1.Fetal development of the minor lung segment.
Shinichi ABE ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Taku NOGUCHI ; Toshihito YOSHIMOTO ; Hideaki KINOSHITA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):12-17
The mediobasal segment (S7) of the right lung has been considered to correspond to the cardiac lobe generally seen in mammals. To investigate fetal development of the right mediobasal segmental bronchus (B7), we examined paraffin-embedded serial sections of 15 embrynic and fetal lungs at 7-8 weeks (serial sections) as well as semiserial sections of 8 fetuses at 15-18 weeks (semiserial sections). All of the smaller specimens did not contain B7, but 2 of the 8 larger specimens carried B7: one was found in the immediately anterior side of the inferior pulmonary vein, while in the other, the subdivisions (B7a, B7b) were overriding the vein. Although the incidence might be underestimated because of observations using semiserial sections, the B7 was most likely to develop secondarily during a period from 8 to 15 weeks. Fetal topographical changes (mainly, the descent) of the middle lobe and the inferior pulmonary vein might relate with the secondarily budding of B7. The present result does not reduce a clinical relevance of B7 as a segmental bronchus of the lung segment system.
Fetal Development*
Pulmonary Veins
2.Qualitative changes in fetal trabecular meshwork fibers at the human iridocorneal angle.
Fumio HOSAKA ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Hiroshi ABE ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Mineko FUJIMIYA ; Hiroshi OHGURO
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(1):49-56
We examined a series of changes that occur in the trabecular meshwork fibers of human eyes during fetal development at 12-30 weeks of gestation. At 12 and 15 weeks, the uveal meshwork was stained black with silver impregnation (indicating the predominance of collagen types III and IV) in the endomysium of the ciliary muscle. At 20 weeks, in combination with Schlemm's canal, a dense fibrous tissue mass corresponding to the trabecular meshwork anlage appeared and was colored black. The anlage was continuous with the corneal endothelium rather than with the ciliary muscle. Until 25 weeks, the trabecular meshwork was identifiable as fragmented fiber bundles that stained red-black, suggesting a mixture of collagen types I, III, and IV. At 30 weeks, half of the ciliary muscle fibers were inserted into the scleral spur and not into the meshwork. Therefore, any contribution of ciliary muscle contraction to the differentiation of the trabecular meshwork would appear to be limited. We hypothesize that an uneven distribution of mechanical stresses in the area of the cornea-sclera junction causes a tear thereby creating Schlemm's canal and is accompanied by a change in the collagen fiber types comprising the meshwork.
Endothelium, Corneal
Fetal Development
Muscle Contraction
Silver Staining
Stress, Mechanical
Trabecular Meshwork
3.Distribution of elastic fibers in the head and neck: a histological study using late-stage human fetuses.
Hideaki KINOSHITA ; Takashi UMEZAWA ; Yuya OMINE ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shinichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(1):39-48
There is little or no information about the distribution of elastic fibers in the human fetal head. We examined this issue in 15 late-stage fetuses (crown-rump length, 220-320 mm) using aldehyde-fuchsin and elastica-Masson staining, and we used the arterial wall elastic laminae and external ear cartilages as positive staining controls. The posterior pharyngeal wall, as well as the ligaments connecting the laryngeal cartilages, contained abundant elastic fibers. In contrast with the sphenomandibular ligament and the temporomandibular joint disk, in which elastic fibers were partly present, the discomalleolar ligament and the fascial structures around the pterygoid muscles did not have any elastic fibers. In addition, the posterior marginal fascia of the prestyloid space did contain such fibers. Notably, in the middle ear, elastic fibers accumulated along the tendons of the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles and in the joint capsules of the ear ossicle articulations. Elastic fibers were not seen in any other muscle tendons or vertebral facet capsules in the head and neck. Despite being composed of smooth muscle, the orbitalis muscle did not contain any elastic fibers. The elastic fibers in the sphenomandibular ligament seemed to correspond to an intermediate step of development between Meckel's cartilage and the final ligament. Overall, there seemed to be a mini-version of elastic fiber distribution compared to that in adults and a different specific developmental pattern of connective tissues. The latter morphology might be a result of an adaptation to hypoxic conditions during development.
Connective Tissue
Ear Cartilage
Ear Ossicles
Ear, Middle
Elastic Tissue
Joint Capsule
Laryngeal Cartilages
Muscle, Smooth
Pterygoid Muscles
Temporomandibular Joint Disc
Tensor Tympani
4.An anomalous portal vein crossing the lesser sac and ending at the upper part of ductus venosus.
Hee Chul YU ; Ji Hyun KIM ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Baik Hwan CHO
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(3):218-221
In serial sagittal sections of a fetus on week 9 (crown-rump length, 36 mm), we incidentally found absence of the usual portal vein through the hepatoduodenal ligament. Instead, an anomalous portal vein originated behind the pancreatic body, crossed the lesser sac and merged with the upper part of the ductus venosus. During the course across the lesser sac, the vein provided a deep notch of the liver caudate lobe (Spiegel's lobe). The hepatoduodenal ligament contained the hepatic artery, the common bile duct and, at the right posterior margin of the ligament, and a branch of the anomalous portal vein which communicated with the usual right branch of the portal vein at the hepatic hilum. The umbilical portion of the portal vein took a usual morphology and received the umbilical vein and gave off the ductus venosus. Although it seemed not to be described yet, the present anomalous portal vein was likely to be a persistent left vitelline vein. The hepatoduodenal ligament was unlikely to include the left vitelline vein in contrast to the usual concept.
Common Bile Duct
Hepatic Artery
Peritoneal Cavity*
Portal Vein*
Umbilical Veins
5.Upper terminal of the inferior vena cava and development of the heart atriums: a study using human embryos.
Ji Hyun KIM ; Si Eun HWANG ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(4):236-243
In the embryonic heart, the primitive atrium is considered to receive the bilateral sinus horns including the upper terminal of the inferior vena cava (IVC). To reveal topographical anatomy of the embryonic venous pole of the heart, we examined horizontal serial paraffin sections of 15 human embryos with crown-rump length 9-31 mm, corresponding to a gestational age of 6-7 weeks or Carnegie stage 14-16. The IVC was often fixed to the developing right pulmonary vein by a mesentery-like fibrous tissue. Rather than the terminal portion of the future superior vena cava, the IVC contributed to form a right-sided atrial lumen at the stage. The sinus venosus or its left horn communicated with the IVC in earlier specimens, but in later specimens, the left atrium extended caudally to separate the sinus and IVC. In contrast, the right atrium consistently extended far caudally, even below the sinus horn, along the IVC. A small (or large) attachment between the left (or right) atrium and IVC in adult hearts seemed to be derived from the left (or right) sinus valve. This hypothesis did not contradict with the incorporation theory of the sinus valves into the atrial wall. Variations in topographical anatomy around the IVC, especially of the sinus valves, might not always depend on the stages but partly in individual differences.
Crown-Rump Length
Embryonic Structures*
Gestational Age
Heart Atria*
Pulmonary Veins
Vena Cava, Inferior*
Vena Cava, Superior
6.Mesoesophagus and other fascial structures of the abdominal and lower thoracic esophagus: a histological study using human embryos and fetuses.
Si Eun HWANG ; Ji Hyun KIM ; Sang In BAE ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(4):227-235
A term "mesoesophagus" has been often used by surgeons, but the morphology was not described well. To better understand the structures attaching the human abdominal and lower thoracic esophagus to the body wall, we examined serial or semiserial sections from 10 embryos and 9 fetuses. The esophagus was initially embedded in a large posterior mesenchymal tissue, which included the vertebral column and aorta. Below the tracheal bifurcation at the fifth week, the esophagus formed a mesentery-like structure, which we call the "mesoesophagus," that was sculpted by the enlarging lungs and pleural cavity. The pneumatoenteric recess of the pleuroperitoneal canal was observed in the lowest part of the mesoesophagus. At the seventh week, the mesoesophagus was divided into the upper long and lower short parts by the diaphragm. Near the esophageal hiatus, the pleural cavity provided 1 or 2 recesses in the upper side, while the fetal adrenal gland in the left side was attached to the lower side of the mesoesophagus. At the 10th and 18th week, the mesoesophagus remained along the lower thoracic esophagus, but the abdominal esophagus attached to the diaphragm instead of to the left adrenal. The mesoesophagus did not contain any blood vessels from the aorta and to the azygos vein. The posterior attachment of the abdominal esophagus seemed to develop to the major part of the phrenoesophageal membrane with modification from the increased mass of the left fetal adrenal. After postnatal degeneration of the fetal adrenal, the abdominal esophagus might again obtain a mesentery. Consequently, the mesoesophagus seemed to correspond to a small area containing the pulmonary ligament and aorta in adults.
Adrenal Glands
Azygos Vein
Blood Vessels
Embryonic Structures*
Pleural Cavity
7.Fetal anatomy of the upper pharyngeal muscles with special reference to the nerve supply: is it an enteric plexus or simply an intramuscular nerve?.
Shinichi ABE ; Masayuki FUKUDA ; Shigeki YAMANE ; Hideki SAKA ; Yukio KATORI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(2):141-148
We examined pharyngeal nerve courses in paraffin-embedded sagittal sections from 10 human fetuses, at 25-35 weeks of gestation, by using S100 protein immunohistochemical analysis. After diverging from the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves at the level of the hyoid bone, the pharyngeal nerves entered the constrictor pharyngis medius muscle, then turned upward and ran superiorly and medially through the constrictor pharyngis superior muscle, to reach either the levator veli palatini muscle or the palatopharyngeus muscle. None of the nerves showed a tendency to run along the posterior surface of the pharyngeal muscles. Therefore, the pharyngeal nerve plexus in adults may become established by exposure of the fetal intramuscular nerves to the posterior aspect of the pharyngeal wall because of muscle degeneration and the subsequent rearrangement of the topographical relationship between the muscles that occurs after birth.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Hyoid Bone
Pharyngeal Muscles
Vagus Nerve
8.Initial stage of fetal development of the pharyngotympanic tube cartilage with special reference to muscle attachments to the tube.
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(3):185-192
Fetal development of the cartilage of the pharyngotympanic tube (PTT) is characterized by its late start. We examined semiserial histological sections of 20 human fetuses at 14-18 weeks of gestation. As controls, we also observed sections of 5 large fetuses at around 30 weeks. At and around 14 weeks, the tubal cartilage first appeared in the posterior side of the pharyngeal opening of the PTT. The levator veli palatini muscle used a mucosal fold containing the initial cartilage for its downward path to the palate. Moreover, the cartilage is a limited hard attachment for the muscle. Therefore, the PTT and its cartilage seemed to play a critical role in early development of levator veli muscle. In contrast, the cartilage developed so that it extended laterally, along a fascia-like structure that connected with the tensor tympani muscle. This muscle appeared to exert mechanical stress on the initial cartilage. The internal carotid artery was exposed to a loose tissue facing the tubal cartilage. In large fetuses, this loose tissue was occupied by an inferior extension of the temporal bone to cover the artery. This later-developing anterior wall of the carotid canal provided the final bony origin of the levator veli palatini muscle. The tubal cartilage seemed to determine the anterior and inferior margins of the canal. Consequently, the tubal cartilage development seemed to be accelerated by a surrounding muscle, and conversely, the cartilage was likely to determine the other muscular and bony structures.
Carotid Artery, Internal
Eustachian Tube
Fetal Development
Stress, Mechanical
Temporal Bone
Tensor Tympani
9.Reappraisal of intergender differences in the urethral striated sphincter explains why a completely circular arrangement is difficult in females: a histological study using human fetuses.
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(2):79-85
To investigate why the development of a completely circular striated sphincter is so rare, we examined histological sections of 11 female and 11 male mid-term human fetuses. In male fetuses, the striated muscle initially extended in the frontal, rather than in the horizontal plane. However, a knee-like portion was absent in the female fetal urethra because, on the inferior side of the vaginal end, a wide groove for the future vestibule opened inferiorly. Accordingly, it was difficult for the developing striated muscle to surround the groove, even though there was not a great difference in width or thickness between the female vestibule and the male urethra. The development of a completely circular striated sphincter seems to be impossible in females because of interruption of the frontal plane by the groove-like vestibule. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that before descent of the vagina, the urethral striated muscle extends posteriorly.
Muscle, Striated
10.Reappraisal of intergender differences in the urethral striated sphincter explains why a completely circular arrangement is difficult in females: a histological study using human fetuses.
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(2):79-85
To investigate why the development of a completely circular striated sphincter is so rare, we examined histological sections of 11 female and 11 male mid-term human fetuses. In male fetuses, the striated muscle initially extended in the frontal, rather than in the horizontal plane. However, a knee-like portion was absent in the female fetal urethra because, on the inferior side of the vaginal end, a wide groove for the future vestibule opened inferiorly. Accordingly, it was difficult for the developing striated muscle to surround the groove, even though there was not a great difference in width or thickness between the female vestibule and the male urethra. The development of a completely circular striated sphincter seems to be impossible in females because of interruption of the frontal plane by the groove-like vestibule. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that before descent of the vagina, the urethral striated muscle extends posteriorly.
Muscle, Striated