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Author:(Joyce Anne F. Regalado-Go)

1.Use of sail excision in Alar Morphology modification of asian noses

Joyce Anne F. Regalado-Go ; Eduardo C. Yap

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2023;38(2):52-58

2.Single stage transoral cordectomy and medialization thyroplasty in early glottic squamous cell carcinoma: A case report

Joyce Anne F Regalado-Go ; Terrence Jason Flores ; Al E. Santiago

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2021;36(2):40-43

3.Determination of the relationship between olfactory function threshold and quality of life among adult Filipinos with perceived olfactory dysfunction

Margaux Ysabel B. Abaya ; Kathleen Criscel F. Ang-Capuno ; Joyce Anne F. Regalado-Go ; Fatima M. Gansatao ; Rubiliza DC. Onofre-Telan ; January E. Gelera

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2024;39(1):19-25

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