1.Evaluation of Minor Clinical Features of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis in Korea.
Young Min PARK ; Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Jin Wou KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(5):886-894
BACKGROUND: For the diagnoais of atopic dermatitis(AD) an array of basic and minor clinical features proposed by Hanifin and Rajka were in common use. However, there have been some disputes in the diagnostic significance of minor clinical features of AD due to ethni. differences, variance in definitions, materisls and methods, OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the dignostic significance of total 38 minor clinical features of AD in Korean children. Most of them wefe roposed by some authors in the literature and the remainder by ourselves based on our clinical experienes. METHODS: The frequency of these features was studied in 48 patieni s with typical AD compared to that in 89 control subjects. The age of all studied individuals ranged from 2 to 12 years. RESULTS: Thirteen of these was including xerosis, perifollicular acccntuation, frontal lichenification, anterior neck folds, eyelid eczema, Dennie-Morgan folds, auricular fiss are/eczema, pityriasis alba, vertral wrist eczema, infragluteal eczema, sandpaper-like skin lesion of yelbow/knee/lateral malleolus, white dermographism, and scalp scaling were shown to be of mueh diag nostic significance(P<0,001). CONCLUSION: We propose that above-mentioned 13 monor features may be a valuable guideline for the large scale field survey on the incidence and prevalence of AD in Korea children.
Dermatitis, Atopic*
Dissent and Disputes
2.Evaluation of Minor Clinical Features of Adolescence and Adult Atopic Dermatitis in Korea.
Young Min PARK ; Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Jin Wou KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(6):1046-1053
BACKGROUND: Three age-depedent clinical phases(infantile, childhood and adult phase) of atopic dermatitis(AD) were recognized. We think that for t he diagnosis of AD there seems to be some differences in minor clinical features of diagnosic significance according to each phase, yet only a few studies about them. OBJECTIVES: The purprrse of the present study was to evalute the diagnostic significance of total 39 minor clinical features of AD in Korean adolescenc and adult popluation, all but only skin were proposed by our previous study for Korean children. METHODS: The frequeney of 39 minor clinical features wistudied in 82 patients with typical AD compared to that in 109 control subjects. The age all studied individuals ranged from 13 to 42 years. Furthermore, some characteristic micro features of AD in them were compared with those from our previous study for Korean children. RESULTS: Twenty-seven minor features including xerosis, peifolhcular accentuation, frontal lichenification, anterior neck folds, eyelid eczema, Dennie-Mogan folds, auricular fissure/eczema, pityriasis alba, ventiral wrist eczema, infragluteal eczcm, sandpaper-like skin lesions on elbow/knee/lateral malleblus, white dermographism, scalaling, Hertoghes sign, orbital darkening, cheilitis, facial erythema/pallor, hyperlinear paln, ichthyosiform skin lesions, nipple eczema, nummular eczema, pompholyx, itchy hyperker totic lesions of dorsal hands, knuckle dermatitis of hands, hangnail, non-specific hand/foot dermatitis, chronic dermatophytosis were shown to be of much diagnostic signiic, nce(P<0.001). CONCLUSION: We think tiat 13 minor features such as Hert piges sign, cheilitis, facial erythe- mapallor, hyperlinear ichthyosiform skin lesions, ripile eczema, nummular eczema, pompholyx, itchy hyperkpratotic lesions of dorsal hands, kzukle dermatitis of hands, hangnail, non-specific hand/foot dermatitis, chronic dermato h tosis are specific for Korean adolescence and adult population with AD. Taken together, to propose that these 13 minor features be added to a gardeline for the large scale field sirvy on the incidence and prevalence of AD in the Korea adolescence and adult population.
Dermatitis, Atopic*
Eczema, Dyshidrotic
3.Diagnostic Significance of Clinical History of Atopic Dermatitis in Koreans by Questionnaire.
Dong Won LEE ; Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Jin Wou KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1997;35(3):443-449
BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown an incomplete agreement with the previously proposed diagnostic criteria of Hanifin and Rajka for atopic dermatitis(AD). This could be due to ethnic differences in the clinical manifestations of AD. To make a diagnosis of AD with confidence, one has to depend on the history and clinical picture according to race. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to find out the importance of individual symptoms and histories for the diagnosis of Korean AD by questionnaire. METHODS: The frequency of 25 questionnaire items was studied in 130 patients with typical AD (48 childhood, 82 adolescence/adult) compared to that in 198 control subjects (89 childhood, 109 adolescence/adult). RESULTS: Nine items(itchy with bodily heat, itchy when sweating, cholinergic urticaria, miliaria, irritation with fabrics, food reaction, pollen allergy, itch with stress) were shown to be of much diagnostic significance(p<0.001) in childhood AD,otherwise thirteen items(itchy with bodily heat, itchy when sweating, cholinergic urticaria, sense of fever, excessive sweating, miliaria, irritation with cosmetics, irritation with fabrics, irritation prone hands, itchy with woolen clothes, pollen allergy, itch with stress, dermographism) were in adolescent and adult, AD. CONCLUSION: We found some diagnostic significance of clinical histories in Korean AD patients by questionnaire. We propose that this accessible questionnaire would be an efficient and powerful method with which to obtain new and valid information on AD.
Continental Population Groups
Dermatitis, Atopic*
Hot Temperature
Surveys and Questionnaires
Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal
4.A case report of adenoid cystic carcinoma on maxillary antrum and infratemporal space.
Do Geun JANG ; Yong Gyoo LEE ; Sa Yub KIM ; Jun Yun KIM ; Jin Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1993;19(4):583-588
No abstract available.
Carcinoma, Adenoid Cystic*
Maxillary Sinus*
5.Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography Guided by Ultrasound
Jin Gyoo KIM ; Chun Phil CHUNG ; Suk Hong LEE ; Chang Hyo SOL ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1985;21(1):167-175
The authors performed percutaneous antegrade pyelography guided by ultrasound on 33 patients, from J une 1982 to October 1984, at the department of radiology, Busan National University Hospital. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Of the 31 cases,17 cases (5 1.5%) were female and 16 cases (48.5 %)were male,and age distribution was nearly even, but most prevalent age group was third decade. 2. Comparing intravenous pyelographic findings with ultrasonographic findings, pyelographically non. visualized kidney 15 cases (45 .5%) were hydronephrosis 12 cases, multiple cysts 2 cases, and intrarenal cystic mass 1 case, ultrasonographically. Pyelographically hydronephrosis 9 cases (27.3%) were all hydronephrosis, ultrasonographically. Intrarenal mass 5 cases (15.2%) were all intrarenal cystic mass, NVK with air in kidney 1 case (3.0%) was air in perirenal space, partial NVK 1 case (3.0%) was per. irenal fluid , suprarenal mass 1 case (3 .0%) was suprarenal intrarenal and huge perirenal cystic masses, ultraso nograp h ically. 3. On technical reliability of antegrade pyelography under ultrasound gUide, 31 cases (93 .9%) could be done fluid aspiration and visualization, and 2 cases (6.1 %) could be only done fluid aspiration but failed visualization . 31 successful cases were visualization of collecting systems 23 cases, visualization of cyst 6 cases, i!nd visualization of perirenal space 2 cases. 2 partial successful cases were perirenal injection 1 case and parenchymal injection 1 case. 4. On fluid aspiration, 22 cases (66.7%) were clear, but 11 cases (33.3%) were not clear, which were pus 7 cases, turbid urine 2 cases, bloody urine 1 case, and bloody pus and air 1 case. 5. Comparing ultrasonographic findings with antegrade pyelographic findings, ultrasonographically hydronephrosis 21 cases revealed obstruction in 16 cases, antegrade pyelographically, which were consisted of ureteral stricture 14 cases, ureteral stone 1 case, and ureteral mass 1 case, non-obstruction in 4 cases, which were consisted of pyonephrosis 2 cases, posterior urethral valve 1 case, and megaureter 1 case, and other 1 case was visualization failure. Ultrasonographically intrarenal cystic mass 6 cases were simple renal cyst 4 cases, and infected renal cyst 2 cases, antegrade pyelographically. Multiple cysts 2 cases were lobulated huge renal cyst 1 case, and visualization failure 1 case, which was multi.cystic kidney. Air in perirenal space 1 case was emphysematous pyelone. phritis, suprarenal cystic mass 1 case was complete duplication with ectopic ureteral orifice, perirenal fluid 1 case due to kidney fracture was perirenal fluid , and intrarenal and perirenal cystic mass was per irenal abscess, antegrade pyelographically. 6. On ana lysis of anteg rade pyelography result as next diagnostic step of ultrasound, 31 successful cases were 27 conclusive diagnostic cases (87.1%), and 4 heplful diagnostic cases (12.9%) with percutaneous antegrade pyelography guided by ultrasound . 7. Antegrade pyelography provides significant diagnostic information on the nature of the obstructive lesion and can be performed as an adjunct to retrograde study or as an alterative to a pyelogram. 8. Ultrasonographic examination could be performed easiJy in diagnosis of renal and perirenal diseases as non.invasive method without risk of radiation hazard , and was not influenced by renal function. 9. Ultrasound is considered a most advantageous aid to the performance of antegrade pyelography and has yie lded valuab le diagnostic information in patients with obstructive hydronephrosis.
Age Distribution
Constriction, Pathologic
United Nations
6.The significance of double contrast retrograde urethrocystography in prostatic tumors
Chun Phil CHUNG ; Jin Gyoo KIM ; Suck Hong LEE ; Byung Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1985;21(4):665-672
DRUC( Double Contrast Retrograde Urethrocystography), which was a combination of air cystography andretrograde urethrography with the patient in an exaggerated Trendelenburg's position allowing the contrast mediuminjected into bladder to be accumulated at the bladder base and dome far from trigone, showed good visualization of the prostatic urethra, bladder neck, bladder base and wall in contrast to the conventional, retrogradeurethrography. The authors analyzed DRUC findings of 32 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy, 3 case of prostaticcancer and 50 cases of normal healthy men performed at Pusan National University Hospital for 9 months from Jan.1984 to Sept. 1984. The results obtained were as follows: 1. DRUC findings of normal control group were normalpattern of prostatic urethra, semioval shaped bladder wall. 2. DRUC findings of B.P.H. were spreading of prostaticurethra, spreading, displacement, smooth multidirectional compression of bladder neck, widening of inner orificeof bladder neck, smooth elevation of bladder base, traveculation of bladder wall and variable type of intravesicalstream such as normal, broad, double central stream, associated peripheral umbrella stream and no intravesicalstream. 3. DRUC findings of prostatic cancer were rigidity of prostatic urethra, nodular multidirectionalcompression of bladder neck, multiseptation of peripheral intravesical stream, nodularity of bladder base andtrabeculation of bladder wall. 4. DRUC, which added to double contrast method and postion change of patient,showed more delicate changes of baldder neck, base and wall as well as prostatic urethra in contrast to simpleRUG. We observed that changes of bladder neck and intravesical stream were significant in analzing abnormalenlarged prostate, and could differentiate B.P.H. from prostatic cancer simply by noting sharply demarcatedbladder base.
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostatic Neoplasms
Urinary Bladder
7.The Prevalence and Some Minor clinical Features of Atopic Dermatitis.
Sang Chin LEE ; Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Won Chul LEE ; Jin Wou KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(1):1-7
BACKGROUND: The incidence of atopic of atopic dermatitis (AD) varies widely by different ages and it has been well-founded that the epidemiology of AD has been studied on admission of the first grade schoolchildren. AD is a common skin disease of childhood and tends to increase significantly during recent decades, but informations regarding the exact prevalence of AD, based on the large-scale general population study, are unavailable in korea. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to elucidate the exact prevalence of AD and to evaluate the diagnostic significance of some well-known minor clinical features associated with AD in the first grade school children in one of Kouean cities, Puchon, kyunggi-do. METHODS: Four thousands and eighteen first grde school children (boys ; 2072, girls ; 1946) participated inthis study. Two dermatologists determined the presence of skin lesions by through skin examination. Diagnosis of AD was made only when typical flexural and/or extensor and/or infraauricular fissure/eczema exist. The frequency as well as their diagnostic significance of ten minor features of AD (xerosis, ichthyosiform skin lesion, hyperlinear palm,)keratosis pilaris, non-specific hand/foot dermatitis, cheilitis, nipple eczema, perifollicular accentuation, pityriasis alba, Dennie-Morgan infraorbital fold) thought suitable items for field survey by authors, were also evaluated. RESULTS: The total prevalence of AD in the first grade school children of Puchon city was 3. 78%. The prevalence in boys was 3.37% and that in girls was 4.2 Associated minor features in individuals diagnosed as having AD were, in order of frequency, pityriasis alba (59.8%), perifollicular accentuation (57.8%), , keratosis pilaris (56.5%), hyperlinear palms (55.2%), xerosis (43.3%), Dennie-Morgan infraorbital fold (26.3%), etc. All but the ichthyosiform skin lesions and nipple eczema were significantly more frequent in individuals diagnosed as having AD (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: A relatively low prevalence shown in this study might be due to rather strict diagnostic criteria. Some helpful and diagnostically significant minor clinical features of AD, suitable for field survy, is suggested. Further studies are needed for accurate estimation of the prevalence of AD in korea including different regional and age population.
Dermatitis, Atopic*
Skin Diseases
8.A Case of Dirty Neck' of Atopics.
Dong Won LEE ; Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Mi Kyung CHA ; Jin Won KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(1):198-201
We report a case of Dirty Neck in a 27-year-old male suffering from severe atopic dermatitis. 'Dirty Neck', a reticulate pigmentation of the anterior and anterolateral aspects of the neck, is a specific finding in some subjects with atopic dermatitis. Two groups have been indentified. One is found in older patients with severe atopic dermatitis whose pigmentary lesions develop after puberty and show little seasonal variation. The other is found in younger patients with mild eczema who have a increase in pigment during the summer. Our patient showed a dark brown colored, linear, reticulate pigmentation of the neck, especially anterolateral aspeet regarded as the former group. More comprehensive and detailed clinical study is needed to evaluate the importanee of this entity in regard to as a minor clinical feature of Korean atopic dermatitis.
Dermatitis, Atopic
9.Clinical observation of Osteomyelitis in Childhood.
Seong Gyoo PARK ; Young Suk HONG ; Se Jin KANG ; Sun Gyum KIM ; Pyung Hwa CHOI
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(4):499-505
No abstract available.
10.Clinical Application of Percutaneous Transtracheal Catheter Insertion on Jet Ventilation.
Young Jin CHANG ; Jin Yun KIM ; Sun Gyoo PARK
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1996;31(1):37-42
BACKGROUND: High frequency jet ventilation has been extensively evaluated by clinicians and is considered reliable technique for assisted ventilation, occupying a specific place in the wide range of ventilatory support techniques available for anesthesia and critical care. Thanks to the transtracheal high frequency jet ventilator, it is now possible to assure a free laryngeal endoscopic operative field. The transtracheal catheter is introduced percutaneously through the cricothyroid membrane into the trachea and connected to a high frequency jet ventilator. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the application of percutaneous transtracheal HFJV for suspension micro laryngeal surgery under total intravenous anesthesia. METHODS: The patients were divided into two groups. In transtracheal group (group TT, n=7), jet ventilation was done with 14 gauge angiocatheter introduced into the trachea through the cricothyroid membrane and in endotracheal intubation group (group ET, n=7), jet ventilation was done with endotracheal tube which has a 5 mm of internal diameter. RESULTS: The blood pressures were not significantly changed except postincision 5 minute in group ET and TT. The heart rate was not significantly changed in group ET and TT. The arterial blood gases were not significantly changed in group ET and TT. CONCLUSIONS: From the above results, jet ventilation by transtracheal catheter, if properly used, should provide safe airway, an adequate ventilation and improved visual field. So we suggest that transtracheal technique should provide an alternative to conventional endotracheal technique for micro laryngeal surgery.
Anesthesia, Intravenous
Critical Care
Heart Rate
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation
Intubation, Intratracheal
Ventilators, Mechanical
Visual Fields