1.A study of extraversion-introversion as a dimension of personality in schizophrenics.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1993;10(2):338-344
The purpose of this study was to investigate the trait cortical arousal level, measured by extraversion-introversion, in schizophrenics. Subjects in this study were 231 (chronic schizophrenics= 78, acute schizophrenics= 62, and normal persons= 91). All subjects were asked to respond to extraversion-introversion subtest scale in the korean EPQ(Korean Version Eysenck Personality Questionnaire). Collected data were analyzed by using the. t-test and one-way analysis of variance. Results were as follows: 1) Trait cortical arousal level of chronic schizophrenics, which was measured by extraversion-introversion subtest scale in the Korean EPQ, was statistically higher than that. of. acute schizophrenics and normals. 2) Acute schizophrenics and normals were not significantly different in the trait cortical arousal level. However, the trait cortical arousal level of chronic schizophrenics was higher than that of acute schizophrenics. Therefore, it may state that the trait cortical arousal level of schizophrenics is getting higher when schizophrenic symptoms become more chronic.
2.Development of the Korean Form of Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1995;12(2):292-305
This study was carried out to develop a Korean language version of Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS). The subjects consisted of 173 males and 161 females drawn from various groups of the general population by a cluster of sampling methods. In order to analyze the data on depression scores, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient method was carried .out, as well as reliability and factor analysis, by the SPSS/PC+ program. The results obtained were as follows: The mean average of the total depression scores were 40.60. 8.66 for the subjects. Thirty-seven subjects (11.1%) showed high depression scores of 50 or over. Test-retest reliability(coefficient r=0.82, p <0.001), internal consistency(coefficient r=0.84, p <0.001) were satisfactory. Factor analysis using oblique technique rotation yielded five factors. The items of confusion, indecisiveness, decreased libido, diurnal variation, and psychomotor retardation were scored higher by the subjects. The items of suicidal rumination, psychomotor agitation, constipation, irritability, and weight loss were scored lower.
Psychomotor Agitation
Weight Loss
3.Health Policy from the Residents' Viewpoint.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2002;45(3):276-280
No abstract available.
Health Policy*
4.The Effects of Lead Exposure on Hematocrit and Hemoglobin.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1980;13(1):41-46
In order to study the effect of lead exposure on the hematocrit and hemoglobin values in accordance with the level of lead exposure, twenty-four Sprague-Dawly rates were equally divided into four groups of six tars each. Lead acetate disolved in glucose was injected intrapertitoneally six times a week, for weeks with does of 0.05 mg/kg/day for group I, 0.5 mg/kg/day for group II, and 5 mg/kg/day for group III. Control group was injected glucose only. Blood samples for the checking of the hematocrit and hemoglobin values, were taking from tail vein of rats before lead injection and on the third, seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days after lead injection. And also, the concentration of lead and ALA in urine were checked for evaluating the lead absorption. The results were as follows ; 1. The alteration of the hematocrit and hemoglobin values of the group I was not significant as that of the control group. 2. In group II, the hematocrit values were significantly decreased from the fourteenth day after lead injection, and the hemoglobin values were decreased from the twenty- first day after lead injection when the concentration of lead in urine was elevated more than 260 microgram/liter. 3. In group III, the hematocrit value were decreased from the seventh day after lead injection, and the hemoglobin value were decreased even from third day after lead injection. And the hemoglobin values were more rapidly decreased than the hematocrit values. 4. In all group, the correlation coefficient between hematocrit and hemoglobin was highly significant. And the difference between the correlation coefficient of the group III and that of the others was highly significant.
5.Information processing and its neuroanatomy in schizophrenia.
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1991;30(4):629-651
No abstract available.
Automatic Data Processing*
6.A study on discriminant function of psychoticism in schizophrenics.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1993;10(1):48-57
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of personality dimensions of schizophrenics. Subjects in this study were 71 chronic schizophrenics, 59 acute schizophrenics. and 87 normal persons. All subjects was asked to respond to EPQ(Korean Version Eysenck Personality Questionnaire). Collected data were analyzed by using the statistical techniques of discriminant function analysis, t-test and one-way -variable analysis. The results were as follows : Acute and chronic schizophrenics were higher than normal persons on psychoticism score. However, there was no significant difference between chronic and acute schizophrenics on the psychoticism score. Discriminant analysis was adopted to identify the scales in EPQ that were most effective in discriminating between normals and schizophrenics. Psychoticism of EPQ function was the most effective variable that discriminates between the normals and the schizophrenics.
Weights and Measures
7.A Clinical Observation about the Nevi Involving Melanocytes in the Korean Youth.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(1):73-78
This study was performed in the Korean recruits to determine the prevalence and the sites of predilection of the nevi involving melanocytes. The results were summarized as follows; 1) 411 of 2311(17. 7%) recruits examined were found to have nevus spilus, most prevalent in the trunk. The lesions were usually solitary but occasionally two or three lesions were found in a single individual. The prevalence of speckled lentiginous nevus was 0.49%,(2l/4247). The site of prevalence of progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentation was 0. 80% (34/4247). The lesions were most commonly observed in the lower trunk and upper thighs. 4) The prevalence of Becker's nevus was 0.45%(19/4247). The lesions were most commonly observed in the shoulder and its surrounding areas. 5) Persistent Mongolian spot were observed in 2. 73% (63/2311). The proportion of extrasacral spots to sacral spots was increased to almost half of the entire spots. 6) Blue nevi were observed in 0. 48M (11/2311), most frequently in the sacral area.
Mongolian Spot
Nevus, Blue
8.Two Cases of partial Lipoatrophy.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(6):487-493
Partial lipoatrophy is a relatively rare disease characterized by depression in certain areas of body due to absence of subcutaneous fat tissue. In the typical case, the face is affected first, and gradually spreads to the upper half of the body. Recently, Imamura et al reported an atypical form of partial lipoatrophy characterized by involvement of abdomen and neighboring regions and centrifugal enlargement of the lesions with re4dish and scaly change in the surrounding area. They proposed. the name lipodystrophia centrifugalis a,bdominalis infantilis for this disorder. The authors reported two cases of partial lipoatrophy sirnilar to the cases of Imamura et al. Case 1 was 5 year-old female with depressed Iesions on the lower abdomen, inguinal areas, and around the external genital and perineal areas. Eliopsy specimen showed absence of subcutaneous fat tissue. Case 2 was 5 year-old. female with depressed lesions on the left lower abdomen and inguinal region Riopsy specimen showed decrease in subcutaneous fat and inflammatory infiltrates in the dermis and subcutis.
Child, Preschool
Rare Diseases
Subcutaneous Fat
9.A Study on Discriminant Function of KWIS Subscales in Schizophrenic Patients.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1990;7(2):89-96
The purpose of this article was to determine the discriminant function analysis of the Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale (KWIS) for 110 normal controls and 98 schizophrenics. Of special interest was to verify the clinical discriminant power of two subtests of the KWIS (Vocabulary and Digit Symbols) and Zung's Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). Four major hypotheses were postulated. The normal control group would show higher scores then the schizophrenics; mean scores on both Vocabulary and Digit Symbol. The mean difference in Digit Symbol between the two groups would be greater than that in the Vocabulary. There would be no significant relation among Digit Symbol, Vocabulary, and Anxiety. The most powerful discriminant power would be expected from subtest of Digit Symbol. The mean discriminant scores were 1.34425 for the control subjects, 1.34425 for the schizophrenics. The correctly discriminated percentage was 89.1% for the control subjects, 90.8% for the schizophrenics. From the findings it was concluded that both Digit Symbol and Vocabulary scales had strong diagnostic value but the former was more powerful than the latter. However, the Anxiety scales had less diagnostic value.
Weights and Measures
10.A Study of Depression in Positive and Negative Schizaphrenics.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1994;11(2):338-351
This study was to find out whether there were differences in the levels of depressions between positive and negative schizophrenics. This research was derived from the fact that negative schizophrenics show higher levels of depression than positive schizophrenics. This study also examined the levels of psychomotor dysfunction in positive and negative schizophrenics. For this study, there were 453 subjects. They consisted of 119 positive schizophrenics, 122 negative schizophrenics and 212 normal people. They were asked to complete Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS) and to perform one subtest, Digit Symbol of KWIS(Korean Wechsler Intelligence SCALE). Subjects levels of depression were measured by the SDS. The level of psychomotor dysfunction was measured by Digit Symbol subtest of Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale. ANOVA and Duncan's multiple comparison analysis were used to examine whether there were differences of depression and psychomotor dysfunction among the normal people, positive and negative schizophrenics. The results were as follows ; It was found that the depression level was higher in the negative schizophrenic patients than positive schizophrenic patients. Levels of depression were significantly higher in negative schizophrenics than positive schizophrenics. Psychomotor retardation symptom was the most effective variable that discriminates between the normals and the schizophrenics. And it would be concluded that the psychomotor dysfunction was more severe in negative schizophrenics than positive schizophrenics.