Abstract: Objective -
To explore the changes of oxidative damage indicators in workers with occupational noise induced
( ), Methods
hearingloss ONHL andtoscreenpossiblebiomarkersofONHL. Atotalof288maleworkersexposedtonoisein
a large machinery maintenance enterprise were selected as the research subjects using the method of judgment sampling. After
pure tone hearing threshold test they were divided into hearing loss group and normal hearing group according to the hearing
∶ , , ,
loss and 1 1 pairing design of type of work age length of service with 144 people in each group. The activities of total
( - ), - ( - ), ( - ),
superoxidedismutase T SOD copper zincsuperoxidedismutase CuZn SOD manganesesuperoxidedismutase Mn SOD
- ( ) ( ) Results
glutathione S transferase GST and catalase CAT in serum of workers of the two groups were measured. The
, - , -
activitiesofGST T SOD Mn SOD and CAT in workersofthe hearing lossgroup were lowerthan those in the normalhearing
( P< ) ∶
group all 0.05 . The 1 1 logistic regression analysis of paired conditions showed that there was an association between
, - , ( P< )
ONHL and activities of GST Mn SOD and CAT in serum all 0.05 after controlling the effects of smoking and drinking.
, - , -
ThehighertheactivitiesofGST Mn SODandCAT thelowertheriskofONHL.TheactivityofCuZn SODwasnotassociated
(P )Conclusion , -
withONHL >0.05 . TheactivitiesofserumantioxidantenzymessuchasGST Mn SODandCATarerelatedto