1.Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Jong Chul AHN ; Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(1):94-97
Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a rare affection characterized by fragility of the bones, blue sclerae, and deafness, less frequently by hypermobility of the joints. The etiology is unknown, but it appears to be a mesenchymaldefect. A cases of osteogencesis imperfecta (tarda form) in a 18 yesrs old male is presented with a review of the literatures. The chief complaints were bowing deformity of the all extremites and blue sclera. In this cases, other typical features such as deafness and hypermobility of the joints were not observed. X-ray showed multiple malunited fraeture, of all long bones of extremities except Ieft humerus. For the treatment of bowing deformity of right humerus, multiple corrective osteotomy and intramedullary nailing was performed and the result was good.
Congenital Abnormalities
Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
2.Rentgenographic Analysis of Lumbo-Sacral Spine of the Patients With Low Back Pain
Jong Chul AHN ; Ik Dong KIM ; Joo Choul IHIN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(1):29-33
It has been known that the inducing factors of low back pain are numerous such as songenitaI anormalies, degenerative, traumatic and inflamatory pricess of the spine and its adjacent structures. Despite many relevant literatures upon low back pain, it has been also known that to differentiate causes of low back pain is difficult but very important for treatment. Exclusive of those who had defenite trauma history of spine, 704 cases low back pain in adult, treated at Dept. of Orthopedic surgery Kyungpook University Hospital during recent 3yr & 4 months were reviewed and analyzed by the X-ray findings of lumbar spine. Anterioposterior and Iateral films of lumbar spine were available in each cases but oblique fiIms and myelography was also available as indicated, The results obtained were as follows. 1. The roentgenograms of the spine of 704 cases were reviewed. 494 cases revealed structual changes of the spine. 273 cases were non specific. 2. Of 494 cases reavold structual changes, 273 cases were disease entities, 190 cases were bony abnormalities, and combined cases were 67. 3. Among 273 cases of disease, disc herniation was most common except osteoarthritis(32cases) Tuberculous, spondylolitis, 23cases and pyogenic spondylolitis was 3 cases. 4. Among 257 cases of Bony afnormalities, spina bifida was most common (128 cases). 5. Degenerative changes of the spine was appeared in 3rd. decades (4.8%) and the incidence and severity increased with age. 6. Among 34 cases of multiple abnormalities, 33 cases were combined with spina bifida.
Abnormalities, Multiple
Low Back Pain
Spinal Dysraphism
3.A Case of Pigmented Villonodular Bursitis on Bursa Anserina
Byung Chul PARK ; Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(3):554-556
In 1941, Jaffe, Lichtenstein and Sutro collected a group of similar but variously named synovial lesion of joints, bursae and tendon sheaths and gave them the descriptive title “pigmented villonodular synovitis, bursitis and tenosynovitis”. Since then, numerous reports have appeared which further defined the entity or added series of cases in sufficient number to indicate that the lesion is not uncommon. We have experienced a rare case of pigmented villonodular bursitis on bursa anserina. The patient, who were 36 year old, female, has been complained of painful soft swelling on bursa anserina area of right knee for one year. The excisional biopsy on the affected bursa confirmed the diagnosis.
4.Clinical study of injuries of medial collateral ligament of the knee joint
Byung Chul PARK ; Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(3):547-553
The Knee joint is one of most susceptible joints to ligamentous injuries and its incidence has tendency to increase in frequency year by year. In 1938, Palmers monograph pointed out the essential pathological features of acute ligamentous injuries to the knee, and, since then, treatment of these conditions has undergone evolution from an almost completely conservative approach to one in which it is considered essential to undertake primary repair of major ruptures within 10 to 14 days at least. The aim of surgical apporoach is to restore the ligaments to their previous anatomic position and tension. Many authors have made significant contributions to anatomy, mechanism of injury, a method of diagnosis and surgical repair and rehabilitation. The authors have reported a clinical study in 33 patients with ligamentous injuries of medial collateral ligament of the knee, who were treated by surgical repair during the past 5 years from Jan. 1971 to Dec. 1975. and results are as follows. 1. Peak of age incidence was in 3rd decade, and male was more predominant. 2. Traffic accident was most common cause. 3. Among 33 cases of ligamentous injuries of medial side, rupture of medial collateral lig. alone was 12 cases, and combined injury with cruciate ligament or meniscus were 21 cases. 4. As to site of rupture of medial collateral lig. femoral attchment was most common as 14 cases. 5. The results of those cases of which surgical repair have been performed within 2 weeks after injury were better than those cases of delayed surgical repair.
Accidents, Traffic
Clinical Study
Collateral Ligaments
Knee Joint
5.Clinical Observation on Displaced Proximal Humeral fracture
Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN ; Yong Chul PARK
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1977;12(2):171-178
The purpose of this study was to analyse th results of closed, and open reductions of displaced proximal humeral fractures, and to evaluate the technical aspects of thtreatment of the ese fractures. Forty six cases of these fractures, followed for from six months to five years, were presented. 1) The age of the patients ranged from thirty to forty years, and the distribution was almost equal. 2) The majority of these fractures were caused by traffic accidents. 3) The fractures were classified according to Neers method. The majority of the cases were 2-part fratsures, rating 52%, while 4-part fractures rated 2. 3%.4) The cases with 1-part and 2-part fractures were generally treated by conservative methods and open reductions were performed only in cases wilh 3-part or 4-part fractures and in a few unsuccessful closed reduction cases of 2-part fracture. 5) The results of these patients were rated by the Neers numerical system. Of forty six cases, thirty eight had exellent results, five, good results, and three, poor results.
Accidents, Traffic
Shoulder Fractures
6.Hypertrophy of an Extremity Associated with Neurofibromatosis of the Sural Nerve: Report of one case
Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN ; Yong Chul PARK
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1977;12(3):513-516
Overgrowth and hypertrophy of one or more extremities is an infrequentIy encountered congenital or acguired anomaly, It is referred to in the literature by different authors as local gigantism, hypertrophy etc. The etiology remains unexplained and the condition is only seldom found to be familiar. Hypertrophy of left lower extremity associated with neurofibromatosis of the sural nerve in the calf, in a 8 years old school boy, is presented with a review of the literature. Chief complaints were enlargement of left lower leg and limping gait since 5 years old. There was no change in sensory and motor function of the involved leg. X-ray films showed enlargement of tibia and fibula and diffuse hypertrophied soft tissue shadow in the left leg. One case of local excision of hypertrophied sural nerve and subcutaneous fat tissues was presented.
Lower Extremity
Subcutaneous Fat
Sural Nerve
X-Ray Film
7.A Case of Hereditary Multiple Osteochondromatosis
Byung Chul PARK ; Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN ; Jae Yule BAN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1982;17(5):1005-1010
The hereditary multiple osteochondromatosis is a hereditary disorder characterized by gradual development of numerous osteocartilagenous masses from the metaphyseal region of long bones. The abnormality is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and its etiology is unknown but many theories of pathogenesis have been advanced. Four members of a family with hereditary multiple osteochondromatosis who are much shorter in height are presented with a brief review of literatures.
Exostoses, Multiple Hereditary
8.Clinical Use of Porcine Xenograft for Traumatic Open Wound
Byung Chul PARK ; Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN ; Jong Kuk KWON
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1982;17(6):1055-1061
The extensive traumatic wound has posed a serious problem to the surgeon. Various drugs and dressing methods have been used for this kind of wound but there has been no ideal method. The pigskin xenograft was used initially for the treatment of burn wound. The salutary effect of porcine xenograft are the stimulation of growth of healthy granulation tissue, as well as epithelial borders, inhibition of bacterial growth and pain relief. We have performed porcine xenograft in 20 cases having extensive traumatic wound with skin defect from January 1981 to February 1982. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Protect large open wound until autograft are available. 2. Alleviate pain in the wound. 3. Promote granulation tissue growth which is needed for early autograft. 4. Protect the exposed wound areas (bone and tendon) from infection. 5. The healing time of the wound depended upon the severity and the state of underlying tissue in the wound rather than wound size.
Granulation Tissue
Wounds and Injuries
9.Treatment Using Unreamed Intreamedullary Nailing for Closed and Open Tibial Fractures.
Chang Wug OH ; Joo Choul IHIN ; Byung Chul PARK ; Hee Soo KYUNG ; Jun Dae KWUN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1999;34(5):825-830
PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the treatment results according to bone union, union time, and complications, including infection of unreamed nailing of tibial fractures between closed and open fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed 64 tibial shaft fractures that were treated with unreamed tibial nail. These included 42 closed fractures and 22 open fractures. RESULTS: Average union time of closed fractures was 19.8 weeks and that of open fractures was 20.2 weeks, nonunion rate were 4/42 and 3/22 in closed and open fractures. Average union time were 19.2, 20.4, 21.3 weeks in open grade I, II, llla fractures. According to the type of fractures, average union time were 18.5, 20.2, 24.6 weeks and nonunion rate were 2/29, 3/26, 2/9 in type A, B, C fractures. According to the level of fractures, average union time were 20.0, 20.3, 19.4 weeks and nonunion rate were 1/5, 4/37, 2/22 in proximal, middle, and distal fractures. There was no significant differences in average period of radiologic union, infection rate and nonunion rate between closed and open fracture group, but longer union time and higher nonunion rate in complex and comminuted fractures (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We consider unreamed intramedullary nailing in the tibial shaft fractures as a good treatment modality for closed and open grade I, II, IIIa fractures
Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Fractures, Closed
Fractures, Comminuted
Fractures, Open
Tibial Fractures*
10.A Familial Osteopetrosis
Ik Dong KIM ; Soo Young LEE ; Joo Chul IHIN ; Yong Hhyun PAIK
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(3):483-488
Osteopetrosis is a very rare bone dysplasia characterized by failure of resorption and persistence of calcified chondroid and primitive bone. We have experienced: a familial osteopetrosis, father and three siblings out of seven, which was thought to be a autosonal dominant inheritance. One of those family, 18 years old body, has been complained of low back pain without radiating pain to the lower extremities. No other clinical symptoms has manifested. The other 3 patients has not been complained of any clinical symptom, but X-Ray examination of the entire skeletal survey of those members of the family have revealed the uniform opacity of long bones and flat bones. The normal architecture was altered, with no distinction between cortical and cancellous bone in all long bones. Histologic picture have noted the irregular patches of immature chondro-osseous tissue embedded in the matrix of coarse fiber bone with a wide and prominent cement line.
Bone Diseases, Developmental
Low Back Pain
Lower Extremity