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Author:(Jienan GU)

1.Discussion on the Thinking and Methods of Application of Classic Prescriptions from the Perspective of"Five Differentiation"

Yongtao WANG ; Hubiao MENG ; Jifa LIU ; Peng XU ; Yu ZHANG ; Jienan GU ; Bin PENG ; Shijie XU

Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine 2024;31(6):163-166

2.Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Based on "One Qi Circumfluence" Theory

Bin PENG ; Yongtao WANG ; Jienan GU ; Shijie XU

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2024;65(9):962-965

3.Discussion on the Four-Season Pathogenesis and Treatment of Insomnia Based on the “Circular Movement of Yang Qi Ascending and Descending”

Bin PENG ; Guowei WANG ; Jienan GU ; Yongtao WANG ; Shijie XU

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023;64(21):2192-2196

4.Application of Modified FuMai Decoction (复脉汤加减方) based on Sanjiao (三焦) Theory

Jienan GU ; Yuxuan HE ; Bin PENG ; Sheng HUANG ; Guowei WANG ; Yongtao WANG ; Qianhui LIU ; Shijie XU

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2023;64(20):2157-2160

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