1.An Experimental Study on Relationship Between Cystitis Glandularis and Vesico-Rectal Fistulas.
Korean Journal of Urology 1972;13(2):87-97
An experimental study on cystitis glandularis induced by vesico-rectal fistula formation in rabbit was performed, to analyze relationship between histopathologic complexity of cystitis glandularis 3rd various forms of chronic proliferative cystitis, and to evaluate the possibility that contiguous endovesical growth of intestinal mucosa through fistulous tract may partly participate in the pathogenesis of cystitis glandularis. Followings were the results: 1) Various types and stages of chronic proliferative cystitis including cystitis glandularis were de. monstrable. 2) 51.5% of animals disclosed cystitis glandularis, of both intestinal and subtrigonal types with increasing frequency and severity roughly parallel to experimental duration. Minimum requirement of duration for development was approximately 3 months. 3) Among the cases with cystitis glandularis, intestinal type comprised 52. 9% mainly affecting trigonal regions, whereas subtrigonal type of 17.6% was encountered in the bladder neck. Rest of cases interpreted as mixed type, containing both intestinal and subtrigonal varieties. 4) More than two third of cases with cystitis glandularis accompanied nests of von Brunn, cystitis cystica, squamous metaplasia and small proportion of cystitis follicularis and bullosa, with indications of development of glandular structures followed by chronic non-specific cystitis, formation of von Brunn's cell nests with central liquefaction and glandular metaplasia in order of sequence. 5) Unusually high incidence of intestinal type of cystitis glandularis in the trigonal regions could partly be explained by endocystic contiguous extension or ectopic proliferation of intestinal glands through the fistulous tract. From the above experimental design, cystitis glandularis may develop not only following consequent metaplastic mechanism but also secondary to intravesical extension of colonic mucosa through the fistulous tract. None of cases showed invasive neoplastic growth, though cellular atypism was encountered only in three instances.
Intestinal Mucosa
Mucous Membrane
Research Design
Urinary Bladder
2.A Study on Self-Esteem and the Health Promoting Behavior of Nursing College Students.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1999;11(1):96-106
The purpose of this study was to investigate degree of the health promoting behavior and self-esteem of nursing college students, and to ide tify the relationship between self-esteem and the health promoting behavior. The sample consisted of 122 college nursing students and 100 university nursing student The instruments for this study were structured questionnaire which included health promoting behavior practice level(60 items), self-esteem(10), sociodemographic characteristics (10). Data were collected from September 14 to September 28, 1998 and analyzed by SAS rogram t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regreacion. The results of this study are as follows : 1. The results of the comparison between the two groups were not significantly different for self-esteem and health promoting behavior and socio-demographic characteristics. The average score for the health promoting behavior was high 162.5(total 240). and self-esteem was high, too 30.5(total 40). In the subcategories the highest practice level was "personal hygiene(3.30)", and the lowest level was "health management(1.57)". 2. Health promoting behavior was significantly correlated with self-esteem(r = .4970, p= .0001). 3. Self-esteem was the main factor predicting health promoting behavior and accounted for 24. 69% among variance. 4. There was a statistically significant the difference on health promoting behavior according to "personality"(t=2.58, p=.0l06), "residence pattern"(F=2.90, p=.0360) and on self-esteem according to "religion"(t=-2.20, p=.0291) and, "personality"(t = 4.40, p= .0001). In conclusion, there was not a significant difference between those of college nursing students and university nursing students on self-esteem and the health promoting behavior. Self-esteem correlated with health promoting behavior positively, and was identified to be an important variable that contributed to health promoting behavior.
Students, Nursing
Surveys and Questionnaires
4.Lower Extremities Edema and Hemoptysis.
Chang Hwa LEE ; Chan Hyun PARK
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2001;44(5):551-555
No abstract available.
Lower Extremity*
5.Effect of Antenatal Education on Pregnant Women.
Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2002;8(1):34-54
This study was conducted to assess the knowledge and educational need of pregnant women relating to antepartum, delivery, puerperium period and to identify the variables which influenced their knowledge and educational need. The study subjects were 77 antepartum women who had antenatal educations and 106 antepartum women who did not have antenatal education. Number of total antepartum women were 183. Data were collected from women who visited for antenatal care at general hospitals and public health centers in Pusan and Kyungnam area using qestionnaires from Feb. 1. 1998 to Apr. 20. 1998. SAS/PC program was used for data analysis. ; Chi-square test, t-test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, ANOVA(Duncan procedure) and MANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Relating to the antepartum period between two groups, the knowledge about the number of antenatal care was low, relating to labor the knowledge about the time fix the fetal position and relating to postpartum, the knowledge about the change of blood pressure and body temperature was low. 2. The comparision means of knowledge were adjusted by social demographic characteristics related to knowledge. There were statistically significant differences in total mean score of knowledge about pregnancy, delivery and postpartum between two groups. In full marks 19, the mean scores of the educational group and non-educational group were 13.08 and 11.74 respectively (P=.000). In resultly, there are statistically significant differences between two groups. The effectiveness of antenatal education group was very high and showed its importance. 3. The comparision means of educational need were adjusted by social demographic characteristics related to educational need. The mean scores of educational need were statistically significantly different in pregnancy, delivery and puerperium period. 4. There were positive correlations between the knowledge and educational level, duration of marriage and total numbers of pregnancy. There were negative correlation between the educational need and age, educational level, duration of marriage and total number of pregnancy. The above results showed the effects of antenatal education.
Blood Pressure
Body Temperature
Hospitals, General
Postpartum Period
Pregnant Women*
Prenatal Education*
Public Health
Statistics as Topic
6.Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen : Relation to Histologic Grade and Prognosis.
Seung Hwa SHIN ; Eun Dong PARK
Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy 1995;6(3):157-165
The measurement of tumor cell proliferation is becoming inueasingly recognized in defining prognostic groups. Boliferatirg cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) imrnunolocalimtion can be used as an index of cell proliferation and rnay define the extent of deppature from norrmil gmwth control. PCNA is eonsidered to be maker of cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to evnlunte the expreeion of PCNA in epithelial ocarian cancer as well as the possible correlation with degree of differentiation, tumor etage and overall survival. The material consisted of 35 epithehal ovarian cancer. The PCNA labelling index (Ll) ranged from 7.5% to 92.5% with a median value of 46.7%. PCNA labelling index (LI) is 30% in grade 1, 63% in grade 2, and 100% in grade 3 in epithelial ovarian cancer(p>0.05). Also, a positive correlation was found between PCNA labelling index (LI) and clinical stage (P<0.05) The estimated 3 year survival in patients with a tumor LI below the median (low proliferative group) was higher than those with a tumor LI greater than the median(high proliferation group) (87.5% VS 50%, P<0.05).
Cell Proliferation
Ovarian Neoplasms
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen*
7.Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen : Relation to Histologic Grade and Prognosis.
Seung Hwa SHIN ; Eun Dong PARK
Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy 1995;6(3):157-165
The measurement of tumor cell proliferation is becoming inueasingly recognized in defining prognostic groups. Boliferatirg cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) imrnunolocalimtion can be used as an index of cell proliferation and rnay define the extent of deppature from norrmil gmwth control. PCNA is eonsidered to be maker of cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to evnlunte the expreeion of PCNA in epithelial ocarian cancer as well as the possible correlation with degree of differentiation, tumor etage and overall survival. The material consisted of 35 epithehal ovarian cancer. The PCNA labelling index (Ll) ranged from 7.5% to 92.5% with a median value of 46.7%. PCNA labelling index (LI) is 30% in grade 1, 63% in grade 2, and 100% in grade 3 in epithelial ovarian cancer(p>0.05). Also, a positive correlation was found between PCNA labelling index (LI) and clinical stage (P<0.05) The estimated 3 year survival in patients with a tumor LI below the median (low proliferative group) was higher than those with a tumor LI greater than the median(high proliferation group) (87.5% VS 50%, P<0.05).
Cell Proliferation
Ovarian Neoplasms
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen*
8.The Relationship between Job Stress and Nursing Performance of Emergency Room Nurses.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1999;11(1):146-157
The purpose of this study was to assess how job stiess affects the nursing performance of emergerncy room nurses. Data were collected from 210 emergency room nurses at 20 general hospitals, with more than 200 beds, in Pusan, Taegu and Kungbuk province, between October 5 and October 15, 1998. The instruments used for this study were the job stress scale which was developed by Mae Ja, Kim and Mi Ok, Gu(1984), and nursing performance of nurses scale developed by Kwi Ae, Chung(1989). Data Analysis was done using t-test, ANOVA, Tukey test, and Pearson Correlation. The results were as follows : 1. The highest rank of job stress items, emergency room nursing were as follows with lessening order when physicians delegate their clinical responsibilities to nurses(M=3.12+/-0.69). The most stressed factor among the nursing works was reported as night duty(M =2.99+/-0.87). 2. The mean score of nursing performance items, to prevent patient from falling or other injury(M = 3.69+/-0.50). 3. Our study reveals that there was statistically significant negative correlation relationship between stress level and emergency room nursing performance(r= -0.14, p=0.0454), in other words, the more stress the nurses experienced, the weaker their nursing performance became. Two factors, heavy work load(r=0.30, p=0.0001), and poor compensation(r =0.15, p =0.031). were negativly related to nursing performance. 4. The study revealed that the group with monthly income experienced less stress(F=2.71, p= 0.0461). Also, the degree of stress was significantly lower in the group with work experience (F=3.01, p=0.0313). Stress varied according to position superintendent nurse showed a lower level of stress than lay nurses and change nurses (F=2.93, p=0.0349). 5. There was significant difference in the degree of nursing perfnrm~nre according to religion (F= 3.97, p=0.0088). In conclusion, there was statistically significant negative correlations between job stress and nursing performance, so there is need for special consideration in nursing administration in terms of reducing the job stress in emergency nursing. Suggestions based on this study as follows. 1. Further study is necessary to examine variables that influence job stress and nursing performance. 2. The expem~ntaI study is needed for an effectiveness of systerrntic and in-lividual effort in order to reduce or manage nurses'stress in the emergency room.
Emergency Nursing
Emergency Service, Hospital*
Hospitals, General
Statistics as Topic
9.A Study the Health Problems of the Living-alone Elderly Using MDS-HC 2.0.
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2006;17(1):74-82
PURPOSE: This study used MDS-HC 2.0 to identify health problems in the elderly who live alone. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 100 living-alone elders aged over 65 in Daegu city. This study was performed through home visiting interviews during the period from the 1st of September to the 30th of September 2005. Analysis in this study was made using SPSS Version 11.0. RESULTS: Frequent health problems in the living-alone elderly were: preventive heath measure (90), health promotion (80), social function (78), visual function (75), depression and anxiety (61), pain and communication disorder (60), cognition (55), environmental assessment (48) and oral health (45) in order of frequency. Informal services were provided to 73% of the subjects for emotional support. IADL services were provided to 57% of the subjects, and ADL services to 66%. CONCLUSION: Nursing intervention programs based on health problems from MDS-HC 2.0 should be provided in order to cope with individual health problems and living-alone elders needs. The results of this study suggest that MDS-HC 2.0 is applicable to help decide nursing interventions for the elderly who live alone in community.
Activities of Daily Living
Communication Disorders
Health Promotion
House Calls
Oral Health
10.The Effect of Exercise for Activity of Daily Living and Depression in Stroke Patients.
Kyoung Hwa SONG ; Hyoung Sook PARK
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 2001;4(2):146-154
The purposes of this study was to determine the effect of exercise in stroke patients and to define to strategy to promote their activity of daily living. decrease to their depression. The experiemental design was designed nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The study method had been done by investigating the experimental group and control group through the questionaire on 60 patients who had been in patient department in D University hospital and K University hospital in Busan from November 5th. 2000 to the end of February 28th. 2001. Exercise was conducted by the researcher and was carried out experimental group once per day for 20 minutes for daily fourteen days. ADL check List tool by Kang and Center of Epideilogic Studies-Depression (CES-D) were used for measurement in this study. The data was analyzed by means of freqency, percentage, mean+/-SD, t-test. chi-square test and ANOVA with SPSS/PC. The results were summarized as follow; 1. The experimental group which received exercise should be higher in activity of daily living than the control group was supported (t=2.70. P=.009) 2. The experimental group which received exercise should be lower in depression than the control group was not support(t = -1.120, P= .267) but experimental group post-pre depression score support(t = 7 .247, P= .000), 3. Factors influencing the activity of daily living measured are payer of medical expenses (F=3.98, P=.018) and complications(t=3.97. P= .056) 4. Factors influencing the depression measured are economic status(F=5.71. P= .009) and caregivers(F=3.09, P= .045). In conclusion, the exercise incresed the activity of daily living and effect on depression of stroke patiens. Based upon these results. it is recommended that the nurses who take care of stroke patients such as exercise.
Activities of Daily Living