1.The Last Fifty Years of Western Medicine in Korea: Korean Society of Clinical Pathologists.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(8):1097-1101
No abstract available.
2.Quantitative Measurement of Choroidal Blood Flow in Rabbits.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1966;7(1):7-13
An apparatus was designed, based on the principle of Grayson's internal calorimetry, for the determination of the choroidal blood flow with thermistor as a sensing element. Experiments with water; 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% gelatin solution; living and dead rabbit eye and enucleated human eye showed that there was a linear relationship between the thermal conductivities and the currents required to raise the heating thermistor by 1 degree. Thus it was found that the Carslaw's law could be applied in these experiments In rabbit's eyes, thermistors were introduced into the suprachoroidal space after separating the sclera from the underlying choroid. At the same time, one of the vortex veins was cut right after the vein emerge from the sclera, and the amount of blood was absorbed and weighed. The results showed that when the blood flow was in the lower range, the thermal conductivity increased abruptly. When the blood flow increased, the increase in the thermal conductivity was at a more slower rate. In the physiological range of blood flow, however, there was a linear relationship between the blood flow and the changes in the thermal conductivity.
Hot Temperature
Thermal Conductivity
3.Faun Tail.
Annals of Dermatology 1993;5(1):47-50
We report herein a rare and grotesque case of a 19-year-old male with faun tail on the lumbosacral area of the back, presented from birth. The lesion was a 10 × loan sized patch with the circumscribed tuft of coarse terminal hairs about 10 to 25 an in length downward like a horse-tail. In the center of the patch was a 4 × 3cm sized brown macule in which was a 2 × lan scar. The skin biopsy from the brown macule revealed mild hyperkeratosis with basilar hyperpigmentation. Lumbar radiography showed findings of spina bifida occulta affected from L-4 to total sacral segments. There was mild saddle-hypoesthesia in the neurologic study.
Local Area Networks
Spina Bifida Occulta
Young Adult
4.Faun Tail.
Annals of Dermatology 1993;5(1):47-50
We report herein a rare and grotesque case of a 19-year-old male with faun tail on the lumbosacral area of the back, presented from birth. The lesion was a 10 × loan sized patch with the circumscribed tuft of coarse terminal hairs about 10 to 25 an in length downward like a horse-tail. In the center of the patch was a 4 × 3cm sized brown macule in which was a 2 × lan scar. The skin biopsy from the brown macule revealed mild hyperkeratosis with basilar hyperpigmentation. Lumbar radiography showed findings of spina bifida occulta affected from L-4 to total sacral segments. There was mild saddle-hypoesthesia in the neurologic study.
Local Area Networks
Spina Bifida Occulta
Young Adult
5.Chemotherapy of breast cancer.
Korean Journal of Medicine 2000;58(5):497-509
No abstract available.
Breast Neoplasms*
Drug Therapy*
6.Rehabilitation Therapy of Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(1):77-85
No abstract available.
Spondylitis, Ankylosing*
7.Uber Symptome und Diagnose zum Problem der Cyclitis anularis exsudativa Pseudotumorosa.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1971;12(1):11-20
Zusammenfassung: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurcle die heutige Kenntnis uber Symptome und Diagnose der Cy clitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa aus dem Literaturuberblick und aufgrund von 2 eigenen FalIen kritisch zusammengefasst. Bestehen einer Aderhautbuckel in der Fudusperipherie, die gute Durchleuchtbarkeit der Votwolbung, ein positives Hagensches Zeichen und entzundliche Erscheinungen des Augapfels sprechen fur das Vorliegen einer Cyclitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa. In manchen Fallen kann die Diagnose erst durch eine Probepunktion oder eine probatorische The Die mit Corticosteroid innerlich ex juvantivus gesichert werden. Die Cyclitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa tritt oftim Kaufe einer rezidivierenden granulomatosen Entzundung des Bulbus auf. An sie schliessen sich haufig eine exudative Netzhautabhebung, eine Chorioretinitis, Netzhautblutungen, eine Sehnerventzundung, ein Maculaodem, eine Perivasculitis und Funktionsstorungen als deren Foige an. Viele Autoren fanden eine erniedrigte Tension bei bestehenden Aderhautabhebungen. Ais Folgeerscheinungen cler Cyclitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa wurden auch eine Abflachung der Vorderkammer, eine vorubergehende Augeninnendruckerhohung im Hohepunkt der Krenkheit beobachtet. Die Cyclitis anularis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa im Gefolge der akuten Hypotonie tritt mit einer Vertiefung der Vorderkammer und einer Hypotonie des Bulbus auf. Es handelt sich hierbei um inkonstante Begleitssymptome. Man beobachtet eine Normalizierung der Vorderkammertiefe und des Augeninnendrcks zusammen mit dem Abklingen der abgehobenen Aderhaut. Nach Abheilung der Krankheit treten oft oraparalleler igmentstreifen und Funktionssiorungen im Gefolge von einer Retiopathie und einer Opticusatrophie auf. Die von Garmiger et al prazisierte Cyclitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa durfte der von Rohrschneider angegebenen komplizierten spontanen serosen vorderen Aderhautabhebung gleich sein. Aus 2 eigenen Fallen und dem Literaturuberblick wird geschlossen, dass es sich bei der Cyclitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa nicht um eine Erkrankung eigner Art, sondern um eine Begleitssymptome lasst vermuten, dass etwas anders als Cyslitis anularis exsudativa pseudotumorosa vorliegt.
8.Neurologic Evaluation of Aged Patient.
Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2000;4(4):221-230
No abstract available.
10.G-Score and the Percentage of Pseudo-Pelgeroid Polymorphoneutrophils in Myelodysplastic Syndrome.
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(2):230-237
BACKGROUND: Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is characterized by signs of maturation disturbances in the both of peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM). Every hematologist who cares for patients with MDS will occasionally encounter difficulties in establishing the diagnosis, particularly in refractory anemia. Dysplastic features of cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow were studied to evaluate the significance of the degree of neutrophil hypogranulation (G-score) and the percentage of pseudo-pelgeroid polymorphs (PPP) in PB smear. METHODS: Cytoplasmic hypogranulation and nuclear abnormalites of the pelgeroid type of neutrophils were studied retrospectively on air dried peripheral blood and bone marrow smears stained with Wright reagent, and assayed according to Hast's method. In every cases, 100 neutrophils were analyzed as follows: the degree of hypogranulation was graded in arbiturary unit with the range 0 to 3. Neutrophils containing a single or bilobated nucleus with dense compact chromatin were counted as the pelgeroid type. Common morphological features of MDS were observed on bone marrow smears. A numetric level between 0 and 2 was assyed for two dysplastic features of the three hemoatopoiesis lineages. The score for total degree of bone marrow dysplasia (DysT) ranged between 0 and 12. RESULTS: There was a good correlation between PB and BM findings, of both C-score (r=0.5503, p<0.01) and PPP (r=0.8701, p<0.001). Patients with a high degree of bone marrow dysplasia had significantly higher PPP (r=0.5853, p<0.005) than those with less pronounced myelodysplasia. Patients with refractory anemia with excess blast (RAEB)/refractory anemia with excess blast in transformation (RAEB-T)/chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) had higher PPP, but lower G-score than those with refractory anemia (RA)/refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS). CONCLUSIONS: The above results show that quantitative estimation of peripheral blood polymorph dysplasia by G-score and PPP seems to reflect the total degree of bone marrow dysplasia in MDS and may serve as a helpful method to bone marrow evaluation when the diagnosis is difficult.
Anemia, Refractory
Bone Marrow
Myelodysplastic Syndromes*
Retrospective Studies