1.Organic and Inorganic Mercury in Biological Samples of Flouresecent Lamp Industries Workers and Health Risks.
Nayab GUL ; Sardar KHAN ; Abbas KHAN ; Javed NAWAB ; Adnan SARWAR ; Nida GUL
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2020;33(2):89-102
The present study aims to investigate the concentrations of Hg and its aspects methyl mercury (Me-Hg) and inorganic mercury (I-Hg) in the biological samples (BSs) of fluorescent lamp industries workers (FLIWs).
Different BSs including red blood cells (RBCs), plasma, urine, hair and nails were collected from the workers exposed to Hg and unexposed persons were selected as control group to measure both the T-Hg concentration as well as its species in different biological samples through quantitative analysis. Health data was collected through questionnaire survey.
The mean concentrations of T-Hg (31.9 µg/L), Me-Hg (27.7 µg/L), and I-Hg (5.36 µg/L) in RBCs were found significantly ( < 0.001) higher among the workers ( = 40) as compared to the control group ( = 40). Similarly the mean Hg concentrations in plasma, urine, hair and nails were also significantly higher among the workers than the control group. The statistical relation between Hg concentration and demographic characteristics observed that workers experience and fish consumption has increased the Hg concentration while age, weight and smoking found no significant effect on Hg concentration in the BSs.
The study observed that the workers were highly exposed to high concentration of Hg and they are at a high health risk.