1.Health-Related Quality of Life Based on Comorbidities Among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 2020;11(4):194-200
The aim of this study was to investigate comorbidities in patients with end-stage renal disease, and to compare health-related quality of life (HRQOL) according to the type, and number of comorbidities. A total of 250 adults undergoing hemodialysis were recruited at local clinics. HRQOL was measured using the 12-item Medical Outcomes Study Short Form questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and Around 70.8% of patients with end stage renal disease had 1 or more comorbidities, and the most common comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. HRQOL was significantly different based on the number of comorbidities (F = 9.83, The customized management of diabetic and hypertensive patients is necessary for the early detection and prevention of chronic kidney disease, and slowing the progression of renal disease and managing cardiovascular risk factors is essential.
2.The Effects of the Combined Biofeedback and Brief Emotion Regulation Nursing Intervention Based on the Gross Model for Sexually Abused Adolescents
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2022;52(6):608-623
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a combined biofeedback and brief emotion regulation (C-BABER) program for sexually abused adolescents.
This study employed a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants included 26 sexually abused adolescents from eight Sunflower Centers of South Korea–with 13 in the experimental group and 13 in the control group. The experimental group received four sessions of the individual C-BABER program, each lasting 60 minutes.
Compared with the control group, sexually abused adolescents in the experimental group exhibited significant score differences in traumatic symptoms, including depression (Z = - 2.24, p = .025), dissociation (Z = - 2.21, p = .027), anxiety (Z = - 2.02, p = .044), and posttraumatic stress (Z = - 2.01 p = .045); and impulsivity, including positive urgency (Z = - 3.35, p = .001) and negative urgency (Z = - 2.28, v = .023). Additionally, the experimental group exhibited significant score differences in meta-mood, including emotional attention (Z = - 2.45, p = .014), emotional clarity (Z = - 2.30, p = .021), and emotional repair (Z = - 2.28, p = .022); and emotional regulation modes, including emotional suppression (Z = - 2.65,p = .008) and cognitive reappraisal (Z = - 1.98, p = .047). Regarding bio-attention, significant changes were identified in the experimental group for the bio-attention rate and attention maintenance time in the posttest compared to the pretest (p = .001).
The C-BABER program for sexually abused adolescents is effective in decreasing traumatic symptoms and impulsivity, and in improving meta-mood, emotional regulation mode, and bio-attention. Therefore, we recommend providing sexually abused adolescents the C-BABER program to help them regulate their emotions and effectively adapt to their lives.
3.Arthroscopic Treatment for Calcific Tendinitis of Origin of Long Head of Triceps.
Woo KIM ; Byung Wook SONG ; Tae Yon RHIE ; Jieun KWON
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow 2016;19(4):245-248
A 55-year-old female experienced acute left shoulder pain without specific trauma. Radiography showed calcific deposits in the inferior part of the glenoid fossa. Magnetic resonance arthrography showed calcific deposits in the origin of the long head of triceps brachii muscle. Conservative treatment failed to resolve the symptoms; therefore, arthroscopic surgery was performed. The patient experienced immediate and dramatic pain relief, and normal shoulder motion was demonstrated 1 year after surgery. In conclusion, although rare, calcific tendinitis of the triceps brachii muscle, which causes shoulder pain, should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute shoulder pain. Arthroscopic surgery is a treatment option for chronic cases and those resistant to conservative treatment.
Diagnosis, Differential
Middle Aged
Shoulder Joint
Shoulder Pain
4.The Structural Modeling for Nurses' Interpersonal Competence within an Organization.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration 2015;21(4):366-374
PURPOSE: This study was designed to identify a path model that anticipates the interpersonal competence of nurses by anticipating factors that explain interpersonal competence within an organization, and analyzing the effects of these factors. A hypothetical model was formulated based on a literature review of interpersonal competence. For the study, influential factors were divided into two variables: exogenous variables including communication style, coaching leadership, and social support, and endogenous variables of self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. METHODS: The sample included 202 hospital nurses. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. RESULTS: The overall fitness was good (chi2=74.707, p<.001), d.f=19, chi2/df= 3.932, GFI=.940, AGFI=.826, RMR=.009). Social support, self-efficacy, horizontal communication and organizational commitment directly affected the interpersonal competence of the nurses, and informal type of communication, horizontal, upward communication and coaching leadership indirectly effected the interpersonal competence of the nurses. Horizontal communication, social support, self-efficacy, and organizational commitment explained 46.5% of the variance in interpersonal competence of nurses. CONCLUSION: Based on the study results, nurses in hospitals need informal types of communication, horizontal, upward communication and coaching leadership to increase their interpersonal competence.
Job Satisfaction
Mental Competency*
Models, Structural*
5.Development of Cancer Patient Guide for Nausea & Vomiting Management in Chemotherapy.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2010;22(6):570-581
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to develop a Cancer Patient Guide with patients involvement using evidenced based practice research. The purpose of this patient guide was to help patients undergoing chemotherapy to manage their nausea and vomiting based on evidence. METHODS: The design of the research was a methodological study. The participants consisted of seven cancer patients who were asked about their' need for nausea and vomiting management, and secondly, 16 expert & 15 cancer patients to evaluate the Cancer Patient Guide using the DESCERN tool. RESULTS: 1) Sixty-four relevant research evidences based articles were reviewed. 2) Patients were interviewed as to their needs in controlling nausea and vomiting. 3) The preliminary Cancer Patient Guide utilizing the research evidenced and the cancer patients interviews was then evaluated and revised by the experts and cancer patients. Lastly, the Cancer Patient which included an overview of chemotherapy, pathophysiology of nausea & vomiting, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions was finalized with each intervention supported by research evidence and patients' narratives of their experience. CONCLUSION: The Cancer Patient Guide was developed using evidenced based research and cancer patients in-put and be used to improve patients' self-management skill of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy. The guide t also provides evidence based patient friendly information and contributes as a baseline data for developing and evaluating evidence-based guide for patients.
Self Care
6.The effects of whole-body vibration training on knee function and physical performance of middle-aged and elderly woman with knee osteoarthritis and chronic knee pain
Jieun Yoon ; Taishi Tsuji ; Akihiro Kanamori ; Kiyoji Tanaka ; Tomohiro Okura
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2014;63(4):371-382
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of whole-body vibration training (WBVT) on knee function and physical performance in middle-aged and older Japanese women who suffered from knee osteoarthritis (OA) and knee pain. Thirty-eight middle-aged and older Japanese women (aged 50-73 years) with knee OA and knee pain were divided into two groups: (1) a WBVT group (n = 29) engaging in WBVT 3 times a week for 8 weeks, and (2) a control group (C group, n = 9) performing exercises at home. The WBVT program consisted of a warm-up, strength training mainly of the quadriceps and their surrounding muscles and cool-down exercises. In the WBVT group, there were no dropouts, and there were significant improvements in the physical function (Cohen’s d = 0.28) and total score (Cohen’s d = 0.25) of Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). There were also statistically significant improvements in all lower-extremity function tests (5-times sit-to-stand, timed up and go, standing time from a long sitting position, sit and reach, 4-way choice reaction time; Cohen’s d = 0.34-1.24). The item that changed significantly in the C group, however, was only the sit and reach (Cohen’s d = 0.52). In addition, all items in the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Score (JOA score) improved significantly (Cohen’s d = 0.63-0.67) in the WBVT group. In conclusion, the 8-week WBVT program can safely improve knee function and physical performance in middle-aged and older Japanese women who suffer from knee OA and knee pain.
7.Prescription of Gastric Acid Secretion Inhibitors before and after the Withdrawal of Ranitidine
Korean Journal of Health Promotion 2022;22(4):183-193
In September 2019, ranitidine, the largest share in the gastric acid secretion inhibitor market, was identified as a carcinogen, and sales were banned. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the gastric acid secretion inhibitor market changed after ranitidine withdrawal.
From January 2010 to December 2021, the prescription dose and cost of gastric acid secretion inhibitors were calculated monthly. To investigate the effect of ranitidine withdrawal on the gastric acid secretion inhibitor market, we developed a time-series autoregressive model using data from January 2010 to October 2019. In addition, the P-value was calculated by interrupted time series analysis using the data dating between 2010 and 2021 (interrupted time: October 2019).
Since 2010, proton pump inhibitors have increased their market share in terms of prescription volume and drug costs. This trend accelerated since ranitidine was withdrawn from the market in September 2019. In 2021, it was estimated that ranitidine prescriptions would be transferred as follows: famotidine's increased prescription volume was estimated at 323 million (pharmaceutical cost, 53.2 billion won), proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) at 223 million (89.9 billion won), and lafutidine at 137 million (20.5 billion won).
The market share expansion of PPIs accelerated due to the withdrawal of ranitidine. The ranitidine prescription was partially transferred to the same H 2 blockers, such as famotidine and lafutidine, and there was also a significant transfer to PPIs.
8.Effects of Advance Care Planning on End-of-Life Decision Making: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 2020;23(2):71-84
The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the effects of advance care planning on end-of-life decision-making.
Databases including RISS, KISS, KMbase, KoreaMed, PubMed (MEDLINE), Embase, and CINAHL were searched for studies that examined the effects of advance care planning interventions. The inclusion criteria were original studies in English or Korean; adults ≥18 years of age (population); advance care planning (intervention); completion of advance directives (AD) or advance care planning (ACP) (outcomes); and randomized or non-randomized controlled trials (RCTs and non-RCTs, respectively) (design). Study quality was measured using the checklists of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Meta-analyses were conducted with the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis program.
Nine RCTs and nine non-RCTs were selected for the final analysis. The effect sizes (ES) of the outcome variables in nine RCTs were meta-analyzed, and found to range from 0.142 to 0.496 for the completion of AD and ACP (ES=0.496, 95% CI: 0.157~0.836), discussion of end-of-life care (ES=0.429, 95% CI: -0.027~0.885), quality of communication (ES=0.413, 95% CI: 0.008~0.818), decisional conflict (ES=0.349, 95% CI: -0.059~0.758), and congruence between preferences for care and delivered care (ES=0.142, 95% CI: -0.267~0.552).
ACP interventions had a positive effect on the completion of AD and ACP. To apply AD or ACP in Korea, it is necessary to develop ACP interventions that reflect aspects of Korean culture.
10.The influence of health literacy competencies on patient-centered care among clinical nurses
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 2021;27(2):132-143
The aim of this study was to identify the relationships between health literacy competencies and patient-centered care among clinical nurses.
The participants of this study were 254 nurses working in two hospitals in the D region. The data were collected from July to August 2020. The health literacy competencies for registered nurses scale and individualized care scale were utilized. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis.
The mean of health literacy competencies was 3.16±0.31 points on a four-point scale, and the average of patient-centered care was 3.69±0.50 points on a five-point scale. Regarding the nurses’ general characteristics, patient-centered care showed significant differences according to age (F=4.68, p=.010), marital status (t=-2.38, p=.018), religion (F=3.03, p=.030), total clinical experience (F=2.94, p=.021) and prior health literacy knowledge (t=3.20, p=.002). As a result of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis, health literacy competencies (β=.63) were found to significantly influence patient-centered care. The explanatory power of the model was 41.0% (F=25.58, p<.001).
The study suggests that nurse’s health literacy competencies should be developed in order to improve patient-centered care. Nursing education should include an emphasis on integrating health literacy into the nursing school curriculum.