1.The nature and prevalence of depression in positive and negative schizophrenic in-patients.
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1992;31(1):106-112
No abstract available.
2.Surgical Treatment of Spondylolisthesis: Clinical Study on 49 Cases
Myung Sang MOON ; Kyu Sung LEE ; Jin Hyung SUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1988;23(5):1325-1340
Most cases of spondylolisthesis are asymptomatic and successfully managed with conservative treatment. Operation was performed in 20% of symptomatic cases having severe back pain, neurological symptoms and or progressive slipping. Although surgical treatments are divided into decompression and fusion, various methods were tried frorn simple Gill's resection to posterior and/or anterior fusion with instrumentation in case of severe slipping. The authors reviewed 49 cases of symptomatic spondylolisthesis, who were surgically treated, and well followed up at Kang-Nam St. Mary's Hospital during past 6 years from January, 1981, to June, 1987. l. Among 49 cases, 23 were isthmic type and 26 were degenerative in nature, and 40 were females. 24 patients(92.3%) of degenerative type were female over 4th decade. Mean age was 47.9 years. 2. The most common site of involvement was L4–5 intervertebral space(25 cases,; 51.0%). 17 cases(73.9%) of isthmic thpe were involved in L5-Sl intervertebral space, and 21 cases (80.8%) of degenerative type were involved L4–L5 intervertebral space. 3. The symptoms were low back pain, intermittent claudication and sciatica in order of incidence. 4. The average slipping measured by Taillard method was 19.5%, and Meyerding's grade I slipping(69.3%) was the highest in the percentile incidence. The average degree of slipping in isthmic type(23.6%) was greater than that of degenerative type(16.4%). 5. Myelogram mainly showed complete or near complete block in degenerative type and ventral indentation in isthmic type. C–T myelogram showed mainly central stenosis in degenerative type, and nerve root compression in isthmic type. 6. In 9 cases,anterior fusions were done ; 5 degenerative and 4 isthmic. In 37 cases, decompression and posteriolateral fusions were done with or without instrumentation ; instrumented in 11 cases. 7. Clinically, the results were judged as excellent in 16 cases(32.7%), good in 26 cases(53.1 %), fair in 6 cases(12.2%), poor in 1 case(2.1%). Thus, 42 cases(85.8%) were considered satisfactory. The satisfactory results were obtained in 77.8% of anterior interbody fusion cases, 88 5% of posterolateral fusion cases, 90.7% of decompression and posterolateral fusion with instrumentation cases. There was no appreciable difference in clinical results between isthmic and degenerative types. 8. There were no changes in slipping in 35 cases(71.5%), Partial reduction were possible in 13 cases(28.5%), and further splipping developed in a patient who had decompression surgery alone. Among 46 cases of vertebral fusion, complete fusion was obtained in 43 cases(93.5%) within one year. 9. Solid anterior spondylodesis was obtained in all the cases of degenerative type, while in 2 cases(50%) of the isthmic type, graft crumbled with redisplacement and delayed fusion. Through the results, it is concluded that posterior instrumentation may not be essential for the successful spondylodesis in cases of posterolateral fusion, since there was no statistical significance in the results between the instrumented and non-instrumented, and isthmic type and degenerative type, and that anterior interbody fusion is best indicated for the treatrment of the degenerative type and not for the isthmic type. Therefore, if anterior interbody fusion is chosen for the successful treatment of isthmic type, a certain type of internal fixator should be combined.
Back Pain
Clinical Study
Constriction, Pathologic
Intermittent Claudication
Internal Fixators
Low Back Pain
Spinal Fusion
3.Effect of Ginseng Saponin on Human Chondrocyte.
Jin Hyung SUNG ; Jae Duk RYU ; Hyung Gyun JUNG ; Jin Young KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(7):1921-1927
Earlier work suggested that Ginseng saponin had an effect on osteoblast and other cells, but there has been no report on saponin effects on chondrocyte. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of saponin on cultured human chondrocyte. The chondrocyte was isolated from human articular cartilage of knee joint during notchplasty of ACL reconstructive procedure using collagenase, and cultured in standard medium and serum free deficient medium, with addition of saponin(0(control), 10, 20, 50 microgram/ml concentration). DNA, RNA synthesis of chondrocyte was estimated on 36 hours and 5 days of culture by measuring of thymidine and uridine uptake. Human collagen type I and II synthesis was estimated by reverse transcriptation-polymerase chain reaction on 36 hours of culture. Low dose saponin was found to enhance DNA, RNA, and collagen synthesis of chondrocytes which were cultured with a deficient medium in comparison to the controls. It promoted cell proliferation of the osteoblasts cultured with a deficient medium in comparison to the controls. But, high dose saponin was found to diminish the synthesis of DNA, RNA and collagen. In summary, the results showed that the saponin increased proliferation and differentiation of the chondrocyte cultured in deficient medium. Therefore saponin seemed to act as a physiologic stimulant on human chondrocyte. But further study should be done.
Cartilage, Articular
Cell Proliferation
Collagen Type I
Knee Joint
4.Biological factors influencing the fate of onlay bone graft on the craniofacial skeleton.
Jun Hyung KIM ; Jin Sung KANG ; Kwan Kyu PARK
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1998;25(4):557-565
The superior volume maintenance of membranous over endochondral bone grafts, which was shown in several studies has provided the basis for its preferred clinical use as an onlay grafting material on the craniofacial skeleton. The scientific rationale for this seeming embryological advantage, however, has never been proven, Since the cortical component of membranous bone is proportionally greater than that of endochondral bone, it follows that membranous grafts would show greater volume maintenance over time. Our hypothesis is that the pattern of onlay bone graft resorption is primarily determined by a graft's micro-architecture (relative cortical and cancellous composition) rather than its embryololgical origin(membranous versus endochondral). Fourty adult New Zealand white rabbits were used for this study. There were 8 animals in each of 4 groups. The rabbits of each group were sacrificed at 3, 8, and 16 weeks. Four types of grafts were placed subperosteally, onto each rabbit's cranium: a hydroxyapatite, a cortical bone graft of membranous origin, a cortical bone graft of endochondral origin and a cancellous bone graft of endochondral origin. Membranous bone grafts were obtained from the lateral mandible and endochondral bone grafts were obtained from the ileum. In order to determine post-sacrifice volume and density of the bone grafts, a caliper technique and bone densitometry(bone densitometer: LUNAR, DPX-L, U.S.A.) were performed on all of the bone grafts. Bone graft specimens were histologically examined at 3, 8, and 16 weeks.The measurement of volume and density show that there is a statistically greater resumption in the cancellous endochondral bone grafts for all parameter, compared to either the endochondral or membranous cortical bone grafts or hydroxyapatite at all time points(p< 0.05). In addition, there is no significant difference in the resorption rates between the endochondral and membranous cortical bone grafts for all parameters at all time points. By placing cortical bone grafts and cancellous bone grafts on the recipient sites separately, we have shown that the former grafts maintain their volumes, widths and projections significantly better than the latter grafts. Futhermore, we found no statistical difference in resorption rates between the two cortical bone grafts of different embryologic origins, a finding which has never been previously shown. Bone volume fraction, measured with bone densitometry, was shown to be higher in cortical bone than in cancellous bone at all time points, further illustrating the differences between cortical and cancellous bone.From our results, we believe cortical bone to be a superior onlay-graftiong material, independent of its embryololgic origin.
Biological Factors*
5.Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Breast Reconstruction.
Jin Young KIM ; Sung Pyo HONG ; Doo Hyung LEE
Journal of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 1998;4(1):35-44
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy has, become increasingly popular in recent years. Reconstruction surgeons have responded to patients' needs for effective and versatile procedures that will restore the normal shape and symmetry of breasts. Among the various techniques for these purpose, transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous(TRAM) flap is now cosidered as the most acceptable technique. However, there are some limitations to use the TRAM flap, such as heavy smoker, obesity, and previous abdominal surgery. Also TRAM flaps are not good candidates for the patients with absent anterior axillary fold. In these respects, latissimus dorsi flap can be used as an alternative method for successful breast reconstuction. Latissiomus dorsi flaps have several advantages as compared to TRAM flaps, such as reliable blood supply, versatility of skin paddle orientation, and low donor site morbidity. It is also available for patients without anterior axillary fold, such as radical mastectomy defect or Poland syndrome. Latissimus dorsi flaps, however, and implants to obtain projection and symmetry of the reconstructed breast. Main disadvantages of latissimus dorsi flap method are difference in color and texture between skins of flap and chest, and capsular contracture resulted in high riding implant or distortion of breast contour. In this study, we performed latissimus dorsi flap for reconstruction fo breast and anterior axillary fold in 10 cases. To minimize the above problems more fullness and natural shape, implants were completely covered with muscle and overexpanded for more than 3-months and then deflated to the desired volume. These maneuvers produced aesthetically acceptable results during the latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction.
Mastectomy, Radical
Poland Syndrome
Rectus Abdominis
Superficial Back Muscles*
Tissue Donors
6.US-guided percutaneous biopsies with a biopsy gun.
In Oak AHN ; Hyung Jin KIM ; Jae Hyung KIM ; Goo LEE ; Sung Hoon JUNG
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1993;29(5):949-953
Core tissue for histologic study is believed by many pathologists to be more diagnostic than material from needle aspiration. Recently introduced automated biopsy gun simplifies core biopsies with increased quantity and quality of samples. Authors performed 38 percutaneous biopsies from 38 patients with 18G automated biopsy guns under US guide. Diagnostic target tissues were obtained in 33 biopsies(87%), inadequate tissues in 4 (11%), and adequate but not of target tissue in 1(3%). There was no major complication requiring treatment, but pain needing analgesics and pain with nausea/vomiting were experienced in 2 and 1 biopsies respectively. Average number of needle passes was 1.5(1-5) We concluded that US-guided gun biopsy was a easy and safe way to obtained tissue samples of good quantity and quality, especially useful in hospitals without constant availability of specialists in cytopathology.
7.Necessity of Banked Autogenous Transfusion on the Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Autogenous Shed Blood Transfusion.
Jin Hyung SUNG ; Weon Yoo KIM ; Chang Whan HAN ; Weon Jin CHA ; Jin Young KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(3):702-706
In the orthopaedic field, some elective surgeries such as joint replacement, spinal surgery and limb salvage procedures for musculoskeletal tumors frequently need various amounts of blood transfusions. However, homologous transfusion occasionally results in various side effects, such as allergic reaction, febrile reaction, and the transmission of infectious diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis and AIDS, ctc. Recently, these complications especially in elective surgery might result in medicolegal or social problems. Risks from transfusions in elective surgery can be minimized with prebanked autologous transfusion. To evaluate the necessity of prehanked autogenous transfusion, fifty five patients who had unilateral hybrid total knee arthroplasty (noncemented at the femoral side and cemented at the tibial and patellar sides) were operated on by the same surgeon from April 199S to July 1997 and had autogenous shed blood transfusion were evaluated for postoperative blood loss, amount of autogenous shed blood, amount of transfusion, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The results were as follows: 1. The distribution of preoperative hemoglobin was from 9.6g/dL to 16.5g/dL (average: 1.8g/dL). 2. The distribution of the amount of blood loss for three days postoperatively was from 156ml to 2001 ml (average: 798ml). 3. The distrihution of the amount of transfusion of autogenous shed blood was from 30ml to 600ml (average: 448ml). 4. There were two patients who had febrile reactions above 38 after transfusion of autogenous shed blood. 5. Forty-six patient(84%) had a homologous transfusion and the average amount of transfusion was 1.9 pint. 6. Total amount of homologous transfusion was decreased according to the increased amount of hemoglobin and the amount of transfusion was statistically decreased above the level of I 3g/dL(Students t-test, P=0.0005). 7. There were no significant differences in the amount of homologous transfusion between age, sex, type of disease, type of implants. In conclusion, most of our patients(84%) needed homologous blood transfusion in unilateral hyhrid total knee arthroplasty and the amount of transfusion decreased in patients who had hemoglobin above 13.0g/dL. So we recommend preparing banked autogenous hlood preoperatively in patients who have a lower hemoglobin level in unilateral hyhrid total knee arthroplasty.
Blood Transfusion*
Communicable Diseases
Limb Salvage
Postoperative Hemorrhage
Social Problems
8.Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Fractures of the Acebabulum
Weon Yoo KIM ; Jin Hyung SUNG ; Chong Hoon PARK ; Jin Wha CHUNG ; Jin Young KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1996;31(1):110-118
Open reduction and internal fixation of the displaced fractures of the acetabulum represents one of the greatest challenge in fracture surgery. The purpose of our study is to report the results of operative treatment and establish the guideline for the operative treatment of the displaced acetabular fractures with the analysis of the clinical and radiological results. This retrospective study reports the results of 21 fractures in 21 patients(19 male and 3 female) treated by open reduction and internal fixation from January 1990 to July 1994. The patients were followed up more than 1 year and mean length of follow-up was 2.3 years. According to Letournel's classification, we had 9 elementary fractures(42.8%) and 12 associated fractures(57.2%). Among the elementary fractures, the posterior wall fracture was the most common type(7 cases, 33.3%) and the transverse-posterior wall fracture was the most common type among associated fractures(4 cases, 19.0%). Surgical approaches were 14 Kocher-Langenbeck, 6 Ilioinguinal and 1 extended iliofemoral. Indirect reduction and specially designed reduction method using C-arm and radiolucent operating table were also helpful to achieve satisfactory reduction. Overall quality of clinical results was graded according to the D'Aubigne and Postel rating score. Satisfactory reduction was gained in 16 cases(76.1%). Unsatisfactory reduction was gained in 5 cases(23.8%). Among the cases within category of satisfactory reduction, there were 7 excellent and 8 good clinical results. But among unsatisfactorily reduced 5 cases, there were 2 good clinical results. It seems that the satisfactory operative reduction of the fracture is the factor that correlates with a satisfactory clinical result. There were complications such as 3 secondary osteoarthritis(14.2%), 3 wound infection(14.2%, 2 superficial and 1 deep), 2 iatrogenic nerve palsy(9.5%, 1 sciatic and 1 obturator nerve) and 1 intrapelvic protrusion acetabuli(4.7%) and no postoperative ectopic ossification.
Follow-Up Studies
Operating Tables
Ossification, Heterotopic
Retrospective Studies
Wounds and Injuries
9.A Case of Congenital Solitary Morphea Profunda.
Hyung Jin AHN ; Eung Ho CHOI ; Sung Ku AHN ; Sang Min HWANG ; Sung Hun LEE
Annals of Dermatology 2000;12(4):306-309
A 4-year-old boy has had a solitary sclerotic depressed plaque on the right anterior chest since birth. The histopathologic findings are consistent with morphea profunda: thickening, hyalinization, and homogenization of collagen bundles in the dermis and subcutaneous tissues, admixture with a prominent lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate, and sweat glands en-trapped between the thickened collagen bundles. We report a case of congenital solitary morphea profunda.
Child, Preschool
Plasma Cells
Scleroderma, Localized*
Subcutaneous Tissue
Sweat Glands
10.The relationship between depressive tendency, somatic symptoms and drug use in housewives.
Ki Heum PARK ; Nak Jin SUNG ; Suk CHOI ; Sung Soo CHO ; Suk Hyung JUNG
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1997;18(5):490-450
BACKGROUND: In women, the prevalence of depression is known to be more than twice as high as in men. Because many depressive women complain of their somatic symptoms instead of neurovegetative ones, many cases of depression have been misdiagnosed. Women also tend to use medicine more frequently than men do to manage depression. So we investigated the relationship between somatic symptoms and drug use in housewives for better management. METHODS: From 1st. March to 31st. March in 1996, the prepared questionnaires were presented to housewives living in the area of Kyung-ju city, who responded the questionnaires under direct interview. The questionnaire was composed of two parts. One part included demographic data, somatic complaints, drug use, places of drug purchase, current diseases that had been diagnosed by doctors. The other included Korean standard Beck Depression Inventory-questionnaire. The subjects were divided into two groups by BDI score(21 point), which was the cut-off point for depression in Korea. The relationships of somatic symptoms and drug use between the two groups were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 110 housewives who had depressive trends among 569 respondents. In general characteristics, there was significant difference between the two groups except the item of religion. In the items of somatic symptoms, there were more somatic symptoms in the group of high BDI score(>_21) except fatigue(P<0.01). More drug users were found in the group of high BDI score(>_21) (P<0.05). In the group of high BDI score(>_21), there was definite correlation between the items of somatic symptoms and drug use. There was no difference between the two groups in the item of drug purchase site. The most common site of drug purchase was the drug store in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Depressive housewives complained of more somatic symptoms and more often used drugs as well.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Drug Users