1.An Ultrastructural Morphometric study of Follicular Center Lymphocytes of the palatine Tonsil: Reinvestigation of the Lukes-Collins' Classification of Malignant lymphoma.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(5):493-505
The model of lymphocyte differentiation described for Lukes-Collins' classification of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is related particularly to morphological alterations of nuclei of follicular center lymphocytes by antigenic stimulation. The authors carried out ultrastructural and morphometric studies to investigate morphological alterations during lymphocyte transformation on the nuclear profiles of follicular center, parafollicular and mantle zone lymphocytes in ten tonsillectomy cases of chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis. The nuclear parameters measured included nuclear area, contour index, frequency invagination and cleft, depth of invagination and nuclear diameters. Follicular centers contained a mixed population of lymphocytes consisting of untransformed (type 1), partially transformed (type 2) and fully transformed (type 3) lymphocytes. During lymphocyte transformation in both follicular, and parafollicular and mantle zones, the nuclei had a gradual and progressive increase in size. The nuclear contour index of type 2 nuclei of both follicular and parafollicular and mantle zones tended to be higher than those of type 1 and 3, indicating a greater degree of irregularity and variability of nuclear profiles. Invaginated and cleaved lymphocytes were not confined to me transformed lymphocytes. A considerable portion of lymphocytes had invaginations and clefts in parafollicular and mantle zone as well as follicular center. No difference on the depth of invagination was noted in type 1, type 2 and type 3 lymphocytes. The results indicate that some promise of the Lukes-Collins conepts of follicular center cells and the process of lymphocyte transformation in follicular centers may be necessary to revise
2.The Role of Ito Cell in Hepatic Fibrosis after Common Bile Duct Ligation: inhibitory role of vitamin A in Ito cell.
Kyung Hee PARK ; Sang Han LEE ; Jong Min CHAE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1995;29(1):1-9
The purpose of this study was to investigate the inhibitory role of vitamin A with respect to activation of Ito cells in fibrosis of the rat liver induced by common bile duct ligation(CBDL). The liver was examined by immunohistochemical staining for a-smooth muscle actin,the known marker of activated Ito cells, and light and electron microscopy after CBDL andCBDL with intraperitoneal injection of retinoic acid (Sigma, USA) 1 mg/Kg in 3 times per week. The results were sumrrlerized as follows: After CBDL, the bile ductules were markedly proliferated in the periportal areas extending toterminal hepatic veins. Interstitial fibrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration appeared, however,cholestasis was minimal. Retinoic acid treatment with CBDL decreased bile ductular proliferationand interstitial fibrosis compared to CBDL only. After CBDL, proliferated and activated Ito ceIs showing positive reaction in smooth muscle actin were present in the periductular andperisinusoidal areas, and areas of increased interstitial fibrosis. Activated ito cells weredecreased in number after CBDL with vitamin A treatment. Electron microscopically,intracytoplasmic fat droplets and the cytoplasmic processes of Ito cells were decreased afterCBDL. Myofibroblasts were frequently appeared in the interstitial fibrosis after CBDL. But,intracytoplasmic fat droplets of Ito cells were well preserved, and myofibroblasts were found lessfrequently after CBDL with vitamin A treatment. The results suggest that vitamin A plays an inbitory role in the activation and fibrogenesis ofIto cells after CBDL.
4.An experimental study for standardization of F wave in motor nerve conduction.
Tai Ryoon HAN ; Sun Gun CHUNG ; Jong Min LEE
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1991;15(3):323-333
No abstract available.
Neural Conduction*
5.Computed tomography in the staging of esophageal carcinoma
Kyung Min HAN ; Jong Tae LEE ; Hyung Sik YOO
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1986;22(5):801-808
CT was found to be highly accurate in predicting tumor size and assessing invasion of the surroundingstructures and distant metastasis. Also CT played an important role for determination of operability of esophagealcarcinoma. The CT findings with barium esophagogram in 21 patients with histologically proven esophageal carciomawere reviewed from Feb. 1985 to Feb. 1986 at the department of Radiology, Yonsei University ,College of Medicine.The results were as follows: 1. Number of patients in each stages were: 2 in stage 1, 6 in stage 2, 4 in stage 3,and 9 in stage 4. 2. Peak age distribution was in its 6th decasedes as 9 patiens (42.9%). Overall mean age was 60.8 years. Number of male patients were 19 and 2 of female. 3. Histologic types of esohageal carcinoma were 19cases of epidermoid (90.5%) and 2 cases of adenocarcinoma(9.5%). 4. The tumor location was 1 case in upper, 14cases(66.7%) in middle and 6 cases in lower one-third. 5. Various types of esophageal carcinoma were as follows: 3cases of fungating, 4 cases of infiltrating, 5 cases of ulcerofungating, and 9 cases of ulceroinfiltrating type.6. Average length of involvement in each stages were 4cm in stage 1, 5.5cm in stage 2, 8.8cm in stage 3, and 8.3cmin stage 4. The involved length was longer in advanced cases. In 11 cases(52.4%), the involved length was between4 and 8cm. 7. Angle of periaortic fat plane obliteration of the aortic circumference were as follows: Below 45degrees( 7 cases 33.3%), 45degrees-90degrees (3 cases 14.3%), over 90 degrees(11 cases, 52.4%). 8. Method oftreatment of esophageal carcinoma were as follows: Only radiotherapy in 11 cases(52.4%), radiotherapy withoperation in 5 cases, only operation in 1 cases, and no treatment in 4 cases. 9. Distant metastatic sites were:brain in 1, pericardium in 5, liver in 5, trachea in 2, bronchus in 9, and distant lymph node in 5 cases.
Age Distribution
Lymph Nodes
Neoplasm Metastasis
6.A Case of Pearly Penile Papules.
Jong Hoon SHIN ; Kwang Soo HAN ; Ho Gyun LEE ; Jong Min KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1998;36(6):1122-1124
Pearly penile papules are small, smooth, dome-shaped, grayish to skin-colored papules, that are arranged in one or several rows. These are commonly located circumferentially on the corona and sulcus of the glans penis. A 36-year-old male patient had had asymptomatic numerous pearly smooth 1 * 1mm -sized dome-shaped papules for several months. A Histopathological examination revealed an increased number of fibroblasts on the papillary dermis, vascular proliferation and a mild lymphocytic infiltration. We diagnosed the condition as pearly penile papules. No treatment other than reassurance was given. We report, herein, a case of pearly penile papules.
7.A Case of Nerve Cheath Myxoma.
Kwang Soo HAN ; Jong Hun SHIN ; Ho Gyun LEE ; Jong Min KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2000;38(5):694-697
No Abstract Available.
8.Serial Change of the Bone Density in Distraction Osteogenesis in Long Bone Lengthening in Lower Extremity - by the Pixel Value in PACS.
Jong Sup SHIM ; Won Hwan OH ; Jai Gon SEO ; Min Jong PARK ; Kye Young HAN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(3):575-582
We investigate the serial change of the bone density of the lengthening sites in distraction osteogenesis in long bone lengthening of the lower extremity by measuring the pixel value of the PACS(Picture Archiving Communication System). The purpose of this study was to find the clinical implication of the pixel value in PACS in the distraction osteogenesis. The number of the distraction sites were 22 in tibia and 16 in femur. The average distraction length was 4.5cm ranged between 2.1cm and 7.0cm in femur, 4.1cm ranged hetween 1.9cm and 6.8cm in tibia. When the image were sent to the PACS workstations, they were directly interfaced to the workstation without any processing. The absolute and the relati ve pixel values of cortical bones of the original and the lengthening sites repr sented in workstation of PACS were obtained by average value measuring 3 times by 3 different persons. The average absoiute pixel value of the original cortical bone near distraction site was not significantly changed, maintaining 575+/-6 in femur, and 570+/-7 in tibia. The absolute pixel vaIues in AP and lateral view were not significantly changed until 6 week/cm, but rapidly increased after 7 week/cm hoth in the tibia and the femur. The relative pixel value of the lengthening sites were more than 95% in three of the four cortices at the time of the removal of the external fixators. in conclusion, the pixel value of the PACS can be a rapid, simple and easy method for detection of the change of the bone density in distraction osteogenesis.
Bone Density*
Bone Lengthening*
External Fixators
Lower Extremity*
Osteogenesis, Distraction*
9.Periareolar Reductioon Mammoplasty: Inferior Dermal Pedicle VS. Central Parenchymal Pedicle-Experiences of 60 patients.
Sang Jae NAM ; Sang Min LEE ; Jong Han CHO ; Sang Hoon HAN
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1999;26(4):550-555
After the introduction of the central parenchymal pedicle by Hester(1985) and the round-block technique by Benelli (1988), several variations of periareolar reduction mammoplasty have been used by many authors. Periareolar reduction mammoplasty is a less aggressive procedure than traditional techniques and it produces less conspicuous periareolar scars while maintaining an acceptable overall result. We experienced 120 cases (60 patients) of periareolar reduction mammoplasty during the period from May 1994 to February 1998. We present the analysis of 60 cases of periareolar reduction mammoplasty. Periareolar reduction mammoplasty utilizing central parenchymal pedicle was performed in the first 40 patients, while a procedure utilizing the inferior dermal pedicle was done in the next 20 cases consecutively. The range of follow-up was from 1 to 5 years. Complications such as nipple areolar complex necrosis and sensory changes were reduced when the inferior dermal pedicle used. There were 5 cases of nipple areolar complex necrosis and sensory changes were reduced when the inferior dermal pedicle used. There were 5 cases of nipple areolar complex necrosis (6.2%), including 1 case of near total necrosis in cases utilizing the central parenchymal pedicle. But in the technique using inferior dermal pedicle, there was no skin flap necrosis. The central parenchymal pedicle technique has several advantages such as a wide operation field permitting complete breast contouring and better mobility of the remaining breast tissue. However, inferior dermal pedicle technique has relative superiority over central parenchymal pedicle technique in terms of anatomical rationale, as well as in the rate of complications without causing limitations in breast mobility for contouring. Such complications as nipple areolar complex necrosis, skin flap necrosis and sensory change of nipple were reduced when the inferior dermal pedicle technique was used. It is much easier to preserve the 4th intercostal nerve to the nipple anatomically. Periareolar reduction mammoplasty utilizing the inferior dermal pedicle is thought to be a reliable, reproducible method.
Follow-Up Studies
Intercostal Nerves
10.Lipoma of the Heart: An Autopsy case report.
Min Hee JUNG ; Suk Hee LEE ; Sang Han LEE ; Jong Min CHAE ; Jung Sik KWAK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(8):746-748
Lipomas of the heart are benign neoplasms and have rarely been described. Due to the fact that they normally cause no symptoms, diagnosis is often purely accidental. Because of the rarity of these tumors, it seems worthwhile to present an example studied at autopsy. It was associated with the sudden death of a 15-year-old boy. The tumor arose from the wall of the left ventricle and occupied the pericardial cavity, measuring 13x7x6 cm in size. The tumor was whitish-yellow, translucent, and soft. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of mature adipose tissue which extended between muscle fibers. This current case, the giant cardiac lipoma is believed to produce disturbances of the conduction system and distrubances of cardiac filling.