1.Generation of Astrocyte-specific BEST1 Conditional Knockout Mouse with Reduced Tonic GABA Inhibition in the Brain
Jinhyeong JOO ; Ki Jung KIM ; Jiwoon LIM ; Sun Yeong CHOI ; Wuhyun KOH ; C. Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2024;33(4):180-192
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) is a Ca2+ -activated anion channel known for its role in astrocytes. Best1 is permeable to gliotransmitters, including GABA, to contribute to tonic GABA inhibition and modulate synaptic transmission in neighboring neurons. Despite the crucial functions of astrocytic BEST1, there is an absence of genetically engineered cell-type specific conditional mouse models addressing these roles. In this study, we developed an astrocyte-specific BEST1 conditional knock-out (BEST1 aKO) mouse line. Using the embryonic stem cell (ES cell) targeting method, we developed Best1 floxed mice (C57BL/6JCya-Best1em1flox /Cya), which have exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Best1 flanked by two loxP sites. By crossing with hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, we generated Best1 floxed/hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, which allowed for the tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Best1 under the human GFAP promoter. We characterized its features across various brain regions, including the striatum, hippocampal dentate gyrus (HpDG), and Parafascicular thalamic nucleus (Pf). Compared to the Cre-negative control, we observed significantly reduced BEST1 protein expression in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and tonic GABA inhibition in patch clamp recordings. The reduction in tonic GABA inhibition was 66.7% in the striatum, 46.4% in the HpDG, and 49.6% in the Pf. Our findings demonstrate that the BEST1 channel in astrocytes significantly contributes to tonic inhibition in the local brain areas. These mice will be valuable for future studies not only on tonic GABA release but also on tonic release of gliotransmitters mediated by astrocytic BEST1.
2.Generation of Astrocyte-specific BEST1 Conditional Knockout Mouse with Reduced Tonic GABA Inhibition in the Brain
Jinhyeong JOO ; Ki Jung KIM ; Jiwoon LIM ; Sun Yeong CHOI ; Wuhyun KOH ; C. Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2024;33(4):180-192
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) is a Ca2+ -activated anion channel known for its role in astrocytes. Best1 is permeable to gliotransmitters, including GABA, to contribute to tonic GABA inhibition and modulate synaptic transmission in neighboring neurons. Despite the crucial functions of astrocytic BEST1, there is an absence of genetically engineered cell-type specific conditional mouse models addressing these roles. In this study, we developed an astrocyte-specific BEST1 conditional knock-out (BEST1 aKO) mouse line. Using the embryonic stem cell (ES cell) targeting method, we developed Best1 floxed mice (C57BL/6JCya-Best1em1flox /Cya), which have exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Best1 flanked by two loxP sites. By crossing with hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, we generated Best1 floxed/hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, which allowed for the tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Best1 under the human GFAP promoter. We characterized its features across various brain regions, including the striatum, hippocampal dentate gyrus (HpDG), and Parafascicular thalamic nucleus (Pf). Compared to the Cre-negative control, we observed significantly reduced BEST1 protein expression in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and tonic GABA inhibition in patch clamp recordings. The reduction in tonic GABA inhibition was 66.7% in the striatum, 46.4% in the HpDG, and 49.6% in the Pf. Our findings demonstrate that the BEST1 channel in astrocytes significantly contributes to tonic inhibition in the local brain areas. These mice will be valuable for future studies not only on tonic GABA release but also on tonic release of gliotransmitters mediated by astrocytic BEST1.
3.Generation of Astrocyte-specific BEST1 Conditional Knockout Mouse with Reduced Tonic GABA Inhibition in the Brain
Jinhyeong JOO ; Ki Jung KIM ; Jiwoon LIM ; Sun Yeong CHOI ; Wuhyun KOH ; C. Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2024;33(4):180-192
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) is a Ca2+ -activated anion channel known for its role in astrocytes. Best1 is permeable to gliotransmitters, including GABA, to contribute to tonic GABA inhibition and modulate synaptic transmission in neighboring neurons. Despite the crucial functions of astrocytic BEST1, there is an absence of genetically engineered cell-type specific conditional mouse models addressing these roles. In this study, we developed an astrocyte-specific BEST1 conditional knock-out (BEST1 aKO) mouse line. Using the embryonic stem cell (ES cell) targeting method, we developed Best1 floxed mice (C57BL/6JCya-Best1em1flox /Cya), which have exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Best1 flanked by two loxP sites. By crossing with hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, we generated Best1 floxed/hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, which allowed for the tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Best1 under the human GFAP promoter. We characterized its features across various brain regions, including the striatum, hippocampal dentate gyrus (HpDG), and Parafascicular thalamic nucleus (Pf). Compared to the Cre-negative control, we observed significantly reduced BEST1 protein expression in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and tonic GABA inhibition in patch clamp recordings. The reduction in tonic GABA inhibition was 66.7% in the striatum, 46.4% in the HpDG, and 49.6% in the Pf. Our findings demonstrate that the BEST1 channel in astrocytes significantly contributes to tonic inhibition in the local brain areas. These mice will be valuable for future studies not only on tonic GABA release but also on tonic release of gliotransmitters mediated by astrocytic BEST1.
4.Generation of Astrocyte-specific BEST1 Conditional Knockout Mouse with Reduced Tonic GABA Inhibition in the Brain
Jinhyeong JOO ; Ki Jung KIM ; Jiwoon LIM ; Sun Yeong CHOI ; Wuhyun KOH ; C. Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2024;33(4):180-192
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) is a Ca2+ -activated anion channel known for its role in astrocytes. Best1 is permeable to gliotransmitters, including GABA, to contribute to tonic GABA inhibition and modulate synaptic transmission in neighboring neurons. Despite the crucial functions of astrocytic BEST1, there is an absence of genetically engineered cell-type specific conditional mouse models addressing these roles. In this study, we developed an astrocyte-specific BEST1 conditional knock-out (BEST1 aKO) mouse line. Using the embryonic stem cell (ES cell) targeting method, we developed Best1 floxed mice (C57BL/6JCya-Best1em1flox /Cya), which have exon 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Best1 flanked by two loxP sites. By crossing with hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, we generated Best1 floxed/hGFAP-CreERT2 mice, which allowed for the tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Best1 under the human GFAP promoter. We characterized its features across various brain regions, including the striatum, hippocampal dentate gyrus (HpDG), and Parafascicular thalamic nucleus (Pf). Compared to the Cre-negative control, we observed significantly reduced BEST1 protein expression in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and tonic GABA inhibition in patch clamp recordings. The reduction in tonic GABA inhibition was 66.7% in the striatum, 46.4% in the HpDG, and 49.6% in the Pf. Our findings demonstrate that the BEST1 channel in astrocytes significantly contributes to tonic inhibition in the local brain areas. These mice will be valuable for future studies not only on tonic GABA release but also on tonic release of gliotransmitters mediated by astrocytic BEST1.
5.Unaltered Tonic Inhibition in the Arcuate Nucleus of Diet-induced Obese Mice
Moonsun SA ; Jung Moo LEE ; Mingu Gordon PARK ; Jiwoon LIM ; Jong Min JOSEPH KIM ; Wuhyun KOH ; Bo-Eun YOON ; C. Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2022;31(3):147-157
The principal inhibitory transmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is critical for maintaining hypothalamic homeostasis and released from neurons phasically, as well as from astrocytes tonically. Although astrocytes in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus are shown to transform into reactive astrocytes, the tonic inhibition by astrocytic GABA has not been adequately investigated in diet-induced obesity (DIO). Here, we investigated the expression of monoamine oxidase- B (MAOB), a GABA-synthesizing enzyme, in reactive astrocytes in obese mice. We observed that a chronic high-fat diet (HFD) significantly increased astrocytic MAOB and cellular GABA content, along with enhanced hypertrophy of astrocytes in the ARC. Unexpectedly, we found that the level of tonic GABA was unaltered in chronic HFD mice using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the ARC. Furthermore, the GABA-induced current was increased with elevated GABA A receptor α5 (GABRA5) expression. Surprisingly, we found that a nonselective GABA transporter (GAT) inhibitor, nipecotic acid (NPA)-induced current was significantly increased in chronic HFD mice. We observed that GAT1 inhibitor, NO711-induced current was significantly increased, whereas GAT3 inhibitor, SNAP5114-induced current was not altered. The unexpected unaltered tonic inhibition was due to an increase of GABA clearance in the ARC by neuronal GAT1 rather than astrocytic GAT3. These results imply that increased astrocytic GABA synthesis and neuronal GABA A receptor were compensated by GABA clearance, resulting in unaltered tonic GABA inhibition in the ARC of the hypothalamus in obese mice. Taken together, GABA-related molecular pathways in the ARC dynamically regulate the tonic inhibition to maintain hypothalamic homeostasis against the HFD challenge.
6.Astrocytic proBDNF and Tonic GABA Distinguish Active versus Reactive Astrocytes in Hippocampus.
Heejung CHUN ; Heeyoung AN ; Jiwoon LIM ; Junsung WOO ; Jaekwang LEE ; Hoon RYU ; C Justin LEE
Experimental Neurobiology 2018;27(3):155-170
Astrocytes are the most abundant cell type in the brain and they make close contacts with neurons and blood vessels. They respond dynamically to various environmental stimuli and change their morphological and functional properties. Both physiological and pathological stimuli can induce versatile changes in astrocytes, as this phenomenon is referred to as ‘astrocytic plasticity’. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of astrocytic plasticity in response to various stimuli remain elusive, except for the presence of hypertrophy, a conspicuous structural change which is frequently observed in activated or reactive astrocytes. Here, we investigated differential characteristics of astrocytic plasticity in a stimulus-dependent manner. Strikingly, a stab wound brain injury lead to hypertrophy of astrocytes accompanied by increased GABA expression and tonic GABA release in mouse CA1 hippocampus. In contrast, the mice experiencing enriched environment exhibited astrocytic hypertrophy with enhanced proBDNF immunoreactivity but without GABA signal. Based on the results, we define proBDNF-positive/GABA-negative hypertrophic astrocytes as ‘active’ astrocytes and GABA-positive hypertrophic astrocytes as ‘reactive’ astrocytes, respectively. We propose for the first time that astrocytic proBDNF can be a bona fide molecular marker of the active astrocytes, which are distinct from the reactive astrocytes which show hypertrophy but with aberrant GABA.
Blood Vessels
Brain Injuries
Cell Plasticity
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid*
Wounds and Injuries
Wounds, Stab