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Author:(Jingluo PENG)

1.Clinical curative effect comparison of partial tubeless and traditional percutaneous nephrolithotomy for the treatment of upper urinary calculus

Jingluo PENG ; Qing JIANG

Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery 2014;(5):460-462

2.Comparison of two anesthesia methods within ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy

Xingsheng LIU ; Jingluo PENG ; Gang ZHOU ; Yao CHEN ; Qing JIANG

Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery 2014;(6):612-614

3.Testosterone replacement therapy on male late-onset hypogonadism with Mild-to-moderate benign prostate hy-perplasia

Gang ZHOU ; Jingluo PENG ; Xingsheng LIU ; Qing JIANG

Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery 2015;(1):73-75,76

4.Clinical curative effect comparison of percutaneous nephrolithotomy and flexible ureteroscope lithotripsy for the treatment of renal calculus equal or smaller than 2 cm

Jingluo PENG ; Gang ZHOU ; Xingsheng LIU ; Qing JIANG

Chongqing Medicine 2015;(30):4210-4212

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