3.The "weekend effect" does not impact on outcome of trauma laparotomy - Experience from a level 1 trauma centre in New Zealand.
Jonathan KO ; Victor KONG ; Janet AMEY ; Damien Ah YEN ; Damian CLARKE ; Grant CHRISTEY
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2023;26(2):73-76
Trauma centres have been proven to provide better outcomes in developed countries for overall trauma, but there is limited literature on the systematic factors that describe any discrepancies in outcomes for trauma laparotomies in these centres. This study was conducted to examine and interrogate the effect of systematic factors on patients undergoing a trauma laparotomy in a developed country, intending to identify potential discrepancies in the outcome.
This was a retrospective study of all laparotomies performed for trauma at a level 1 trauma centre in New Zealand. All adult patients who had undergone an index laparotomy for trauma between February 2012 and November 2020 were identified and laparotomies for both blunt and penetrating trauma were included. Repeat laparotomies and trauma laparotomies in children were excluded. The primary clinical outcomes reviewed included morbidity, length of hospital stay, and mortality. All statistical analysis was performed using R v.4.0.3.
During the 9-year study period, 204 trauma laparotomies were performed at Waikato hospital. The majority (83.3%) were performed during office hours (170/204), and the remaining 16.7% were performed after hours (34/204). And 61.3% were performed on a weekday (125/204), whilst 38.7% were performed on the weekend/public holiday (79/204). Most of the parameters in office hours and after hours groups had no statistically significant difference, except lactate (p = 0.026). Most of the variables in weekday and weekend groups had no statistically significant difference, except pH, lactate, length of stay, and gastrointestinal complications (p = 0.012, p < 0.001, p = 0.003, p = 0.020, respectively).
The current trauma system at Waikato hospital is capable of delivering care for trauma laparotomy patients with the same outcome regardless of working hours or after hours, weekday or weekend. This confirms the importance of a robust trauma system capable of responding to the sudden demands placed on it.
Trauma Centers
Retrospective Studies
New Zealand/epidemiology*
Lactic Acid
Abdominal Injuries/surgery*
4.Male Oxidative Stress Infertility (MOSI): Proposed Terminology and Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Male Infertility
Ashok AGARWAL ; Neel PAREKH ; Manesh Kumar PANNER SELVAM ; Ralf HENKEL ; Rupin SHAH ; Sheryl T HOMA ; Ranjith RAMASAMY ; Edmund KO ; Kelton TREMELLEN ; Sandro ESTEVES ; Ahmad MAJZOUB ; Juan G ALVAREZ ; David K GARDNER ; Channa N JAYASENA ; Jonathan W RAMSAY ; Chak Lam CHO ; Ramadan SALEH ; Denny SAKKAS ; James M HOTALING ; Scott D LUNDY ; Sarah VIJ ; Joel MARMAR ; Jaime GOSALVEZ ; Edmund SABANEGH ; Hyun Jun PARK ; Armand ZINI ; Parviz KAVOUSSI ; Sava MICIC ; Ryan SMITH ; Gian Maria BUSETTO ; Mustafa Emre BAKIRCIOĞLU ; Gerhard HAIDL ; Giancarlo BALERCIA ; Nicolás Garrido PUCHALT ; Moncef BEN-KHALIFA ; Nicholas TADROS ; Jackson KIRKMAN-BROWNE ; Sergey MOSKOVTSEV ; Xuefeng HUANG ; Edson BORGES ; Daniel FRANKEN ; Natan BAR-CHAMA ; Yoshiharu MORIMOTO ; Kazuhisa TOMITA ; Vasan Satya SRINI ; Willem OMBELET ; Elisabetta BALDI ; Monica MURATORI ; Yasushi YUMURA ; Sandro LA VIGNERA ; Raghavender KOSGI ; Marlon P MARTINEZ ; Donald P EVENSON ; Daniel Suslik ZYLBERSZTEJN ; Matheus ROQUE ; Marcello COCUZZA ; Marcelo VIEIRA ; Assaf BEN-MEIR ; Raoul ORVIETO ; Eliahu LEVITAS ; Amir WISER ; Mohamed ARAFA ; Vineet MALHOTRA ; Sijo Joseph PAREKATTIL ; Haitham ELBARDISI ; Luiz CARVALHO ; Rima DADA ; Christophe SIFER ; Pankaj TALWAR ; Ahmet GUDELOGLU ; Ahmed M A MAHMOUD ; Khaled TERRAS ; Chadi YAZBECK ; Bojanic NEBOJSA ; Damayanthi DURAIRAJANAYAGAM ; Ajina MOUNIR ; Linda G KAHN ; Saradha BASKARAN ; Rishma Dhillon PAI ; Donatella PAOLI ; Kristian LEISEGANG ; Mohamed Reza MOEIN ; Sonia MALIK ; Onder YAMAN ; Luna SAMANTA ; Fouad BAYANE ; Sunil K JINDAL ; Muammer KENDIRCI ; Baris ALTAY ; Dragoljub PEROVIC ; Avi HARLEV
The World Journal of Men's Health 2019;37(3):296-312
Despite advances in the field of male reproductive health, idiopathic male infertility, in which a man has altered semen characteristics without an identifiable cause and there is no female factor infertility, remains a challenging condition to diagnose and manage. Increasing evidence suggests that oxidative stress (OS) plays an independent role in the etiology of male infertility, with 30% to 80% of infertile men having elevated seminal reactive oxygen species levels. OS can negatively affect fertility via a number of pathways, including interference with capacitation and possible damage to sperm membrane and DNA, which may impair the sperm's potential to fertilize an egg and develop into a healthy embryo. Adequate evaluation of male reproductive potential should therefore include an assessment of sperm OS. We propose the term Male Oxidative Stress Infertility, or MOSI, as a novel descriptor for infertile men with abnormal semen characteristics and OS, including many patients who were previously classified as having idiopathic male infertility. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) can be a useful clinical biomarker for the classification of MOSI, as it takes into account the levels of both oxidants and reductants (antioxidants). Current treatment protocols for OS, including the use of antioxidants, are not evidence-based and have the potential for complications and increased healthcare-related expenditures. Utilizing an easy, reproducible, and cost-effective test to measure ORP may provide a more targeted, reliable approach for administering antioxidant therapy while minimizing the risk of antioxidant overdose. With the increasing awareness and understanding of MOSI as a distinct male infertility diagnosis, future research endeavors can facilitate the development of evidence-based treatments that target its underlying cause.
Clinical Protocols
Embryonic Structures
Health Expenditures
Infertility, Male
Oxidative Stress
Reactive Oxygen Species
Reducing Agents
Reproductive Health
Subject Headings
5.Consensus and Diversity in the Management of Varicocele for Male Infertility: Results of a Global Practice Survey and Comparison with Guidelines and Recommendations
Rupin SHAH ; Ashok AGARWAL ; Parviz KAVOUSSI ; Amarnath RAMBHATLA ; Ramadan SALEH ; Rossella CANNARELLA ; Ahmed M. HARRAZ ; Florence BOITRELLE ; Shinnosuke KURODA ; Taha Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid HAMODA ; Armand ZINI ; Edmund KO ; Gokhan CALIK ; Tuncay TOPRAK ; Hussein KANDIL ; Murat GÜL ; Mustafa Emre BAKIRCIOĞLU ; Neel PAREKH ; Giorgio Ivan RUSSO ; Nicholas TADROS ; Ates KADIOGLU ; Mohamed ARAFA ; Eric CHUNG ; Osvaldo RAJMIL ; Fotios DIMITRIADIS ; Vineet MALHOTRA ; Gianmaria SALVIO ; Ralf HENKEL ; Tan V. LE ; Emrullah SOGUTDELEN ; Sarah VIJ ; Abdullah ALARBID ; Ahmet GUDELOGLU ; Akira TSUJIMURA ; Aldo E. CALOGERO ; Amr El MELIEGY ; Andrea CRAFA ; Arif KALKANLI ; Aykut BASER ; Berk HAZIR ; Carlo GIULIONI ; Chak-Lam CHO ; Christopher C.K. HO ; Ciro SALZANO ; Daniel Suslik ZYLBERSZTEJN ; Dung Mai Ba TIEN ; Edoardo PESCATORI ; Edson BORGES ; Ege Can SEREFOGLU ; Emine SAÏS-HAMZA ; Eric HUYGHE ; Erman CEYHAN ; Ettore CAROPPO ; Fabrizio CASTIGLIONI ; Fahmi BAHAR ; Fatih GOKALP ; Francesco LOMBARDO ; Franco GADDA ; Gede Wirya Kusuma DUARSA ; Germar-Michael PINGGERA ; Gian Maria BUSETTO ; Giancarlo BALERCIA ; Gianmartin CITO ; Gideon BLECHER ; Giorgio FRANCO ; Giovanni LIGUORI ; Haitham ELBARDISI ; Hakan KESKIN ; Haocheng LIN ; Hisanori TANIGUCHI ; Hyun Jun PARK ; Imad ZIOUZIOU ; Jean de la ROSETTE ; Jim HOTALING ; Jonathan RAMSAY ; Juan Manuel Corral MOLINA ; Ka Lun LO ; Kadir BOCU ; Kareim KHALAFALLA ; Kasonde BOWA ; Keisuke OKADA ; Koichi NAGAO ; Koji CHIBA ; Lukman HAKIM ; Konstantinos MAKAROUNIS ; Marah HEHEMANN ; Marcelo Rodriguez PEÑA ; Marco FALCONE ; Marion BENDAYAN ; Marlon MARTINEZ ; Massimiliano TIMPANO
The World Journal of Men's Health 2023;41(1):164-197
Varicocele is a common problem among infertile men. Varicocele repair (VR) is frequently performed to improve semen parameters and the chances of pregnancy. However, there is a lack of consensus about the diagnosis, indications for VR and its outcomes. The aim of this study was to explore global practice patterns on the management of varicocele in the context of male infertility.
Materials and Methods:
Sixty practicing urologists/andrologists from 23 countries contributed 382 multiple-choice-questions pertaining to varicocele management. These were condensed into an online questionnaire that was forwarded to clinicians involved in male infertility management through direct invitation. The results were analyzed for disagreement and agreement in practice patterns and, compared with the latest guidelines of international professional societies (American Urological Association [AUA], American Society for Reproductive Medicine [ASRM], and European Association of Urology [EAU]), and with evidence emerging from recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Additionally, an expert opinion on each topic was provided based on the consensus of 16 experts in the field.
The questionnaire was answered by 574 clinicians from 59 countries. The majority of respondents were urologists/ uro-andrologists. A wide diversity of opinion was seen in every aspect of varicocele diagnosis, indications for repair, choice of technique, management of sub-clinical varicocele and the role of VR in azoospermia. A significant proportion of the responses were at odds with the recommendations of AUA, ASRM, and EAU. A large number of clinical situations were identified where no guidelines are available.
This study is the largest global survey performed to date on the clinical management of varicocele for male infertility. It demonstrates: 1) a wide disagreement in the approach to varicocele management, 2) large gaps in the clinical practice guidelines from professional societies, and 3) the need for further studies on several aspects of varicocele management in infertile men.