1.Wilson's Disease: Report of a Case with Comprehensive Review of the Previously Reported Cases in Korean Literature.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1987;21(4):278-284
We reported a case of Wilson's disease, which was histologically confirmed by liver biopsy in a 15 year-old boy and made a comprehensive analysis on the sum of 22 cases reported in Korean literature. Although Wilson's disease is still rare, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of chronic liver diseases particularly in children of 5 to 15 years old. For the clinical diagnosis of Wilson's disease, changes in serum ceruloplasmin, plasma copper and urine copper values are most important as well as Kayser-Fleischer ring and family hestory. The serum level of GOT, when elevated, were always higher than GPT. This atypical transaminase profile may be a clue for diagnosis of hepatic diseases by a metabolic derangement. Among various histologic changes of the liver in Wilson's disease, what have diagnostic importance are anisonucleosis, nuclear glycogenosis and Mallory body, all of which may appear in any stages of the disease. In 3 cases only neurologic symptoms such as dysarthria and athetosis were found. Hemolytic anemia was another rare complication.
Diagnosis, Differential
2.Adreno-Hepatic Fusion: A case report.
Kyung Moo YANG ; Young Nyun PARK ; Chan Il PARK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1998;32(5):385-387
Adreno-hepatic fusion is rare condition defined as adhesion of the liver and right adrenal cortex with close intermingling of the respective parenchyme. It is suggested to be an aging phenomenon, because its incidence is much higher in older age group. Clinically it may pose a problem of operability of the organ involved. We report a case of incidentally found adreno-hepatic fusion in a 49 year old female patient with adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. The segementectomy of VIII segement of the liver was done due to a 6 4 cm sized metastatic nodule of adenocarcioma. Pathological examination of the liver revealed an ovoid shaped, 1 0.5 cm sized adrenal cortical tissue. It was subcapsularly located and about 1cm apart from the metastatic adenocarcinoma with an intervening normal hepatic tissue. The adrenal tissue was mainly composed of zona fasciculata without medullary tissue. In the interphase, the adrenal tissue and liver tissue were admixed closely and partially septated by thin fibrous tissue. There was no inflammatory response to the heterotropically located adrenal tissue and there was no symptom related to the adrenal gland.
Adrenal Cortex
Adrenal Glands
Colon, Sigmoid
Middle Aged
Zona Fasciculata
3.Gross Anatomical Typing of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Classification of 49 lobectomized hepatocellular carcinomas.
Young Nyun PARK ; Eun Kyung HAN ; Chan Il PARK
Korean Journal of Pathology 1991;25(2):83-92
Forty-nine lobectomized hepatocellular carcinomas(HCC) were classified according to the gross anatomical features. Because the presence of cirrhosis in the remaining liver has a good clinico-pathological implication, cases of HCC were divided into non-cirrhotic(non-LC) and cirrhotic(LC) groups. In both groups, the tumors themselves belonged to either expanding, focal spreading, spreading or mixed type. Another special type, which has been called a "diffuse type" is added in the LC group with the name of "cirrhotomimetic type" Among 49 cases, 21 belonged to the non-LC group and 28 to the LC group. Most common was expanding type(20 cases, 40.8%), which was followed by spreading(32.7%), focal spreading(16.3%), mixed(6.1%) and cirrhotomimetic(4.1%) types. Expanding type of the LC group was the single most common type(13 cases, 26.5%). The accordance rate of gross typing was 0.94. Tumor masses of the LC group showed a greater tendency of having a fibrous capsule(60.7%) and a lobulated cut surface(82.1%), in contrast to those of the non-LC group (28.6% and 42.9% respectively). The patient's age and the HBsAg seropositivity were not different between the groups and between the types. Increased serum level of AFP was particularly frequent in the spreading type(81.3%) of both groups and in the cirrhotomimetic type(100%).
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
4.A Case of Generalized Perforating Granuloma Annulare.
Kyung Tai HONG ; Kwang Hoon LEE ; Chan Il PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1988;26(4):560-564
Generalized perforating granuloma annulare is a rare variant of granuloma. annulare, which was first described by Duncan et al 1) in 1973. A 21-year-old female had hundreds of 3 to 5mm papules over the whole body, which were mainly distributed in the extremities and trunk since three months ago. Individual papules developed a central umbilication with a peripheral collarette of scale. Histopathologic examination showed an epidermal perforation and transepidermal elimination of necrobiotic material. The epidermal perforation communicated with areas of necrobiotic collagen surrounded by palisading granulorna in the dermis. We treated her with oral prednisolone and dapsone, but there was no clinical improvement.
Granuloma Annulare*
Young Adult
5.Mouse embryo culture as quality control for human in vitro fertilization.
Young Kyung LIM ; Hyun Jeong PARK ; Yu Il LEE
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1991;18(1):49-53
No abstract available.
Embryonic Structures*
Fertilization in Vitro*
Quality Control*
6.Effect of tissue perfusion on temperature distribution in 915 MHz microwave hyperthermia.
Mi Kyung YANG ; Sung Hwan HA ; Chan Il PARK
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1993;25(5):736-743
No abstract available.
7.Ultrastructural study of basement membrane of choleastoma epithelium.
Kyung You PARK ; Joong Saeng CHO ; Chang Il CHA
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1991;34(4):649-658
No abstract available.
Basement Membrane*
8.One - staged Saucerization and Cancellous Chip Allograft for Treatment of Chronic Localized Osteomyelitis.
Il Hyung PARK ; Hee Soo KYUNG ; Do Heon KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(3):606-613
Treatment of chronic localized osteomyelitis is the same as the other osteomyelitis, that is, curettage and debridement of all dead tissue which is called saucerization. After saucerization there leaves empty cavity and autogenous bone graft has been used for filling the cavity in lower extremity hecause of weight bearing and avoiding fracture. We treated seven cases of chronic localized osteomyelitis with one-staged saucerization and cancellous chip allograft and retrospective analysis was done. All healed without complication and no recurrence was ohserved. Most orthopaedic surgeons are not willing to use allograft on the site of osteomyelitis because of the fear of recurrence. But. we think that as far as complete removal of infected and dead tissue, allograft could he a good solution in terms of rapid remodelling and early weight hearing. Another advantages of allograft are to get a large amount of bone and no damage of iliac apophysis. In summary, one-staged saucerization and cancellous chip allograft would he very useful treatment for chronic localized osteomyelitis.
Lower Extremity
Retrospective Studies
9.Early response of the mouse skin to superfractionated irradiation
Kyung Hwan KOH ; Charn Il PARK ; Chu Wan KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1982;18(1):10-16
A study has been made on the skin response of mouse hind limb to radiation to evaluate the difference of skin response to superfractionation and conventional fractionation schedules, and to optimize the time interval betweenfractions and the dose per fraction in the superfractionated irradiation. 96 mouse hind limbs were dvided into 12groups and were irradiated with 10 consecutive fractions by intervals of 6, 12 or 24 hours and dose per fractionsof 400, 500, 600 or 700 rads. The skin changes of the irradiated hind limb were observed for 30 days and the skin response were analyzed. The results are as follows; 1. There was no significant difference of early skin response along the time interval, from 6 to 24 hours, up to 600 rads per fraction. 2. Mean duration to maximum skin reaction in superfractionation (15.48±2.80 days) is shorter than in conventional fractionation (18.05±3.20 days)by 2.57 days. (p<0.05). 3. Optimum time interval betwen fractions in superfractionation may be 6 hours or less. 4. Optimum dose per fraction in superfractionation may be 500 rads or less.
Appointments and Schedules
10.Two Cases of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Associated with Pneumococcal Infection.
Il Soo HA ; Hae Il CHEONG ; Yong CHOI ; Kyung Mi PARK ; Heui Seung JO
Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology 1999;3(2):227-231
Liver is generally known as an organ which is most commonly involved by the metastic tumors. According to the tendency of using fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of hepatic tumors, the differentital diagnosis between hepatocellular carcinoma and metastatic carcinoma frequently has been a main issue in the poorly differentitated cases, especially to the pathologists of Korea, an endemic area of hepatocellular carcinoma. Until now the problem has been usually solved by the comparison of cytologic characteristics of their tumor cells but not by background cytologic features which rarely have been studied. We observed the background cytologic features helpful for the differential diagnosis through the analysis of 20 cases who had confirmed primary cancer and were diagnosed as metastatic carcinomas in the liver by fine needle aspiration cytology. Twenty cases included 9 adenocarcinomas, 7 spuamous cell carcinomas, 1 small cell carcinoma, 1 carcinoid, 1 adenoid cystic carcinoma, and 1 renal cell cacinoma. Analysis of background cytologic features revealed that 77% of adenocacinoma cases showed benign mesenchymal components and hepatocytes and spuamous cell carcinoma cases disclosed benign mesenchymal tissue (71%) and necrosis (57%). Remaining cases showed variable combinations of benign mesenchymal component, necrosis, hepatocytes, and bile duct epithelial cells. No case revealed atypical hepatocytic naked nuclei, a useful cytologic finding of hepatocellular carcinoma. In summary, the background cytologic features more commonly observed in metastatic carcinomas than in the hepatocellular carcinoma were benign mesenchymal components, hepatocytes, necrosis, and bile duct epithelium. The endothelial cells and hepatocytic naked nuclei, two relatively specific findings of hepatocellular carcinoma were not observed except for renal cell carcinoma. Above background cytologic features are thought to be helpful for the differential diagnosis between the hepatocellular carcinoma and various metastatic carcinomas in the poorly differentiated cases.
Bile Ducts
Biopsy, Fine-Needle
Carcinoid Tumor
Carcinoma, Adenoid Cystic
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
Carcinoma, Renal Cell
Carcinoma, Small Cell
Diagnosis, Differential
Endothelial Cells
Epithelial Cells
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome*
Pneumococcal Infections*
Ulnar Nerve