1.A Clinical Observation about the Nevi Involving Melanocytes in the Korean Youth.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(1):73-78
This study was performed in the Korean recruits to determine the prevalence and the sites of predilection of the nevi involving melanocytes. The results were summarized as follows; 1) 411 of 2311(17. 7%) recruits examined were found to have nevus spilus, most prevalent in the trunk. The lesions were usually solitary but occasionally two or three lesions were found in a single individual. The prevalence of speckled lentiginous nevus was 0.49%,(2l/4247). The site of prevalence of progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentation was 0. 80% (34/4247). The lesions were most commonly observed in the lower trunk and upper thighs. 4) The prevalence of Becker's nevus was 0.45%(19/4247). The lesions were most commonly observed in the shoulder and its surrounding areas. 5) Persistent Mongolian spot were observed in 2. 73% (63/2311). The proportion of extrasacral spots to sacral spots was increased to almost half of the entire spots. 6) Blue nevi were observed in 0. 48M (11/2311), most frequently in the sacral area.
Mongolian Spot
Nevus, Blue
2.A case of acral persisitent papula mucinosis.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Jang Kyu PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(2):232-235
We report a case of acral persistent papular mucinosis in a 5 year-old female with multiple papules on both dorsa of the hands, wrists and forearms. Examination of a biopsy specimen showed a domeshaped lesion in the dermis composed of spindle-shaped fibrobla,sts and widely spaced collagen fibers. These spaces were filled with mucinous material, as demonstrated by positive staining with aleian blue at pH 2.5 and pH 0.5.
Child, Preschool
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
3.A Case of Reactive Perforating Collagenosis.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Jong Myung HYUN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(6):790-794
Reactive perforating collagenosis, first described by Mehregan et al in ]967, is a skin disorder characterized by transepidermal eliniination of altered collagen fibers. This rare disease appears as recurrent, umbilicated, crusted papules in response to minor trauma. We report here a case of reactive perforating collagenosis in a 21-year-old man. Examination of the skin revealed a number of centrally umbilicated, asymptomatic papules filled with keratotic plugs in various development and regression. The lesions were distributed on the dorsa of the hands, face, and neck. The biopsy spccimen showed a few of thin bundles of collagen which v ere extruded from the dermis through the atrophic epidermis and the turinels within the epidermis, reaching the buttom of the plug.
Rare Diseases
Young Adult
4.A Case of Darier's Disease Associated with Guttate Leukoderma and Acrokeratosis Verruciformis.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Seung Chul LEE ; Won Suk KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):133-137
The close similarity of acrokeratosis verruciformis(AKV) to the acral lesions of Dariers disease is well known. However, the exact relationship between the two disorders has not been satisfactorily resolved. A case of Dariers disease associated with guttate leukoderma and AKV is presented. The patient was a 17-year-old male who had dark cursted papules on the neck and lower abdomen, flat-topped keratotic papules on the dorsal surface of hoth hands, and white macules disseminated on the trunk and lower extremities of 7 years duration. The histopathologic examination of the lesion on the lower abdomen revealed parakeratotic plugs, corps ronds, and suprabasal clefts. The lesion on the dorsum of the hand showed compact hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and papillomatosis with the pattern of church spires. The leukodermic lesion revealed decreased melanin content in the epidermal cells.
5.Paritial Unilateral Lentiginosis: Report of two Cases.
Seung Chul LEE ; Jeung Hoon LEE ; Won Suk KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):127-131
No abstract available.
6.A case of granuloma gluteale infantum.
Sang Chin LEE ; Sung Woo CHOI ; Jeung Hoon LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(2):228-231
Granuloma gluteale infantum may be considered a complication oi the primary irritant type of diaper dermatitis and a modern disease due to the change in tae are of the napkin area. Most patients were infants who had worn plastic diapers and were treated with fluorinated topical corticasteroid cream for their diaper dermatitis. The lesions comorise one or several, soft and reddish brown or livid purple nodules on the napkin area. We report a typical case of granuloma gluteale infantum in a 13-month old female who had been treated with topical cortieosteroid crearn for her diaper derniat;lis. The granuloma regressed spontaneously after withdrawl of the topical corticosteroid and restricted use of the occlusive plastic diaper.
7.A Case of Eccrine Poroma.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Chang Uhn LIM ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1980;18(3):227-231
No abstract available.
8.A Study on the Quantitiation of the Autologous Rosette Forming Lymphocytes in the Human Peripheral Blood.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Won Suk KIM ; Hee Chyl EUN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):23-27
The formation of spontaneous rosettes between human lymphocytes and sheep erythro ytes under suitable conditions is a constant feature of T-lymphocytes. Recently. It has been demonstrated in the mouse, rat, guinea pig and in man that a certain proportion of peripheral blood lymphocytes has the property to bind autolognus erythrocytes in vitro. These lymphocytes are called auiologous rosette forming cells(ARFC). Although there are several reports on human ARFC. the results are not in accordance. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the autologous rosette forming property of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and to enumerate the percentage of ARFC in different sex and age guoups. Fifty healthy persons entered this study between Martch and September. 1980. at the Department of Dermatolgy, Seoul National Universty Hospital. The method of quantitation of AREC was s sight modification of that of Lambermont et al(1977). The results were as follows.
9.A Mycologic Study from the Fourth Toe Web of the High School Studyent.
Ja Kyeong KOO ; Jeung Hoon LEE ; Jang Kyu PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1988;26(5):666-670
Exogenoue exposurea to pathogenic fungi have been suggested as causes of acute atta.eks of tinea pedis. Psthogenic fungi is rarely present on the skin aurfaces without cauaing definite and characteristic reactions. However, it was suspected by eome observers that pathogenic fungi might be more or liesa normal inhabitant of the human skin. Alterations in host susceptibility and loss, of local immunity are more to blame than new exposure to exogenous micro-ganisms. To determine this point, fungal culture was done from the fourth toe web of 824 high school students. The results of the study were summarized as follows,' l. Among 824 cases, 780 cases(94.7%) had grossly normal appearing toe web and 44 cases(5,3%) were suspected superficial fungal infection. 2. Positive rate of KOH examination was 4.6%(36,'780) in normal toe web and 45.4%(20/44) in dermatophytic lesion. 3, The positive rate of fungal culture from normal and infected toe web are 7.9 %(62/780) a.nd 40.9%(18/44), respectively. In the normal toe web, Trichophyton rubrum(66.1%), T, entagrophytea(include T. interdigitaLe) and Epidermophyton, floccosum(3.2%) were isolated. In the dermatophytic lesion, T. rubrurn(88.8%) and T. me ntagrophytes(11.2% ) w ere isolated. Although toe webs do not present clinical symptoms and signs, pathogenic fungi as a normal inhabitant can be isolated from clinically normal toe webs. Some of these cases, therefore, will develope to tinea pedis in time.
Tinea Pedis
10.A Case of Progressive Cribriform and Zosteriform Hyperpigmentation.
Jeung Hoon LEE ; Kyung Jeh SUNG ; Won Suk KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(4):515-519
Progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentaion (PCZP) is a pigmentary disorder of the skin which was first described by Rower et al in 1978. The disorder is characterized clinically by uniformalyptan cribriform macular pigmentation in a zosteriform distibution and histopathologically by absence of nevus cells and increased melanin in the basal cells. The authors have experienced a case of PCZP in 21 year old Korean man which we believe is the first documented case in Korea. The patient noted light brown macules on his left inguinal area at the age of 17 which has gradually extended to become cribriform macular pigmentation in a zosteriform distribution. Histopathologic examination of the lesion showed an increase in basal melanin pigmentation. No nevus cells were present.
Young Adult