1.Use of computers among Jichi Medical University students
Izumi OKI ; Toshiyuki OJIMA ; Makoto WATANABE ; Ritei UEHARA ; Koichiro KISHI ; Yosikazu NAKAMURA
Medical Education 2008;39(2):103-108
Medical students must have knowledge and skills related to medical informatics, including data analysis, the retrieval of biomedical literature, the creation of presentations, and the use of the Internet.The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes over time in the ability of Jichi Medical University students to use the tools of information technology.
1) Questionnaires were distributed to all Jichi Medical University students during epidemiology classes in 1998, 2002, and 2006.
2) The questionnaires included questions about the frequency of the use of computers, word-processing software, spreadsheet software, statistical software, and the Internet.
3) The first survey showed that ownership of a computer and the use of word-processing software were most common, followed in turn by the use of spreadsheet software, statistical software, and the Internet.The percentage of stu dents who had not used a computer decreased from 22% in 1998 to 2% in 2006.
4) With the rapid changes and progress in our information-oriented society, medical students need to be appropriately prepared to make optimal use of available resources.
2.A Study of Support Systems for Women in Medicine: Dual Roles of Professional and Mother
Izumi OKI ; Toshiyuki OJIMA ; Ritei UEHARA ; Miwa KURASAWA ; Haruo NIWA ; Miwako NIWA ; Ayumi TAKAYASHIKI ; Kuni IWAI ; Eiji KAJII
Medical Education 2003;34(5):343-348
We examined issues in balancing professional obligations with family needs, especially parenting, in female physicians. Questionnaires were given to all female physicians who had graduated from Jichi Medical School. Of the 196 graduates, 155 responded (79.1%), and younger graduates accounted for a greater proportion of subjects. Although many female physicians did not live with their parents, female physicians or their parents were usually responsible for caring for children when they become ill. Many respondents demanded better access to day care and greater flexibility in accepting sick children. Female physicians should contribute to society using the knowledge and skills they acquired in medical school; to do so they need support systems in their workplace and child-care services.