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Author:(Johannes GOLLMER)

1.Established and Emerging Mechanisms of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

Johannes GOLLMER ; Andreas ZIRLIK ; Heiko BUGGER

Journal of Lipid and Atherosclerosis 2019;8(1):26-47

2.Mitochondrial Mechanisms in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

Johannes GOLLMER ; Andreas ZIRLIK ; Heiko BUGGER

Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 2020;44(1):33-53

3.Effects of Short Term Adiponectin Receptor Agonism on Cardiac Function and Energetics in Diabetic db/db Mice

Aleksandre TARKHNISHVILI ; Christoph KOENTGES ; Katharina PFEIL ; Johannes GOLLMER ; Nikole J BYRNE ; Ivan VOSKO ; Julia LUEG ; Laura VOGELBACHER ; Stephan BIRKLE ; Sibai TANG ; Timothy Bon-Nawul MWINYELLA ; Michael M HOFFMANN ; Katja E ODENING ; Nathaly Anto MICHEL ; Dennis WOLF ; Peter STACHON ; Ingo HILGENDORF ; Markus WALLNER ; Senka LJUBOJEVIC-HOLZER ; Dirk von LEWINSKI ; Peter RAINER ; Simon SEDEJ ; Harald SOURIJ ; Christoph BODE ; Andreas ZIRLIK ; Heiko BUGGER

Journal of Lipid and Atherosclerosis 2022;11(2):161-177

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