1.A Study on Weight Control, Nutritional Knowledge, Dietary Attitudes and Eating Behaviors among High School Female Students.
Yun AHN ; Hyungmee KIM ; Kyungwon KIM
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2006;11(2):205-217
This study was designed to examine weight control, nutritional knowledge, dietary attitudes and eating behaviors of 370 high school girls and to investigate if there were differences in these variables by weight control status. The weight control attempters (65.1%) had significantly higher body weight and BMI (p<0.001). The difference between desired and current body weight was -9.1 kg in the attempters, showing a significantly higher difference than the counterparts (p<0.001). The attempters also showed more interest toward weight control (p<0.001), but were less satisfied with their body size (p<0.001). Most of subjects (88.1%), especially in the attempters (96.7%) responded that they would try to control their weights in the future. The regular exerciser was 22.9% in the attempters while the percentage of the counterparts was 11.9% (p<0.05). The use of internet or television watching was not significantly different by weight control status. Subjects scored 15.8 out of 20 on a nutritional knowledge scale, which showed a moderate level of knowledge. The nutritional knowledge score was 15.7 for the attempters and 15.8 for the counterparts. None of the nutritional knowledge items reached statistical significance, although the percentages of correct answers regarding weight control or balanced meals were slightly lower in the attempters. The attempters showed more favorable eating attitudes than the counterparts (p<0.001), especially in the attitudes of applying nutritional knowledge to daily life (p<0.01), attitudes for modifying diets (p<0.01) and importance of having adequate meals (p<0.01). The eating behavior was moderate, with mean scores of 31.1 (possible score: 15-45). Subjects showed problems in eating a variety of foods, eating meals regularly, eating slowly, eating breakfast and consumption of some food groups (e.g., dairy foods, fruits). The attempters consumed seaweeds more frequently than the counterparts (p<0.05). Although there were not many significant differences by weight control status, this study suggested that nutrition education for adolescent girls should be planned to provide nutrition information regarding desirable weight control as well as modifying diets and eating behaviors.
Body Size
Body Weight
Feeding Behavior*
Weights and Measures
2.A Study of Weight Control and Associated Factors among High School Female Students.
Yun AHN ; Hyungmee KIM ; Kyungwon KIM
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2005;10(6):814-824
The study purpose was to examine weight control status and related factors among 370 high school girls in Seoul. Factors examined included interest toward weight control, body satisfaction, body image, beliefs regarding weight control and self-efficacy. 65.1% had attempted to control weight and were categorized into attempt group. Those in the attempt group had higher body weight (p<0.001) and BMI (p<0.001) than the counterparts. They tried to control weight 2.9 times on average (22.4 days each time). The major information sources for weight control were internet (62.8%), and TV/ radio (17.1%). Exercise was most commonly used for weight control, followed by reducing meal amount and skipping dinner. The attempt group was less satisfied with body size (p<0.001) and perceived their body sizs as heavier than the counterparts (p<0.001), but they showed more interest toward weight control (p<0.001). The ideal body size of society or the body size that they want was very thin in both groups. Twelve out of 20 beliefs regarding weight control were significantly different between the two groups. The attempt group believed more strongly on the advantages such as increased self-confidence, appearance, attractiveness (p<0.001) and 'good for making friends' (p<0.01). In contrast, the attempt group believed less strongly about the disadvantages including harmful effects on health (p<0.001), parents' dislike, feelings of discouragement (p<0.01) and becoming (p<0.05). The attempt group showed lower overall self-efficacy to control overeating (p<0.05) than the counterparts. Especially, the attempt group felt less control of overeating in situations such as eating-out, after school, when they are with family (p<0.01) or with friends, when they feel hungry, during examination periods and when others offer food (p<0.05). This study suggested that weight management education for adolescents include strategies for changing body image and beliefs regarding weight control, as well as increasing self-efficacy to control overeating.
Body Image
Body Size
Body Weight
3.Needs Assessment for Developing a Nutrition Information Site for Elementary School Children Among Elementary School Dietitians.
Yun AHN ; Hyungmee KIM ; Jung Sook SEO ; Eun Young YOON ; Hyun Joo BAE ; Kyungwon KIM
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2007;12(4):405-416
This study was to examine the needs among elementary school dietitians (n = 115) for developing a nutrition information internet site for children. A survey questionnaire included general characteristics, internet use regarding health and nutrition information, and needs for developing a nutrition information site. The mean age of the subjects was 36.2 years. The higher working experience group (> 10 years of working as dieticians) had higher mean age (p < 0.001), had a larger number of enrolled students at school (p < 0.01) and the number of those receiving school lunch (p < 0.01) than the counterparts (< or = 10 years group). Sources of health and nutrition information were mainly PC/internet (60.4%) and seminar (14.4%). About 95% used health or nutrition information using the internet, however, the majority of users (71.6%) used internet information only when they needed it. Major reasons for using internet information was 'to get nutrition education materials' (63.8%) and 'to obtain general nutrition information' (21%). One third of the subjects were satisfied with nutrition information internet sites; major problems with internet sites were 'lack of content' (38.9%) and 'lack of practical information' (33%). These characteristics regarding internet use were not different between work experience groups. Major problems with nutrition education were 'lack of nutrition educational materials' (41.1%) and 'lack of nutrition education skills' (32.1%). These were significantly different between the work experience groups (p < 0.01). Subjects preferred CD/ internet to leaflet/booklet as nutrition educational materials. In developing nutrition sites for children, subjects wanted topics such as obesity assessment, dietary assessment, and obesity. Subjects responded that contents of nutrition information should be 'suitable to the children's knowledge levels' (31.1%), 'interesting enough by including quizzes, games and songs' (27.8%), 'inserting many illustrations/icons' (16.3%). In terms of designing internet sites for children, they wanted that internet sites should 'be easy enough to find the sites' (29.2%), 'use illustrations and characters' (24.8%), 'use communication channels such as Q&A' (18.7%). Needs for developing internet sites for children were not different by the work experience group. This study suggests that web sites for children should be carefully developed considering the contents and design, have less information with more illustrations, designed to induce the interest of children, as well as including sections such as eating habit assessment and games.
Needs Assessment*
Surveys and Questionnaires