Return to work assessment (RTWA) has been performed to a radiographer assistant suffering a hemianopsia due to
an ischemic stroke. Stroke occurred two months prior to the examination. The general condition of the patient was
good. The systemic examination was unremarkable except the presence of a partial vision loss in the left eye and
often feeling fatigue and down. Perimetry Full-field 120 Point Screening Test confirmed a left temporal hemianopsia
while Patient Health Questionnaire’s score (PHQ-9) indicated a moderate depression. The two conditions were not
fully compatible with the job demand of a radiographer assistant, which required a complete and clear visual field as
well as a good mental status. Risk assessment indicated that the patient might encounter health and safety issues if he
resumed duty without work adjustment. The clinic still wanted to employ the patient and agreed to provide support.
The patient was declared ‘fit’ to resume his duty with some recommendations.