1.A Study on Mineral Changes on the Weathering Human Hair after Burial using EDX.
Won Kyu KIM ; Jeong Lae KIM ; Yong Seok NAM ; Yun Teak SHIM ; Kyu Sung HWANG
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2013;37(3):134-138
This study was undertaken to investigate mineral changes in weathered scalp hair after burial. EDX (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) analysis was performed to measure the presence of minerals on the hair surface. Twelve scalp hairs, buried for 5-40 years, were chosen from deceased individuals buried in tombs in Soha-Ri, Kyonggi-Do, and other regions in Korea. Three normal hairs were used as the control group. EDX data showed that carbon, oxygen, and sulfur were detected in hair collected from all three burial grounds. In contrast, calcium was only detected in hair collected from tombs in Soha-ri. The amounts of calcium and sulfur were found to decrease with time for hair collected from tombs in Soha-ri. Similar results were observed with sodium for hair collected from other regions. These results show region specific mineral detection and a decrease in the concentration of minerals with time. Consequently, it is suggested that changes in minerals concentration in weathered hair could be used as basic data in the field of forensic medicine.
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Sciences
Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission
2.A Case of Congenital Vellus Hamartoma.
Jeong Deuk LEE ; Jun Young LEE ; Baik Kee CHO ; Won HOUH ; Sang In SHIM ; Moon Jae CHO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(4):456-460
We report a case of congenital vellus hamartoma, which consists of numerous matured vellus hair follicles and sebaceous glands. This patient is 4-month-old male with multiple, variable sized nodules on the right epicanthsl fold area since birth. Histopathologically, some of the infundibular portion of the vellus hair shows irregular and reticulated hyperplasia. There are numerous well-formed vellus hair follicles surrounded with thick fibrous sheath and some of them are associated with rudiment sebaceous glands.
Hair Follicle
Sebaceous Glands
3.Basophil histamine releasability in children with atopic asthma.
Jung Yeon SHIM ; Won Chul BYUN ; Jeong Soo HONG ; Hee Bom MOON ; Soo Jong HONG
Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1998;18(3):494-503
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the basophil histamine releasability in response to IgE- and non- IgE-mediated stimuli in children with atopic asthma. Met: Basophil histamine releasability was measured in Dermatophagoides farinae (D. farinae)-sensitive atopic asthmatics, D.farinae-sensitive healthy atopics, non-atopic asthmatics, and healthy non-atopics. Basophils were stimulated with D.farinae, goat antihuman IgE antibody, formyl-Met-Leu-Phe(fMLP), and Calcium ionophore A23187. Histamine was measured by automated fluorometric technique. RESULTS: Sponianeous histamine release was higher in atopic asthmatics compared to healthy non-atopics. Histamine release by D.farinae and by anti-IgE antibody was higher in atopic asthmatics compared to the other groups. There was no difference in histamine release by fMLP among all groups. Histamine release by Calcium ionophore was higher in healthy atopics and non-atopic asthmatics compared to healthy non-atopics. The atopics showed correlation between histamine release by D.farinae, by anti-IgE antibody and total serum IgE levels. CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous and IgE-mediated histamine release were related to the presence of both atopy and asthma, whereas non-IgE mediated histamine release was different depending on the stimuli.
Dermatophagoides farinae
Histamine Release
Immunoglobulin E
4.Relationship of Prostate Specific Antigen & Prostate Specific Antigen Density and Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Cancer.
Cheol JEON ; Yeung Goo LEE ; Jeong Won SHIM
Korean Journal of Urology 1995;36(6):614-622
Prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) is a putative premalignant change in the human prostate, which is an intraluminal proliferation of the secretory cells of the prostatic duct-acinar system that is enveloped by a basal cell layer and displays a spectrum of dysplastic cytologic features ranging from minimal atypia (low grade PIN) to those which are ultimately indistinguishable from carcinoma cells (high grade PIN). To evaluate the clinical significance of the PIN in prostatic tumor and BPH, we reviewed the serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), prostate specific antigen density (PSAD), and pathologic findings in the specimen of 21 BPH and 11 Prostate cancers, which were pathologically confirmed. The distributions of PIN are 7/21 (33%) in BPH and 8/ 11 (73%) in prostatic ca (P<0.05). The mean value (+/-SD) of PSA and PSAD in BPH patient were 8.42+/-5.57 ng/ml, 0.16+/-0.09 for PIN(-), 10.13+/-5.97 ng/ml, 0.17+/-0.09 for PIN(+), and in prostatic cancer patient were 60.53+/-1.83 ng/ml, 1.42+/-0.25 for PIN(-), 54.15+/-34.61 ng/ml, 1.28+/-0.84 for PIN(+), respectively. The mean value (+/-SD) of PSA & PSAD according to histologic types of BPH were 9.04+/-3.88 ng/ml, 0.17+/-0.06 for glandular type, 5. 57+/-1.31 ng/ml, 0.10+/-0.03 for stromal type, and 11.18+/-8.93 ng/ml, 0.19+/-0.13 for mixed type. The distributions of PIN according to histologic types of BPH were 30% (3/10) for glandular type, 40% (2/5) for stromal type, and 33% (2/6) for mixed type. All 7 PIN(+) BPH were low grade, while, of the 8 PIN(+) prostatic Ca, 1 was low grade and 7 were high grade. From these results, the frequent of PIN was higher in prostatic cancer than BPH (P<0.05). PIN had no significant influence on PSA elevation in prostatic cancer and BPH. There was no correction between PSA, PSAD and histologic types of BPH (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the distribution of PIN according to histologic types of BPH. And high grade PIN was observed only in prostatic cancer. Therefore, if high grade PIN is observed in pathologic specimens, undetected prostatic cancer should be found.
Prostate-Specific Antigen*
Prostatic Hyperplasia*
Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia*
Prostatic Neoplasms*
5.A Case of Papillary Eccrine Adenoma.
Jeong Ki RHEE ; Yung Jin OH ; Baik Kee HO ; Won HOUH ; Kyo Young LEE ; Sang In SHIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(5):616-620
The papillary eccrine adenoma is a rare benign sweat gland neoplasm charscterized by potentislly locally aggressive clinical course. We report herein a case of papillsry eccrine adenoma in a 28-year-old female who presented single intradermal tumor on the right postauricular ares. Histopathological findings showed dilated ducts containing eosinophilic or keratinous materials and intraluminal papillary rowths.
Sweat Gland Neoplasms
6.Measurement of changes in forehead height after endoscopic forehead lift
Jae Min CHUNG ; Won Ki KANG ; Jeong Su SHIM
Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2020;26(3):87-91
Endoscopic forehead lift effectively corrects brow ptosis, and is less invasive and has fewer complications than classic forehead lift. Therefore, endoscopic procedures are often used instead of making a coronal incision. However, very few studies have investigated changes in the height of the hairline and documented exact values regarding the extent of forehead elongation after these procedures. Therefore, we conducted this study to determine the degree to which the height of the forehead changes after endoscopic forehead lift.
Patients’ medical records were retrospectively analyzed and measurements of clinical photography were made to investigate changes in the height of the forehead after the procedure. Subjects were divided into an experimental group (n=33) and an age-matched control group (n=33) for analysis; the experimental group comprised those who underwent endoscopic forehead lift from January 2015 to March 2018, and the control group comprised those who underwent upper blepharoplasty without forehead rejuvenation from July 2009 to September 2017.
The changes between the preoperative and postoperative height of the forehead in the experimental group were not statistically significant (right, P=0.163; left, P=0.256; midline, P=0.545). However, the changes in the height of the forehead in the control group were statistically significant on the right side (P=0.026) and left side (P=0.028), but not at the midline (P=0.244).
We investigated the extent of forehead elongation that occurred in cases of endoscopic forehead lift and verified that significant forehead height changes did not occur after endoscopic forehead lift.
7.Minimum current requirement for confirming the localization of an epiradicular catheter placement.
Ji Seon JEONG ; Jae Chol SHIM ; Jae Hang SHIM ; Dong Won KIM ; Min Serk KANG
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2012;63(3):238-244
BACKGROUND: Based on the necessity to confirm the epiradicular catheter misplacement, epiradicular threshold current for the confirmation of catheter tip localization is required. METHODS: Thirty-four adult patients with low extremity radiating pain were to receive epiradicular catheterization at the lumbosacral level. The epidural space was accessed percutaneously in cranial to caudal direction. A metal coil-reinforced epidural catheter was inserted and advanced caudolaterally toward the target neural foramen until the catheter tip was located below the bisection of pedicle. The electrical stimulation was performed after catheter placement in epidural and epiradicular space. Using the constant current nerve stimulator, the stimulating current was increased from 0 to 5 mA (pulse width of 0.3 ms; frequency of 2 Hz) until adequate motor contraction was evident. The threshold current for motor response with epidural space (EDmA) and epiradicular space (ERmA) placement were recorded upon electrical stimulation. In addition, the threshold charge for motor response with epidural (EDnC) and epiradicular (ERnC) placement were recorded. RESULTS: Of 34 catheters intentionally placed in the epiradicular space, ERmA was 0.53 +/- 0.48 mA. The ERnC was significantly lower than EDnC (P < 0.05). The EDmA and ERmA were below 1 mA in 3 patients and above 1 mA in 4 patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that, threshold current for motor response seems to be lower for epiradicular compared with epidural placement, although we were not able to directly investigate the epidural threshold current. The threshold current of epiradicular space overlap that in the epidural space.
Electric Stimulation
Epidural Space
Fees and Charges
8.Diagnosis of Pituitary Microadenoma: Significance of T2-Weighted MR Image.
Won Kyun RA ; Yul LEE ; Eun Young KO ; Kyung Won LEE ; Ik YANG ; Soo Young CHUNG ; Jeong Won SHIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1999;40(4):639-644
PURPOSE: To evaluate the significance of T2-weighted MR imaging(T2WI) in the diagnosis of pituitarymicroadenoma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the MR imaging findings of 30 cases of pituitarymicroadenoma. Diagnosis was made on the basis of surgery, serum hormonal level, and the presence of mass lesion onMR (T1WI and T2WI), and conventional as well as dynamic contrast enhanced T1WI images were obtained. In each MRsequence, signal intensity and detectability of the tumor were evaluated. We also determined whether diagnosis waspossible on both T1WI and T2WI. In eight cases, histopathologic findings (cellularity, fibrosis, and cysticchange) were correlated with T2 signal intensity of the tumor. RESULTS: T2WI, T1WI, and dynamic and conventionalenhanced T1WI detected the tumor in 21 cases (70%), 21 cases (70%), 28 cases (93.3%), and 22 cases (73.3%),respectively. On T2WI, pituitary microadenomas showed a high signal in 18 cases (60%), an iso-signal in nine(30%), and a low signal in three (10%) compared with normal pituitary gland. In 20 cases (66.7%), diagnosis ofpituitary microadenoma was possible on both T1WI and T2WI, but in one case, the tumor was detected only on T2WI.Three cases with fibrosis, as seen on histopathologic examination showed an iso or low signal on T2WI. CONCLUSION: T2WI is useful in the diagnosis of pituitary microadenoma Decreased signal intensity on T2WI may suggestfibrosis.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pituitary Gland
Retrospective Studies
9.Discogenic Lumbar Pain: Correlation between Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Discography.
Jae Chol SHIM ; Dong Won KIM ; Jeong Woo JEON
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2001;41(6):S26-S32
BACKGROUND: Although numerous previous studies on the subject have been performed, the correlations between various pathologic findings on magnetic resonance imaging and pain reproduction by provoked discography have not been fully explained. A higher sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) of the high intensity zone (HIZ) for predicting concordant pain was reported. Moreover, although the apparent validity of this sign has been corroborated by some investigators, it has been questioned by others. The validity of this sign awaits confirmation. The various pathologic parameters seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with discogenic lumbar pain was assessed and correlated with observations on discography. METHODS: There were 18 patients enrolled, ranging in age from 28 to 64 years with an average age of 48.8 +/- 10.2 (mean +/- SD) years. Five men (28%) and thirteen women (72%) participated in the study. All patients underwent provocation discography by a standard technique, as mentioned previously. The lumbar discs examined were L3-L4;(2), L4-L5;(14) and L5-S1;(10). The relationship between discogenic lumbar pain and disc morphology was investigated by using MRI and provocation discography. RESULTS: Of the 26 discs being studied, 16 proved to be concordantly painful at discography relative to clinical back, buttock, hip, groin, and proximal leg pain complaints. Fourteen of the 16 painful and concordant pain discs exhibit grade 2, 3 with annular tears, and four with free leakage of contrast into the epidural space. Using chi-square analysis, we observed a significant correlation (P < 0.05) between the annular disruption grade and the provoked pain response. We were not able to demonstrate that the HIZ was associated with any particular grade of disc disruption. Similarly, there was no significant correlation (P > 0.05) between a concordant pain response and the presence of an HIZ regardless of the level and grade of disc disruption. CONCLUSIONS: The presence or lack of the HIZ does not exclude the disc as a source of pain and should not replace provocation discography as a means of evaluating low back pain with or without sciatica.
Epidural Space
Low Back Pain
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*
Research Personnel
10.Effects of a Multicomponent Cognitive Stimulation Program on Cognitive Function Improvement Among Elderly Women
Jeong Mo PARK ; Mi Won KIM ; Hee Young SHIM
Asian Nursing Research 2019;13(5):306-312
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify the effect of a multicomponent cognitive stimulation program (MCSP) on the improvement of older people's cognitive abilities. It also aimed to determine whether the effectiveness of the MCSP is related to age.METHODS: A one-group pretest-posttest design was used. The program was conducted once a week for 10 weeks. The Korean-Montreal Cognitive Assessment (K-MoCA) was used to measure cognitive functions before and after the MCSP. Participants included 37 people aged over 65 years with normal cognitive functions and living in I city. A paired t-test was used to compare K-MoCA scores before and after the MCSP, and a two-way analysis of variance was performed to confirm whether there is an interaction between the MCSP and age.RESULTS: It was found that the MCSP had a significant effect on improving cognitive functions (t = −5.15, p < .001). Regarding the subdomains, visuospatial/executive ability, recall, naming, and language ability showed significant effects; however, abstractive ability—which was not a focus of the program—showed no significant effect. There were differences in visuospatial/executive functions, language skills, and memory between the 65–79 years age group and the aged over 80 group. Further, regarding the relationship between the MCSP and age, it was found that their interaction was significant only with regard to visuospatial/executive ability.CONCLUSION: The MCSP helps to improve the cognitive functions of the elderly; however, its effect differs between the young-old group and the old-old group. Therefore, age should be considered when developing MCSPs.
Cognitive Therapy