1.Laryngeal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula: 1 case report.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(5):504-508
Laryngeal atresia is a very rare congenital anomaly requiring immediate tracheotomy. We present a case of laryngeal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula who showed immediate respiratory difficulty after ligation of umbilical cord and died of aspiration pneumonia at 8 days of age. The atretic portion of larynx is composed of irregulary arranged cartilaginous tissue, bundles of intrinsic muscle and soft tissue without epithelium-lined lumen. The lungs show normal development and evidences of aspiration pneumonia.
Infant, Newborn
2.A Study of Umbilical Cord Length According to the Gestational Age.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(5):511-513
The umbilical cord length may be a reliable indicator of fetal activity during gestation because it grows in response to tensile forces related to fetal movement. But there has been little attention to normal range of the umbilical cord length. We analyzed the umbilical cord length of 2342 cases de1ivered in Seoul National University Hospital to determine mean values according to the gestational age. The umbilical cord length increased linearly from 15.5cm of 13 week to 50.6 cm of 44 week. After 42 week, the growth was nearly stopped. There was no difference by fetal sex. The length of umbilical cord was variable even within same gestational age.
3.Pulmonary Embolism and Pulmonary Infarction.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2000;43(5):468-474
No abstract available.
Pulmonary Embolism*
Pulmonary Infarction*
4.Congenital Omental Cyst Associated with Hydrops Fetalis: An autopsy case.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(1):160-164
Omental cyst is benign unilocular or multilocular endothelium-lined cyst that contains either chyle or serous fluid. They are uncommon yet interesting intraabdominal masses that may be difficult to diagnose clinically and often are missed on abdominal palpation. The etiology of this lesion has been subject to much discussion in the literature over the years with the principal debate centering around the question of whether or not this lesion is congenital. It is now recongnized that there is no single etiologic mechanism involved in the development of this lesion. Recently we have experienced an autopsy case of omental cyst occurring in a male fetus. Pregnancy was artificially interrupted at 28 weeks gestation due to suspicious mesenteric cyst or fetal ascites on ultrasonography. Postmortem examination showed hydrops fetalis, hypoplasia of the lungs, ad multifocal calcifications of myocardium. There was an omental cyst in the greater omentum which was 7x3 cm in size, unilocular and containing clear, straw-colored fluid and proteinacious core without evidence of bleeding or calcifications. Microscopic examination of this cyst showed cuboidal or flattened mesothelial lining cells and underlying loose fibrovascular connective tissue with discrete lymphocytic collections. Rarity and interest on the pathogenesis made us redport this case.
5.Histopathological Differences between Silicone Granuloma and Paraffinoma.
Yeon Mee KIM ; Hye Kyung LEE ; Hye Je CHO ; Je Geun CHO
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(5):427-436
During the past two decades, silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) has become one of the most extensively applied biomaterials. Although pure silicone is relatively inert and usually causes only minimal tissue reactions, it has been reported to evoke a definite foreign body reaction. We studied five cases of silicone-induced granulomas in various sites; two in the breast, one in the breast and axillary lymph nodes, one in the subcutis of the abdomen, back and extremities and one in the eyeball, to illustrate the salient histopathologic features of reactions to silicone with particular emphasis to its differences from paraffin granuloma. For this, 17 paraffinomas were also studied. Tissue reaction to silicone liquid and gel was characterized by numerous round to oval empty cystic vacuoles, mild to moderate fat necrosis, foreign body reaction, a variable degree of mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration and mild focal fibrosis. The cystic spaces were relatively uniform and showed a snow-man like appearance. In contrast to the silicone granulomas, the paraffinomas, also refered to as sclerosing lipogranulomas showed diffuse sclerosis and frequent calcification around the cystic vacuoles. The cystic spaces in paraffinomas were swiss cheese-like configuration, and the content of the cystic spaces was dirty and frequently calcified. However, there were certain similarities between these two types of granulomas particularly in the early phases of the reaction, therefore, the history of silicone injection or implant, is sometimes critical to the diagnosis of silicone granuloma. Despite great technologic advances in the manufacturing of prostheses and medical equipment, droplets and/or particles of silicone still escape into the body tissues in a variety of ways; therefores, the pathologist should always wonder whether the histologic reaction observed is due to silicone or to some other foreign material including paraffin.
6.Aqueductal Atresia with Forking Anomaly: Report of 3 cases.
Na Hye MYONG ; Mi Kyung KIM ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(5):514-521
Aqueductal forking was first described by Russell (l949) as a cause of aqueductal obstruction and a form of congenital malformation with simple stenosis, it is a relatively common cause of congenital hydrocephalus not associated with spina bifida or meningomyelocele. Pathologically it is characterized by two distinct channels separated by non-gliotic brain tissue. We describe variable clinicopathologic findings of 3 autopsy cases showing hydrocephaly due to aqueductal atresia with forking case 1 was a 35-week-old female showing Potter's syndrome, dextrocardia, and skeletal anomaly. case 2 was a 29-week-old male abortus with micrognathia, simian crease, club feet, and minor defects of visceral organs. Case 3 was a 32-week-old female abortus with associated anomalies such as a low-set ear, ectopic thymus and thyroid, and Meckel's diverticulum. On serial sections of brain stems of all 3 cases, were seen variably shaped and atretic lumina of aqueducts with distinct two channe1s and intervening brain tissues of normal cellularity.
7.Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula in Childbood: Report of a case.
Soo Min KANG ; Mi Kyung KIM ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1992;26(2):201-203
A case of pulmonary arteriovenous fistula in a 8-year-old boy who presented with easy fatigability and cyanosis for 4 months, is described. Grossly, there was a large vascular anomaly measuring 2x2 cm in the center of the removed right lower lobe. Microscopically, the lesion consisted of dilated arterial and venous structures resembling a cavernous hemangioma. Subintimal fibrosis and attenuated vascular structure lacking elastic fiber and representing A-V shunt were also noted in the lesion.
8.Porokeratosis: Clinical Studies of 14 Cases.
Kyung Sool KWON ; Woo Je KIM ; Soon Taek KIM ; Tae An CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1974;12(3):125-131
Fourteen cases of porokeratosis were studied clinically. There were four clinical types consisting of classical plaque type(Mibelli), superficial disseminated eruptive form of Respighi (SDE type) and linear type, each in 3 cases, and disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) in 5 cases. The Mibelli and linear type of the disease appeared in the early teens but other two showed late onset of second to third decade. All cases of SDE type occurred in males and most cases of Mibelli and DSAP type in females. Five cases of DSAP were apparently associated with sun-exposure. The disease process of case 6 (SDE type) seemed to be related to metastatic adenocarcinoma of the brain. The family occurrence of porokeratosis was found in 2 cases of SDE typc and 3 of five cases of DSAP type. They were transrnitted as an autosomal dominant trait. The linear type oppears to be distinct variety from the early appearance of lesions in linear fashion over the lower extremity. The histological features were essentially the same including the typical cornoid lamella, but the features in types other than classical plaque were often minimal, No effective mode of therapy has been found.
Lower Extremity
9.Factors Associated with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of Subjects Having a History of Stroke: Using 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2010, 2011).
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2014;19(5):468-478
OBJECTIVES: Intake of fruits and vegetables has protective effects against stroke attack. This study intended to examine the status of consuming fruits and vegetables and to find out which factors may influence the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables in individuals with a history of stroke. METHODS: The data of 208 subjects from 5th (2010, 2011) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHNES) who reported a stroke diagnosis was used for analysis. To identify major factors influencing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, a classification-tree analysis was carried out. RESULTS: Among those who reported a stroke diagnosis, the frequencies of consumption of fruits and vegetables were influenced by their age, place of residence (urban or rural), economic status, educational level, occupation, number of family members, frequency of eating out, and having meals (breakfast or lunch) with family members. Two factors from fruits and three factors from vegetables were generated by exploratory factor analyses. Urban residents ate fruits and vegetables more frequently in all factors than rural residents. Eating frequencies of 'seasonal fruits (orange, apple, strawberry, melon, pear and watermelon)', 'easily-accessible fruits (persimmon, tangerine, grape, peach, banana)', and 'Western-style vegetables (cabbage, mushroom, carrot, tomato, spinach)' were influenced by the socioeconomic status. Eating frequencies of 'Korean-style vegetables (bean sprout, radish leaves, pumpkin/squash, sea weed)', 'preserved vegetables (Korean cabbage, radish, laver, cucumber)' were influenced by having breakfast with amily members. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggested that by eating more fruits and vegetables, more preventive effects against secondary stroke attack are expected in stroke patients who live in the rural areas and who do not eat breakfast with family members. In addition, more outreach and education programs are needed for them.
Daucus carota
Educational Status
Lycopersicon esculentum
Nutrition Surveys*
Prunus persica
Social Class
10.A Clinical Observation on Retrograde Pyelography.
Korean Journal of Urology 1982;23(4):487-492
Authors reviewed 110 cases of retrograde pyelography which performed in the Dept. of Urology, Kyung Hee University Hospital during the period from January 1977 to December 1980. And the results were as follows. 1. Indication was 34 cases (31%) of nonvisualizing kidney, 31 cases (28%) of obstructive lesion, 21 cases (19%), of inadequate filling in pelviocalyceal system, 7 cases (6.5%) of impaired renal function. 6 cases (5.5%) of upper tract abnormality, l cases (0.9%) of allergy to contrast media and other 10 cases. 2. On the nonvisualizing kidney, hydronephrosis (23.5%) was most common and normal (20.5%), ureter stone (20.5%) in order. 3. For assessment of obstructive lesion, UPJ stricture (39%) was most common and ureter stone (32%), normal (16%), ureter tumor, UVJ stricture in order. 4. Inadequate filling on excretory urogram revealed normal (24%), renal tumor (19%), renal tuberculosis (9.5%) and chronic pyelonephritis scar (9.5%) etc. 5. The patients who had poor renal function or poor general condition and upper tract abnormality were well defined with retrograde pyelography and available for diagnosis and treatment. 6. Complication were seen in 2 cases (1.8%). One was acute pyelonephritis and the other was pyonephrosis.
Constriction, Pathologic
Contrast Media
Tuberculosis, Renal