1.Toxic Effect of Organic Extracts From Chlorinated Drinking Water on Sertoli Cells of Testis in Rats
Huaijun TIAN ; Desheng WU ; Rui TAO
Journal of Environment and Health 2001;18(3):146-147,189
Objective To explore the potential hazards of organic pollutants in chlorinated drinking water on human reproduction.Methods The reproductive toxicity of the organic pollutants extracted by solid phase extraction technique from chlorinated drinking water in a city,was determined by the co-culture of sertoli cells and spermatogenic cells.Results No significant variation of the rate of detached spermatogenic cells was noticed compared with the control rats.The organic extracts stimulated the secretion of lactate from sertoli cells of testis in rats.Conclusion The organic extracts of chlorinated drinking water revealed potential reproductive toxicity.
2.A Good Method for Malignant Transformation of 16HBE Cell Induced by Anti-BPDE
Yiguo JIANG ; Jiakun CHEN ; Xuemnin CHEN
Journal of Environment and Health 2001;18(3):137-139,178
Objective To findout a good method for malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells 16HBE cell induced by anti-benzo (a) pyrene-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (anti-BPDE) using the objective and simple index:colony forming frequency of cells in semisolid agar culture medium,and to establish a best model of malignant transformation of 16HBE cells.Methods The tests on viable rate and colony formation of 16HBE cells were carried out to determine the exposure doses of anti-BPDE.The l6HBE cells were treated once or several times by anti BPDE at different doses and the transformed foci were observed and assessed at the different stages during the period of the whole experiment.The malignant features of transformed 16HBE cells with a good dose-response relationship were identified by the method of semisolid agar culture.The anti-BPDE induced colony forming frequencies of 16HBE cells in semisolid agar medium in each dose group were statistically compared.Results The best method for malignant transformation of 16HBE cells induced by anti-BPDE was that the 16HBE cells were intermittently treated several times with anti-BPDE at doses of 0.1,0.5,1.0 and 2.0 μmol/L respectively and were inoculated for 15 generations,the related colony forming frequencies were 2.0‰,5.5‰,7.0‰ and 10.5‰respectively with a significant dose-response relation ship and a good linear correlation (r=0.9741,P<0.05).Conclusion The research infered that the malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cell-16HBE cells could be induced successfully by anti-BPDE,a suitable model could be established by anti-BPDE also.
3.Study on Mechanism of Reproduction Toxicity of to Estrogic Bisphenol-A Related to Environment
Maoxian DENG ; Desheng WU ; Li ZHAN
Journal of Environment and Health 2001;18(3):134-136,150
Objective To explore the mechanism of male reproductive toxicity of bisphenol-A.Methods The morphological characteristics of seminiferous tubule,vimentin filaments and p53 gene expression in sertoli's cells of adult SD rats orally exposed to 0.5% bisphenol-A were observed and analyzed by histo-chemical and immuno-histochemical methods.Results After 2-week-exposure to 0.50% bisphenol-A,the disattachment between sertoli's cell and spermatogonia,spermatogonia arranged in disorder and displacement of spermatogonia away from the basement membrance of seminiferous tubules as well as the flocculated chromatins of nuclei in sertoli's cells and spermatogonia were observed.Fourfold increase of p53 expression in nuclei of spermatogonia and leydig's cells and the collaps of vimentin filaments in sertoli's cells were also found.Conclusion The results suggested that the disattachment between sertoli's cells and spermatogonia,might be associated with the collaps of vimentin filaments in nuclei of sertoli's cells and the increase of p53 expres sion in nuclei of sertoli's cells and spermatogonia,which might be one of the important mechanisms of reproductive toxicity of bisphenol-A.The increase of p53 expression in nuclei of leydig's cells might predict the potential anti-androgenicity of bisphenol-A
4.The Human Health Effects and Risk Assessment of Cyanobacterial Toxins
Fanling KONG ; Feng SHI ; Shaofeng SUI
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Cyanobacterial toxins may pose a threat to human health through drinking water and recreational water exposure. The official guideline limits of cyanobacterial toxins have not been established. The human health effects, exposure routes, possible guideline limits and calculation method were introduced in the present paper. The knowledge will provide a base to undertake risk management for the toxins and will also contribute to establishing official guideline limits of cyanobacterial toxins in water and will be benefit for ensuring the safety of drinking water.
5.Study on Allergy of Artemisia Plant Pollen in China
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
The Artemiaia plants are widely dispersed over China. The spread regularity, allergy and clinical manifestations of Artemisia plant pollen were reviewed in the paper. Based on current research progress, the authors forecasted the research respects: the spread regularity, pathogenicity and pathogenic mechanism based on the molecular level.
6.Determination of the Benzene, Toluene, Dimethylbenzene in Gooey by Gas Chromatography
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Objective To establish a gas chromatography method which will be suitable for determination of one time of the benzene, toluene, dimethylbenzene in the adhesives. Methods DMF was used for dissolving the sample, polyethylene glycol chrom-atographic column, hydrogen flames detector gas chromatography were employed to separate the compounds, determine the nature of serve time, quantify apex area. Results The contents of benzene, toluene, dimethylbenzene in gooey were 7.33-146.50, 7.23-144.50 and 7.21-144.20 mg/L respectively, with a good linear relativity (r=0.999), the rate of recovery were 96.45%-100.09%, 98.45%-100.76%, 97.81%-100.14%, the detection limits of the three chemicals were 0.22, 0.24 and 0.24 mg/L respectively, RSD were 1.60%-2.85% . Conclusion The method is accurate, feasible and suitable for determination of the benzene, toluene, dimethylbenzene in the adhesives.
7.Determination of Hydrogen Chloride in Air by Ion-Chromatography
Peiqin HU ; Guixun DAI ; Chunhe ZHANG
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Objective To make a method for determining the hydrogen chloride in the air by ICS 1 000 ion chromatographic system. Methods Hydrogen chloride in the air of workplace was determinated by using ICS-1 000 ion chromatographic with Ion Pac AS14 chromatographic column, a mixed solution of 3.5 mmol/L Na2CO3 and 1.0 mmol/L NaHCO3 were used as eluent and absorbing solution for the air sample. The sampling was performed at a flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. Results The detection limit was 10 ?g/L, RSDs were 1.65%-3.68% and the rates of recovery were 91.8%-99.7%. Conclusion This method was proved to be accurate, simple, rapid and the disturbance of the other anion and chlorine ion can be avoided. It is also considered as an ideal method to determine the hydrogen chloride in the air.
8.Determination of VOCs in Indoor Air With Capillary Gas Chromatography of Carbon Disulphide Desorption
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
0.999. Conclusion The precision and accuration of this method can satisfy the determination of VOCs in indoor air, this method is simple, rapid and easy to be popularized also.
9.Evaluation of Uncertainty of Chemical Oxygen Demand Measure in Drinking Water
Chonglin YAO ; Wei TONG ; Dan DU
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Objective To estimate the marginal value of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in drinking water by evaluation of uncertainty. Methods According to Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (JJF1059-1999), analysis of measure uncertainty of the chemical oxygen demand determined by acidic potassium permanganate titrate prescribed in Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water (2001) was conducted. Results The type A relative standard uncertainty was 0.584%, type B was 0.781%, in which the sub-item uncertainty led by using 25 ml burette was 0.708%, the water sample volume was 0.056%, the adjusted potassium permanganate standard solution was 0.325%; the relative combined standard uncertainty was 0.975%, the expanded uncertainty was 1.95%. Conclusion According to the result of the uncertainty (3.08?0.06) mg/L, COD in the polluted sample exceeds the limit, the use of 25 ml burette produced the most contribution to the uncertainty.
10.A New Spot Test Method for Nitrite in Water
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Objective To introduce a rapid spot test method for nitrite in water to meet the urgent need of nitrite monitoring during accidental pollution. Methods According to the drinking water legislation in Europe (threshold: 0.10 mg/L NO2-), a rapid spot test method for nitrite in water was established by using an optimized composition of reagent mixture and a binary positive/negative response, conducted as follows: a tablet of a mixture of solid reagents containing sulfanilamide, N-(1-naphthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride and sodium chloride was put on a spot test plate of Teflon mould, then, a drop of 30%(V/V) HCl and a drop of water sample were added on the reagent material. Results Under these conditions, all the test samples containing ≥0.10 mg/L NO2- can produce a positive response of the characteristic red-purple color, whereas, the samples will produce a negative response when the level of NO2- was below the limit. The results of real water samples determined with this new method were confirmed by using the photometric method based on the use of the same reagents. Conclusion The method is simple, rapid , accurate, and suitable for field monitoring of nitrite in water.