1.Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Movies.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1998;41(2):122-128
No abstract available.
Motion Pictures as Topic*
2.A clinical analysis of fine needle aspiration biopsy cytologic diagnosis on thyroid nodules.
Journal of Korean Society of Endocrinology 1993;8(3):326-333
No abstract available.
Biopsy, Fine-Needle*
Thyroid Gland*
Thyroid Nodule*
3.Observation on Neck Form Changes Related to Aging in Men (Part ll) - by the Neck Surface Changes Using the Tape Method.
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1995;8(1):9-18
As a mean to get a better understanding of the kind of form changes to which is subject the neck of the men in their aging process, replicas of neck surfaces were made on 9 subjects (3 in their twenties, 3 in their forties and 3 in their sixties) using the tape method. Three positions of the neck were taken in account : 1) normal position 2) right turn position 3) bent forward position. Measurements of the developed tape replicas have given us the following results : 1. Shapes of the different developed replicas ; Developed replicas of the elder subject show a more curved shape than the replica of the middle age subject, the younger subject having its neck base line the least curved. 2. Surface Area Changes ; In normal position, the neck replica of the elder group covers a smaller surface (average 163.7cm2) than the corresponding one of the younger group (average 193.5cm3). The bent forward position, increases the back surface of the neck in a percentage ranging from 19% to 26% without any major differences between the 3 age groups. The front neck surface being decreased at the same time we verified that the total surface compared to the normal position, had not increased.
Middle Aged
4.Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Homeostasis.
Journal of Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology 2001;6(1):1-2
No abstract available.
5.Regulation of the Collagen Gene Expression.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(6):1005-1013
The genes that codify the subunits of the fibril-forming collagen constitute an evolutionarily related group within the collagen multigene family, Deposition of fibrillar molecules in the extrcellular matrix of several tissues influences a number of cellular activities such as adhesion, proliferation, and migration. In the developing and adult organisms, temporal and spatial expression of collasgen genes is modulated by a variety of cytokines and hormones, Likewise, transcription of collagen genes in tissue cultures can be greatly affected by the action of these substances and by chemical or viral transformation as well. Cytokine-mediated increase of collagen deposition on response to environmental stimuli is also the major histopathological feature of clinically distinct that similarly lead to overt firrotic processes. It is my heartily with to elucidate the mechanisms that regulate tissue specific expression of the human collagen genes a prerequisite for understanding the pathophysiology of diseased processes. Involving collagen metabolism, such as scleroderma.
Gene Expression*
Multigene Family
6.Demonstration of helminth eggs and larvae from vegetable cultivating soil.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1976;14(1):32-40
In order to clarify the contamination of vegetable gardens with human intestinal helminths, the soil samples were examined for the presence of eggs and larvae during the period from September 1973 to August l974. When soil samples collected from the vegetable gardens in Taegu were examined, four species of helminth eggs (ascarid, whipworm, hookworm and liver fluke) and a number of unknown eggs were found. Ascarid was found to be highest in the rate of detection(82.5 percent), followed by whipworm. The rates of hookworm, liver fuke and Trichostrongylus species were unexpectedly low. There was no difference between detection rate of vegetable gardens and that of vinyl green houses. However, the average number of helminth eggs detected from the soil of vinyl green houses was higher than the number of vegetable gardens. In the monthly incidence of ascarid eggs, the highest rate was found in September, and the least often was observed in August. While, the peak in the average number of the egg was encountered in August. There was no distinct trend in the monthly incidence of whipworm. However, it is likely that the detection number of whipworm per 100 gm of soil examined was relatively abundant in a period from May to August, and very little from October to April of next year. When the soil of vegetable gardens was divided into superficial, intermediate and deep layers and examined for presence of ascarid egg. The average number of the eggs found of the superficial layer was more abundant than those of the intermediate and deep layers, but the rate for the former was similar with the latter. In the demonstration of larval nematodes from the soil of vegetable gardens and vinyl houses, there found the filariform and rhabditoid larvae of hookworm and the larvae of Trichostrongylus species and unknown one. The majority of the larvae detected was belonged to unknown species, followed by hookworm larvae. The least was found in the rate of Trichostrongylus species. Generally, the filariform larva of hookwom could be detected during the hot season from May to August, but no larva was found in the winter. This suggests that the soil of vegetable gardens and vinyl green houses in Taegu is contaminated with human intestinal helminths.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichuris trichiura
Clonorchis sinensis
7.The Effect of Local Heating on the Hunting Reactions of Korean Subjects.
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1988;1(1):107-119
To clarify the physiological thermoregulatory response of the human body, the local heating and hunting reaction experiments were performaed. The subjects were 10 healthy women from 19 to 22 years of age. For the local heating experiment, oral temperature, skin temperature, deep skin temperature and thermal sensations were measured every 5 min during the 40 min experiment. Heated areas were neck, shoulder, abdomen, hands and feet. These five areas were heated with the hot pack of 50℃. For the hunting reaction experiment, oral temperature, thermal sensation of the whole body and cold pain sensation of the finger were measured every 5 min during and after immersion of the left middle finger in 5℃ ice water for 40 min. The skin temperature of the finger tip was measured with a copperconstantan thermocouple every each min during and after immersion. Cold tolerance index was made on the basis of following items ; the skin temperature at the first rise(T.F.R), time for the first skin temperature rise (T.T.R), mean skin temperature during immersion(M.S.t). Conclusions : 1. Skin temperature and deep skin temperature have been much influenced by the abdomen heating. 2. The correlation between the whole body thermal sensation and the upper trunk thermal sensation was singnificantly recognized. 3. T.F.R. and M.S.T. of the hunting reaction with abdomen heating is significantly higher at the 0.01 level by T-test than that of the hunting reaction without abdomen heating. T.T.R is also significantly shorter for the hunting reaction with abdomen heating than that for the hunting reaction without abdomen heating.
Hot Temperature*
Human Body
Skin Temperature
8.Abnormalities of Liver Function Tests in Asymptomatic Patients.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(9):1226-1234
No abstract available.
Liver Function Tests*
9.Alcoholic Pancreatitis and Liver Diseases.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1998;41(1):20-30
No abstract available.
Liver Diseases*
Pancreatitis, Alcoholic*
10.Cochlear Implantation.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(11):1526-1531
No abstract available.
Cochlear Implantation*
Cochlear Implants*