-20
The average life expectancy in Korea is increasing with new medical technology and complete understanding of pathophysiology of diseases in human. Physician should provide good and appropriate treatment to patients and also are responsible for offering medical services. Also, needs to improve the quality of life and death for patients with end-of-life have been increased. Urologists are interested in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the urogenital system disease but are not interested in the end of terminal cancer patients. Cancer is the most common cause of mortality rate in Korea. Cancer affects individuals, families, and society. Hospice and palliative care is a kind of portion of medicine to take care patients with far-advanced diseases and short-life expectancy, especially less than 6 months, for whom the focus of care is relief of suffering physical problems, social problems, and mental problems, and improvement of the quality of life. It takes a lot of efforts to finish the end-of life in patient. Physician alone can hardly provide all parts of end-of-life cares and cares can be provided through hospice care team including physician, social worker, volunteer, and priest. Hospice and palliative care still take a care for only a small group for dying patients. There have been few data for hospice and palliative care in urology. This review is to summary the concept of hospice for end-of life care and to help understanding hospice and the laws related to hospice to urologists who take care of patient with urogenital tract cancer.
Hospice Care*
Life Expectancy
Palliative Care
Quality of Life
Social Problems
Social Work
Social Workers
Urogenital System