Jinbao WU ; Lengyan FAN ; Yueqin QIN
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1955;0(03):-
The diaphyseal nutrient foramina were examined in 246 tibia and 212 fibula from complete sets of Chinese adult skeleton collection.The length and diameter of these bones were also measured.The number,position and orientation of the nutrient foramina were more variable in fibula than in tibia. Though the position of the nutrient foramina of the shaft of these bones were vari- able,however there was a restricted area in which most of the foramina were located. The nutrient foramina of the tibia usually situated on the posterior surface near the junction between the upper and middle thirds of its length,and that of the fibula was on the posterior or medial surface within the upper portion of the middle third segment. The nutrient artery to tibia and fibula were dissected and observed in 100 cases. The nutrient artery to tibia may have various sources of origin,it may arise from the posterior tibial,anterior tibial,and fibular arteries or directly from the popliteal artery. It has a larger calibre and runs over a longer course.The nutrient artery to fibula is relatively small and short,and all originate from the fibular artery. Certain practical applications of the arteries are briefly discussed.
Lengyan FAN ; Jinbao WU ; Yueqin QIN
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1957;0(04):-
Some anatomical aspects in application for the vein catheterization on the subclavian and other veins of the neck have been studied on 85 cadavers in Chinese adults.The subclavian vein measures 1.16cm in diameter and 3.76 cm in length. It lies 2 cm deep under the skin and muscles in the infraclavicular region. The angle between the vein and the clavicle is 38?. It usually lies behind the medial third of the clavicle and is separated from the subclavian artery, brachial plexus and the cupula of the pleura by the anterior scalenus muscle. This muscle is 1.19 cm in width and 0.37 cm in thickness, much thinner than the thickness mentioned in the previous literature. The distance from the origin of the subclavian vein to the opening of the superior vena cava into the right atrium is 13.85 cm on the right, and 16.36 cm on the left.The diameter of the internal jugular vein and its topographical relationship to the origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle were also observed. The internal jugular vein is 1.26 cm in diameter, and lies under the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in 58.75%, between the two heads of this muscle in 41.25%.The external jugular vein measures 0.63cm in diameter, but its location and termination are more variable.The application of these data in vein catheterization was also discussed in this article.
Yueqin QIN ; Jinbao WU ; Zhengrui HE
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1955;0(03):-
Popliteal fossa dissections were performed on two hundred adult extremities and the patterns of the deep venous system were observed. Three general types were established for the popliteal vein and its branches. Single large trunk representing the popliteal vein at the level of the knee joint occurs only in 32.00%, two venous trunks at this level in 65.50% and three venous trunks in 2.50%. Furthermore, considerable variations of the formation of popliteal veins were found. The patterns of popliteal vein were divided into three main types and eleven subtypes. Type Ⅱa occurs most frequently (41.50%). The size of each vein of the deep venous system was measured. The average calibre of the single popliteal vein is 6.89mm (ranging between 4.0-11.5 mm). The veins from the gastrocnemius muscle join the single or the two popliteal trunks respectively. The veins of the soleus muscle drain into the peroneal and posterior tibial veins. The short saphenous vein typically terminates in the popliteal vein. Variations in its termination were described.
Jinbao WU ; Xinheng CHENG ; Yueqin QIN ; Yongzhen WANG ; Lengya FAN
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1953;0(01):-
The arteries of the foot in one hundred Chinese adult specimens were dissected and examined. 1. The dorsalis pedis artery was absent in 4%, and it originated from an abnormal origin in 5%, its course and relationship with the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus and deep peroneal nerve were also described. 2. The anterior medial and anterior lateral malleolar arteries originated more commonly at the level of the ankle joint, and sometimes they may originate from the dorsalis pedis artery. 3. The origin and number of the medial tarsal artery were variable, but that of the lateral tarsal artery were more constant. 4. The arcuate artery was present in 35%, but only 17% was typical in form, from which the 2nd-4th dorsal metatarsal arteries were giving off. 5. The sources of the dorsal metatarsal arteries were the most variable. The first dorsal metatarsal arteries which arose from dorsal or plantar aspect were similar in percentages. The 2nd-4th dorsal metatarsal arteries often originated from the plantar aspect, but it was not uncommon that they came equally from dorsal and plantar aspects. 6. The artery of the tarsal sinus was usually present, it may be divided into two categories, namely the proximal and the distal artery, with their distinct origins and courses. 7. The arterial trunks in the sole of the foot were more constant. The posterior tibial artery usually branched into its two main branches near the lower border of the laciniate ligament. 8. The lateral plantar artery was greater than the medial in 82%. And 71% of the plantar arch was formed chiefly by the deep plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery. 9. The plantar metatarsal arteries originated usually from the plantar arch, sometimes the neighbouring arteries may have a common trunk. The course of the Ist-3rd plantar metatarsal arteries was constant, but that of the 4th may be variable. Finally, some questions about the arteries of the foot, present in previous literatures, were briefly discussed.
Jinbao WU ; Lengyan FAN ; Yueqin QIN ; Xiangting ZHU
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1953;0(01):-
The diaphyseal nutrient foramina of 123 pairs of radius and 112 pairs of ulna from local Chinese adult skeleton collection have been observed. Their length, diameter and circumference were measured.The nutrient foramina on the shaft of radius, in longitudinal direction, located near the junction of the upper and middle thirds, and those of ulna located a little lower.In horizontal direction, the nutrient foramina chiefly concentrated on the anterior surface. But there were more foramina situated on the interosseous crest or posterior surface on radius than that on ulna.100 cases of nutrient artery to radius and ulna have been dissected on preserved cadavers. The length, diameter and distance from the origin of the artery to the level of elbow joint have been measured. The nutrient arteries to radius and ulna may have. various origins. They mostly arise from anterior interosseous, common interosseous, ulnar, ulnar recurrent and rarely from radial, median or dorsal interosseous arteries.The course and distribution of the nutrient arteries in the bone marrow cavity were examined on X-ray films prepared from injected radio-opaque specimens.
Jinbao WU ; Yueqin QIN ; Xinheng CHENG ; Lengyan FAN ; Su YI ;
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1955;0(03):-
The veins on the dorsum of the foot have been dissected and observed on 200cases of the Chinese adult lower extremities.The great saphenous vein is the chief draining vessel of the hallux,the toes andthe skin of the dorsum of the foot.The position and the tributaries of this vessel areconstant.Its diameter ranges from 1.9 to 5.0mm,with an average of 3.2mm.The dorsal venous arch is usually single(93%),double arches are seen in 6%,and absent in 1%.According to the form of reflux,the dorsal venous arch may begrouped into five types.In the most common type,the arch is continuous withthe great saphenous vein and the anterior malleolar branch of the small saphenousvein(49.5%).The dorsal metatarsal veins usually drain directly into the dorsal venous arch.Some of the neighboring dorsal metatarsal veins may drain through a commontrunk.The perforating veins on the dorsum of the foot may be divided into threedifferent groups:the anterior malleolar,marginal and intermetatarsal group.Thelatter usually drains into the dorsal venous arch at the base of the first intermeta-tarsal space.The valves of the superficial veins on the dorsum of the foot were also observed.There is no valve in the lateral part of the dorsal venous arch,but there may beone or two valves in its most medial part(66.7%).It appears that the venousblood from the first metatarsal vein usually drains into the great saphenous vein.
Guoxiang XIONG ; Jinbao WU ; Sishun ZHOU ; Yueqin QIN
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1957;0(04):-
The contents of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites, homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid(DOPAC), in both striata were determined with HPLC-EC technique in each of 28 albino rats, which were divided into 3 groups (bilateral lesioned, unilateral lesioned and healthy control groups). Among the unilateral lesioned rats, three indices such as DA, HVA/DA and DOPAC/DA in the lesioned striata were 22.27%, 420.00% and 199.75% of those of the intact striata, respectively. This suggests that there may be an enhanced compensatory DA release in the striatum ipsilateral to the lesion of the rat. Having compared the lesioned striata of unilateral lesioned rats with those of bilateral lesioned animals, and the intact striata of unilateral lesioned rats with those of the control ones, we did not find any significant differences in DA, HVA/DA or DOPAC/DA. The result implies that the compensatory DA release in the lesioned striatum probably accounts for the mechanism of the ipsilateral nigrostriatal system, not for the crossed nigrostriatal fibers.
8.Research progress of the non-contact monitoring of heart, lung and brain
Wenjun LIU ; Jian SUN ; Gui JIN ; Jinbao WANG ; Mingxin QIN
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering 2013;(1):30-33,55
In recent years,the research of non-contact biomedical monitoring has continuous development and progress.This review gives an overview of the research status of heart,lung and brain non-contact monitoring methods.The correlation techniques of capacitance electrocardiogram,magnetic induction,radar non-contact monitoring of heart and lung,and non-contact monitoring of brain are analyzed comprehensively.Capacitance electrocardiogram monitors the heart and lung activities useing effect of change in capacitance between the electrodes.Magnetic induction monitors the heart and lung activities useing the Maxwell principle,while radar monitoring the heart and lung activities uses the Doppler effects.Non-contact monitoring of brain adopts the magnetic induction tomography imaging technology.Then elaborate related research at home and abroad,and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of these monitoring methods on the basis of the analysis of monitoring principles.Finally foreground that may dominate this area of new equipment for heart,lung and brain non-contact monitoring in the future is expected.
9.Proliferation and activation induced cdl death of CD4 + T cells in childhood asthma
Yiming QIN ; Jianhua SHENG ; Huaimin XIONG ; Jinbao ZHOU ; Zhengbo DENG ; Hongxing ZHANG ; Renqian ZHONG ; Tingwang JIANG
International Journal of Pediatrics 2012;39(4):424-427
Objective To investigate the correlation between immune inflammation and overactivity of T helper cells in childhood asthma by cell proliferation assay and activation induced cell death in vitro.Methods Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines were determined by cytometric bead array.Cell proliferation and activation induced cell death were detected when CD4+ T cells were purified by magnetic beads and stimulated by PHA and antiCD3.At last,mRNA of Fas,FasL and Bcl-2 were mesured by real-time PCR.Results Cytokines of IL-4(2.451± 1.052ng/L vs 1.796 ±0.615 ng/L,P =0.018),IL-10( 1.920 ±0.813ng/L vs 1.390 ±0.162ng/L,P =0.006)and TNF(5.112 ±5.842 ng/L vs 1.506 ±0.551 ng/L,P =0.009) in sera of asthma group were higher than those in control group.Compared to control group,proliferation ability of CD4 + T cells in asthma group was greater ( OD450:0.498 ± 0.052 vs 0.274 ± 0.032,P < 0.001 ) and apoptosis rate was lower( 35.62 ± 0.05 % vs 65.28±3.85%,P <0.001 ).mRNA expression of Fas in asthma group was lower but Bcl-2 was higher than those in control group.Conclusion It is implicated that defective expression of Fas and over expression of Bcl-2 in CD4+ T cells may contribute to apoptosis inhibition and cell proliferation,which could explain overeactivity of CD4 + T cells and lvmphocvte infiltration in childhood asthma.
Yueqin QIN ; Sishun ZHOU ; Jinbao WU ; Jingen SHEN ; Xiaoming YANG ; Qiangsu GUO ; Shaoyou CHU ; Jianguo ZHU ;
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1957;0(04):-
The human venous valve of the brachial,femoral and long saphenous veins wereexamined with light,transmission and scanning electron microscopy.The observationshows that the venous valve is composed of three functional layers covered withendothelium on both surfaces.A loosely structured layer is located underlying theendothelium.A network mainly containing randomly oriented elastic fibers was foundnear the side towards the lumen.To the side towards the venous wall,there is adense layer composed of eircumferentially and transversly oriented collagen bundles.Some smooth muscle cells extend from the wall of the vein to the base of thevenous valve.The elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells together with the collagenfibers contribute to the mechanical load-bearing performance of the valve and to thepassive closing and openning mechanism.In addition,the smooth muscle cells mightplay an active role in the normal functioning of the valve.The scanning and transmission electron microscopy of venous valve showdifferent arrangement of the endothelium.On the surface of the valve next to the wallof the vein,the endothelial cells are transversely arranged,while on the othersurface over which the current of blood flows,the cells are longitudinally arrangedin the direction of the current.These accord with the role of fluid mechanics.12 normal venous valves were tested by universal testing instrument (Instrontype 1122).The mean value of the maximum tension of the valve is 1 N.Theaverage value of the tensile ultimate strength is 10N/mm~2.