1.Skin Characteristics of Normal Korean Subjects According to Sex and Site using Non-Invasive Bioengineering Methods.
Jae Sook KOH ; Koo Seog CHAE ; Hyung Ok KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1998;36(5):855-864
BACKGROUND: During the last few years, the in vivo study of the physiological parameters of the skin by non-invasive methods has been considerably developed. So far, there have been some reports on the skin characteristics only in parts, but there has not been any criteria to classify those of normal subjects. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the skin characteristics of healthy Korean subjects according to sex and sites using non-invasive methods. METHODS: To determine normal levels of sebum, skin hydration, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin elasticity and skin color according to sex, 163 subjects (male; 124, female; 39) were used to investigate 5 different anatomical sites. 6 different instruments were used: The Sebummeter SM 410, Corneometer CM 820, Evaporimeter EP1, Cutometer SEM 474, Chromameter CR-121, and Mexameter MX 16, for evaluating sebum excretion rate, capacitance, TEWL, mechanical property and skin color respectively. RESULTS: Differences were noticed depending on the anatomical sites and sex. Most of the measuring parameters were significantly different according to sites and sex. The values of sebum levels, capacitance and TEWL were higher in the males on the cheek, forehead and crows foot, whereas in the females, higher values were observed on the dorsum of the hand. The skin elasticity varied considerably among the nine-parameters but, for the elastic ratio (R2, R5), the females showed significantly higher values than the males in all sites except the forehead. Skin lightness (L* value) was higher in the females, whereas the males showed lugher values in the category of redness (a* value) and yellowness (b* value). The values of the eqrthema index (EI) and melanin index (MI) were also higher in the males on all sites. Correlations between the skin parameters mentioned above were calculated. A negative, correlation between capacitance and TEWL was observed only on the cheek (male/female, r =-0.2/ r =-0.4, p<0.05). The L* value correlated negatively with MI. Mioreover the values between a* and El also showed sipificant correlations in the male (cheek and dorsum of hand, y =0.2, forehead and crows foot, r =0.3, p<0.05). There were considerably significant correlations between the visual pigmentation score and instrumental skin parameters in the males (visual pigmentation score vs. L* value measured by Chromameter ; cheek/crows foot, r = -0.3/y =-0.4, visual pigmentation score vs. MI by Mexameter ; cheek/crows foot, r =0.2/ r =0.4, viisual winkle score vs. sebum excretion rate measured by Sebumeter ; cheek, r=0.2, visual winkle score vs. elasticity parameters measured by Cutometer ; cheek, R2/R5/R7, r =-0.3/ r =-0.2/ r =-0.3, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Skin physiological parameters can be evaluated by non-invasive skin bioengineering methods which show quantitative modifications in physiological conditions in relation to sites and sex.
2.Analysis of Body Composition, Dietary Behaviors and Life style of 30~50 year old Women Living in Seoul.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2012;17(4):440-449
This study was carried out to investigate the distribution of body composition, and to analyze its relationship to dietary behaviors and life style. The study subjects were divided into 3 age groups; 30' years (n = 78) 40' years (n = 71) and 50' years (n = 44). The data was collected by physical measurement (Inbody 230) and questionnaires. The rate of disease and general characteristics were higher in the 50 year old group than in the other groups. Average amount of body water, protein, mineral and body fat were 29.0 kg (50.4%), 7.7 kg (13.4%), 2.8 kg (4.8%), 18.7 kg (31.5%), respectively. The rate of menopause was significantly different with increasing age. Menopause was 1.3%, 9.1%, 79.6% by age respectively. Body fat percent was significantly increased and body water decreased with age (p < 0.01). The fat composition was higher and the mineral content was lower in 50' year old group. Dietary behavior scores of 30' year old group was significant lower than in the other two groups (p < 0.001). The means of salty eating, skipping meals, fruit intake and food habits total point were significantly higher in the 50 year old group than in the other groups. There were significant positive correlations between age, BMI, waist hip ratio respectively (p < 0.01). There were significant negative correlations between age and body water, body mineral, skeletal muscle (p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.01). The results of this study suggested that nutritional management and education for adult women differ by age group.
Adipose Tissue
Body Composition
Body Water
Food Habits
Life Style
Muscle, Skeletal
Surveys and Questionnaires
Waist-Hip Ratio
3.Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Gepefrin in the Treatment of Hypotension.
Kun Joo RHEE ; Suck Koo CHOI ; Byong Ok KIM ; Kyung Jae NAM ; Won Sang YOO
Korean Circulation Journal 1994;24(2):307-312
BACKGROUND: The proper management of the patients with hypotention remains a difficult clinical problem. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of gepefrin in the treament of symptomatic hypotensive patients in outpatient clinic of university hospital. METHODS: Thirty milligrams of Gepefrin was given twice daily for 4 weeks in 30 patients with hypotension(6 males, 24 females ; 23-60 years of age). Blood pressure, heart rate, subjective symptoms and side effects were checked before medication and at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th week of medication. RESULTS: 1) Grpefrin increased sitting systolic blood pressure significantly(p<0.05) by the end of 1st week and thereafter. 2) Hypotensive symptoms were improved in 76% of hypotensive patients and overall rate of usefulness was 70%. 3) Heart rate did not change significantly. 4) One patient complained of loose bowel movement and another one, of anorexia among 30 study patients and all laboratory parameters were within normal limits before and after drug treatment, thus the rate of safety was 93%. CONCLUSION: Results from this study suggests that gepefrin 60mg daily increases the blood pressure mildly and improves the symptoms moderately in symptomatic hypotensive patients.
Ambulatory Care Facilities
Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
Quality of Life
4.Analysis of BMI, Body Composition, Weight Control, Dietary Behaviors of Adult Women.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2011;16(4):454-465
This study was carried out to investigate distribution of obesity, body composition, weight control and dietary behaviors, and to analyze the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical characteristics, body composition and dietary behaviors by anthropmetric measurement and questionnaires. The 199 study subjects were divided into 3 age groups; 30's (78), 40's (77) and 50's (44) and 4 groups by BMI ; under weight (4.5%), normal (51.3%), over weight (26.1%) and obese (18.1%). Amount of skeletal muscle, body water, mineral and body fat were significantly increased with BMI. There were especially significant increase skeletal muscle 5.3 kg (19.1 --> 23.5 kg), body water 5.3 kg (26.3 --> 31.6 kg) and fat 15.2 kg (11.2 --> 26.4 kg) from under weight to obesity group, respectively (p < 0.01). There were significantly decreased in the ratio of body water (10.3%), protein (2.7%) and body mineral (1.1%) from under weight to obesity, but significant increase 14.1% in body fat (p < 0.001). About 44.4% of under weight group and 40.1% of normal group and 50% of over and obesity group had dissatisfaction on their body images. Most of the women were concerned about their body images and experienced weight control. Dietary behavior scores of obesity group were significant lower than the other four groups (p < 0.001). There were significant positive correlation between BMI and body water (r = 0.62), protein (r = 0.52), skeletal muscle (r = 0.63), body fat (r = 0.91) and WH ratio (r = 0.91), respectively (p < 0.001). The correlation between BMI and body fat and WH ratio were much higher than the correlation between weight and fat and WH ratio.
Adipose Tissue
Body Composition
Body Image
Body Mass Index
Body Water
Muscle, Skeletal
Surveys and Questionnaires
5.Association of Bone Mineral Density and Blood Pressure, Calcium Intake among Adult Women in Seoul, Kyunggi Area: Based on 2011 KNHANES.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(3):269-282
This study was carried out to investigate bone mineral density (BMD), blood pressure, calcium, sodium intake and related biochemical variables, and to analyze the relationship between BMD, and blood pressure, physical characteristics, nutrient intakes of Korean adult women. The study subjects were 30~80years old, 513 women living in Seoul and Kyunggi area who participated in 2011 KNHANES. The study subjects were divided into three BMD groups; normal, n = 259 (50.4%), osteopenia, n = 169 (32.9%), and osteoporosis, n = 85 (16.7%). Average height and weight and fat free mass decreased with a decrease in BMD. Average BMD of normal, osteopenia, osteoporosis were 0.87, 0.79, 0.70 g/cm2, and T-score were 0.42, -0.66, -1.62, respectively. Higher systolic blood pressure, alkaline phosphatase, and triglyceride were significantly associated with a decrease in the BMD. The rates of hypertension were significantly increased from normal to osteoporosis. i.e. 18.5% in normal, 34.3% in osteopenia and 63.5% in osteoporosis. Average nutrientintakes such as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, and vitamin C were significantly lower in subjects with lower BMD.n. Average calcium intake of normal, osteopernia and osteoporosis were 528.50, 416.96, 389.56 mg, respectively. There were significant negative correlations between calcium, phosphorus and age, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride. Also, there were negative correlation systolic blood pressure (incomplete sentence). In this study, we found low BMD according to low calcium intake increase the risk of osteoporosis and hypertension rather than sodium intake, also calcium intake decreased with increase age. Therefore, in order to prevent osteoporosis and hypertension, subjects need to be educated regarding the importance of calcium nutrients in diet.
Alkaline Phosphatase
Ascorbic Acid
Blood Pressure
Bone Density
Bone Diseases, Metabolic
Vitamin A
6.Nutritional and Health Status of Korean Elderly from Low-income, Urban Area and Improving Effect of Meal Service on Nutritional and Health Status - V. The Effect of Meal Service for One Year on Nutritional and Health Status.
Sook Mee SON ; Yaung ja PARK ; Jae Ok KOO ; Yoon Na LEE ; Hye Young YOON
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1997;2(1):63-73
This study was performed to assess the effect of one year's of meal service for home-staying urban elderly with low incole on their nutritional status. One hundred and eighty three subjects, who had already completed the first nutritional survey, were assigned to two group : meal served(served) and non-meal served(non-served). A meal containing approximately on half of the RDA for energy, protein, calcium and iron was served as lunch everyday to served group. After on year of meal service, follow-up-nutritional survey was done and changes of parameters were analyzed with paired t-test. Served female showed signficantly increased intake of riboflavin and calcium, while non-served female showed significantly decreased intake of calcium. Serum total protein, serum albumin and serum cholesterol were significantly increased in female regardless of meal service. Served remale was observed with significantly elevated LDL-cholesterol, whereas non-served female showed singnificantly lowered HDL-cholesterol. Significantly decreased serum iron, serum transferrin saturaion and significantly increased TIBC were observed for female regardless of meal service. But the proportion of anemic elderly according to Hb or serum iron was decreased more in served group. Female showed significantly increased serum zinc and copper regardless of meal service, whereas only served male showed significantly increased serum copper.
Nutrition Surveys
Nutritional Status
Serum Albumin
7.Analysis of BMI Menopose, Blood Pressure and Dietary Habits Affecting Born Mineral Density of 30~60 Years Women.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2010;15(3):403-414
Reducing women's bone mineral density (BMD) has close relationship to risk in osteoporosis. This study was carried out to identify bone density risk factors affecting women's BMD, and to analyze the relationship of age, between BMD and menopause, BMI, blood pressure lifestyle and dietary habits for bone health by physical measurement and questionnaires. The study subjects, 128 women living in Seoul, were divided into 4 age group; 30~39 years (17), 40~49 years (54) and 50~59 years (36) and 60~69 years (21). There were significant differences in mean height, BMI, systolic blood pressure, menache and menopause age and menopause ratio and BMD T-score among the 4 age groups. BHD was significantly decreased according to increasing age and BMI and menopause. The rate of BMD risk subjects was significantly different increasing with age and BMI. The rate of risk group were 0%, 13%, 22.2% and 71.4%, by age groups and 0%, 16.2%, 33.3% and 52.9% by BMI respectively. BMD of menopause groups was significantly decreased from 1.23 (40 years) to 1.34 (60 years). p < 0.001. Also systolic blood pressure were significantly increased from 116.5 mmHg (30 years) to 130.81 mmHg (60 years). The T-score of normal group also decreased significantly from 1.27 to 0.13 (60years) with age. There were significant negative correlation between BMD and age (r = -0.409) menopause (r = -0.346), BMI (r = -0.218) systolic blood pressure (r = -0.193), salty taste eating out (r = -0.185) (p < 0.05). There were significant positive correlation between BMD and meat fish and walking time. In conclusion, bone density decreased with age. Most of the 50 years' subjects were in risk group. BMI, menopause, systolic blood pressure, frequency alcohol consuming. To prevent osteoporosis, over 40 years needed to be educated to maintain normal weight and the improvement of eating and living habits.
Blood Pressure
Bone Density
Food Habits
Life Style
Surveys and Questionnaires
Risk Factors
8.A Longitudinal Study of Calcium and Phosphorus Intakes of Korean Infants from 1 to 3 Months in Breast-Fed vs Formula-Fed Infants.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(Suppl):273-279
This study was carried out to evaluate the calcium and phosphorus intakes and correlation with growth performance of 25male breast and formula-fed infants from 1 to 3 months postpartum. There were four groups breast-fed(BF) and three formula-fed groups(FFM, FFN and FFP). There was no significant difference in the height and weight of infants according to feeding methods and formula brands. Milk intake and the concentration of calcium and phosphorus from human milk and the formulas were measured. The average calcium content of human milk was 26.6+/-4.1mg/dl and 13.5+/-2.0mg/dl, respectively. The average calcium intakes of the brest-fed and formula-fed infants were 205.5+/-29.3mg/day and the 460.5+/-70.6mg/day, respectively the average calcium intake of breast-fed infants was significantly lower than that of formula fed infant. The percent of RDA(41%) of breast-fed infants was lower than that(75.4%) of formula fed infant. The average phosphorus intake of the brest-fed and formula-fed infants were 105.1+/-20.1mg/day and 288.3+/-37.3mg/day, respectively. The precent of RDA(27%) for brest fed was significantly lower than that(75.4%) of formula fed. The Ca/P ratios were 2.1 in brest fed and 1.6 in formula fed infant. The average calcium and phosphorus intakes of the formula fed infants was higher than that of the brest-fed infants. This data suggests the calcium and phosphorus intakes form human milk sufficiently support the growth of infants. Therefore, the level of calcium and phosphorus recommended dietary allowances for infants should be reduced.
Feeding Methods
Longitudinal Studies*
Milk, Human
Postpartum Period
Recommended Dietary Allowances
9.Analysis of Bone Mineral Density, Biochemical Index and Nutrient Intakes of 30-70 Years Old Women: Based on 2011 KNHANES.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2014;19(4):328-341
OBJECTIVES: This study was carried out to investigate bone mineral density (BMD), blood pressure, age and biochemical index and nutrient intakes, and to analyze the relationship between BMD, blood pressure, biochemical index, nutrient intakes of Korean women. METHODS: The study subjects were 499 women with a age range of 30-79 years living in Seoul and Kyunggi area who participated in 2011 KNHANES. The study subjects were divided into 5 age groups: 30 years (145), 40 years (110), 50 years (102), 60 years (85) and 70 years (57), and 3 BMD groups: normal 258 (50.4%), osteopenia 163 (32.9%) and osteoporosis 78 (16.7%). RESULTS: The average waist circumference, BMI and body fat increased with age, but fat free mass decreased with age. Average BMD and T-score was decreased from 0.84, 0.74 g/cm2 in 30 years to 0.05, -1.05 g/cm2 in 70 years. The rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis increased significantly 22% in 30~40 years, 47% in 50 years and 56% in 60~70 years. Systolic blood pressure and cholesterol were significantly increased with age. The rates of hypertension was significantly increased 2.1% in 30 years, 30.4% in 50 years 89.5% in 70 years. Average nutrient intakes such as protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and C were significantly decreased with age. There were significant negative correlations between age and calcium, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found the risk of osteoporosis and hypertension were significantly increase with over 50 years age. Calcium and protein intake decreased with age. Therefore, in order to prevent osteoporosis and hypertension, adult women need to be educated regarding the importance of protein, calcium and other nutrients in their diet.
Adipose Tissue
Blood Pressure
Bone Density*
Bone Diseases, Metabolic
Vitamin A
Waist Circumference
10.Study of Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition and Dietary Habits of 20~30 Years Women.
Jae Ok KOO ; Hong Seok AHN ; Sook Young YOO
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2008;13(4):489-498
This study was carried out to identify bone mineral density (BMD), body composition, lifestyle and dietary habits of young women by physical measurement and questionnaires. The study subjects, 190 young women living in Seoul, were divided into three age groups: 20 ~ 24 years (93), 25 ~ 29 years (44) and 30 ~ 39 years (53). There was no significant difference in mean body muscle mass, protein, mineral, body fat and BMI among the three age groups. The rate of low weight (18%) in 20 years group was higher that of the 30 years (11.3%). The mean BMD and T-score were 0.44 g/cm2 and -0.66. BMD and T-score of the forearm bone were significantly higher in the 30 ~ 39 years group. But BMD and T-score of calcanues were not significantly different among the three age groups. The rate of normal, osteopenia and osteoporosis subjects by BMD were 60.5%, 38.4%, 1.1%, respectively. The rate of osteopenia in 20 ~ 24 years group was significantly higher than the other age groups. The rate of meal irregularity was significantly higher in 20 ~ 24 years group. The rate of women who walk and are exposed to sunlight more than 1hr per day were significantly higher in 20~24 years group than the others. However, the score of food behaviors is significantly higher (bad) in 20 ~ 24 years group than the others. The relationship between BMD and frequency of food intake showed significant differences in beans, broom, seaweed and rice wine. In conclusion, the risk rate of BMD was very high, 40% of the subjects, and the risk rate of BMD was higher in 20 years group than 30 years group, and the rate of low weight in 20 years group was higher than in 30 years group. The food habits and behaviors were not healthy enough. Therefore, nutrition education is needed for bone health.
Adipose Tissue
Body Composition
Bone Density
Bone Diseases, Metabolic
Food Habits
Life Style