1.Frequency and Localization of Plantar Ulcers in 120 Leprosy Patients
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(3):472-476
Out of 3288 patients admitted National Leprosy Center in Sorok-do, could be selected 120 patients confirmed to have one or more plantar ulcers, whose frequency and localization form the basis of this clinical observation. 1. Of 120 patients, 32 had ulcers bilaterally, so that total 196 ulcers in 152 feet were subjected to study. 2. Male patients were approximately three times more frequent than female. Age range showed that 76(63.3%) of 120 patients were in their six and seven decade, and only three cases were under the third Decade. 3. The base of first metatarsal was the site with highest incidence of ulcer (28.6%), and the bases of all metarsals occupied 57.7% of all ulcers. The medial plantar and the heel were low in incidence. 4, Transverse division of the plantar surface revealed that ulcers were located predominantly in the forefoot part (64.8%), showing gradual decrease in the midfoot (27%) and the hindfoot region (8.2%) 5. Longitudinal section of the plantar surface into three compartments showed almost even distribution of ulcers, though the central ray showed slightly lower incidence than those of the medial and lateral ray. 6. Dynamic pressure triangle was found to be the site of preference, in which 100 ulcers(59%) of all was observed. 7. Non-lepromatous patients showed the higher rate of occurrence, in that they occupied 21.3% of all the patients, while 30.8% of 120 ulcer-patients were non-lepromatous type. 8. Of total 196 ulcers, those with history of more than ten years were 117(59.7%), and 18 of them had the history of more than 30 years.
Foot Ulcer
Metatarsal Bones
2.Socio-Psychological Analysis and Rate of Syphilis Infection in Prostitutes, Surrounding the U. S. Air Force in Kunsan.
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hoo Hyung LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(4):395-403
Following the Korean War, the presence of foreign troops in Korea and lowered. sexual morality caused an increase in the rate of prostitution and related venereal diseases. Though the health authorities made efforts to handle these problems, they didnt obtain any noticeable results, because they neglected the scientific prevention and treatment based on expert knowledge, and the sociopsychological problem, which was the basic cause of the increment in the rate of prostitution. They only took administrative action against the prostitutes. Therefore, in July, 1976, we went to a town(named Silver Town) located on the outskirts of a U.S. Air Force base, and, examined and guestioned a number of prostitutes. Each of the 288 subjects residing in the town was given a questionaire that dealt with individual living attitudes, family and social background, and sociopsychological aspects of tbeir lifestyle. Questionaires were completed anonymously. Serological tests for syphilis, the UDRL and TPHA, were also administered. The results of our atudy are as follows. 1) Most of the prostitutes had grown up in large families, in which females were predominant. Because of economic difficulties they dropped out of school a.t an early age and became prostitutes. The average age of a prostitute at the time of her first sexual experience was 19. 9 years, the expriences usually taking place with her first boyfriend. Forty six psrcent of tbe subjects had intercourse for the first time between the ages of 15 and 19. Fortynine & two tenths percent of them because prostitutes within one year of their initial sexual act, and all of them at an average interval of 2.5 years following the first sexual experience, the average age being 22. 4 years. 2) The longer the women had worked as prostitutes, the more they felt dissatisfied with their work, and the more they desired to change to an occupation which was healthier and entailed more self-respect. 3) Out of 283 subjects, 39% had a history of venereal disease, predominantly of gonorrhea. Tbe results of the STS administered to all subjects were,; VDRL 7.7% positive and TPHA 6% positive. It was also concluded that the subjects had no educational or working knowledge of venereal diseases.
Anonyms and Pseudonyms
Korean War
Life Style
Serologic Tests
Sex Workers*
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
3.Report of a Case of Solid Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma Resembling Clinical Malignant Melanoma.
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hoo Hyung LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(2):165-171
A fifty-seven-year-old, faers wife, was affected a skin lesion of dark pigme raised, crusted ulerated, easy to bleed on touching the crust and indurated ur with mood consistancy, and the tumor was located over the inner is of left eye, which was alike to malignant melanoma clinically. The tumor 1-shaped and measure 1.;. m x l. 7cm in diameter, which did not make any itchy sensation. d with small papule about 8 years ago which zdually increased. in siiarate3 with ocsional ble 3ing. Her skin lesion was treateQ with curretation and electrodessication or surgical removement by loca.l practitioner, however, it recured after the each treatments. In this hospital, the peeived the skin biopsy of the tumor and the diagnosis was established as cell car.cinoma histopathologically, and the tumor was removed by ical technique applying transposition skin flap from the infra-orbitale face, and the result was satisfactory without "mcurence until upto bservation (for three years and three months). On the conclusion, ad a case of Solid pigmented basal cell carcin- oma resernbling maligna. with histopathological study and treated with plastic surgical management very satisfying result.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell*
4.Clinical Observartion of Syphilis during Ten Consecutive Years (1968 - 1977).
Inn Ki CHUN ; Hyung Son SUHN ; Young Pio KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(1):17-28
Observations were made by viewing 563 syphilics that were diagnos d and treated in the Department of Dermatology at Chon-nam University Hospital, for ten con- secutive years(1968 1977). During this ten-year period, the average percent of syphilitic cases seen was l. 72 of the yearly total outpatients. The yearly number of patients seen during this study period showed no consistent pattern of increase, however, there were particularly large numbers of patients seen in the last few years of the study, this indicating an increase in the trend of syphilis in our area. The large number of latent syphilitic cases (56. 3Y) seen, paticularly in the early latent stage, was reflected in total numbers as being of the greatest percentile And the ratio of early latent cases to primary and secondary cases averaged out to 1. 1: l during the ten-year period In 23. 2 percent of 190 women of child bearing age, pregnancies were terminated ly abortion or stillbirth. Of all cases, 9. 9 percent had other STDs in which the most frequent was scabies. As a follow up only 85 patients (15. 1Pl) underwent serial quantitative evaluation for 12 months or more, 6 of these patients (7M) were identified as serorelapse cases who should be retreated.
Evaluation Studies as Topic
Follow-Up Studies
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
5.A Case of Cellular type of Dermatofibroma.
Soo Il CHUN ; Hyung Il KIM ; Chang Jo KOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1984;22(3):310-313
A 72-year-old woman with a pea sized, bluish, firm nodule was diagnosed as having a cellular type of dermatofibroma histopathologically. A biopsy specimen revealed a relatively well circumscribed, non-encapsulated, nodular infiltration of irregularly distributed histiocytes in the deep dermis. Foam cells were also noted. Gomoris iron stain revealed large amounts of hemosiderin deposits and some collagen were present as individual fibers in the lesion with Masson's trichrome stain.
Foam Cells
Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous*
6.Pityrasis Rubra Pilaris with Bone involvement.
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hoo Hyung LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(2):223-230
No abstract available.
7.Immediate Hypersinsitivity Reaction in Chronic Urticaria.
Hyung Kyun KIM ; Sun Wook HWANG ; Chun Pyoung LIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(5):339-347
In a large proportion of patients with chronic urticaria, at present, the definite tiology can't be found. There have been occasional attempts to identify the aIIergic causes uaing allergic skin tests, only ta suggest the Candicla albicans and. some food yeasts ae probabIe causes. Thia atady was designed to investgate how often patients with chronic urticaria from Chonnam Province react positively to skin tests with extracts of 42 common. allergene in the standard group Al-13 produced by Bencard Ltd. in England. The authora alao surveyed the clinical characteristics of 63 patients with chronic urtimria of more than 3 months duration, who bad visited the skin clinic of Chosun Univeresity HcepitaI from May. 1977 throug 3. Apr. 1979. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Among 63 patients, the maIe to female ratio was 1: l.2, and the peak incidence was in the 20s and 30s. 2, In regard to the duration of chroic urticaria, the highst frequency waa below one year duration. 3. Among 60s of the pa,tients who experienced seasonal changes, 32.4% had suffered aggravation during the winter. 4. The most common diseases combined with chronic urticaria were allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis, occuring in 9.5% of all subjects. 5. Of thase examined, 69.8% showed positive reactions to the prick test with the peak incidence in the 20s and 30s. 6. Among 42 allergens used far the prick test, 28 allergens turned out to be possibly casal agents, the rnost frequent group of allergens involved were grain du sts (27.1%), animal hairs(21.8%) and moulds(16.5%) in that order of frequency and occupying over 65% of the total positive reactions. And the most frequently involved specific allergens were hay dust, mixed grain dust straw dust and tree in that order of frequency. Moreover, 90 of the involved allergens were inhalants. 7. In teen-agers, the reactions to grain dusts, animal ha.irs, rnoulds and pollens were the rnost frequent while reactions to food allergens were most frequent in the 20s, and cotton and house dust are most frequently involved in tbe 40s. 8. Multiple sensitivity was not:d in a majority of cases and the most frequent combination was 2 to 5 allergens. 9. The rnost common abnormal hematologic finding in chronic urticaria was eosinophilia.
Edible Grain
Dermatitis, Atopic
Skin Tests
8.Clinical Observation of Sporotrichosis during a Twelve Year Period (1967 - 1978).
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hyung Son SOHN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(6):425-432
Observations of 50 sporotrichosis patients, who were confirmed by dinical, histopathological and mycological examination, were made in the department of Dermatology at Chon-nam University Hospital for the twelve year period from 1967 to 1978. The results obtained were as follows; 1. During this period, out of a total of 39, 594 outpatients, there were 50 cases of sporotrichosis for an average of 0. 13 percent. The highest incidence was in 1970 with 7 cases, however, there was no period with a particularly marked increase in the occurrence of the disease. 2. Half of all the cases occurred in the third and fourth decades of life. The male to female ratio was 2. 3:1. 3. Occupationally, the greatest percent were farmers, 36 cases(72%), and the next highest, unemployed. 4. In Kwang-ju an.d surrounding 6 counties, there were 25 cases which were widely scattered thraughout Chonnam province and the southern tip of Chonbuk province. 5. The initial lesion appeared on the upper extremities in 39 cases, particularly the right hand, and the lower extremities in 9 cases. 6. Of the total patients, there were 24 cases(48%) with a history of trauma before the onset of the disease. Of those cases, the disease appeared between I and 2 weeks. after trauma in 10 cases(41.7%) and between 2 and 3 weeks in 8 cases(33.3%). 7. The duration of the skin lesions before initial examination was 2 months in 12 cases(24%) and 3 months in 14 cases(28%). 8. Forty six percent of the total cases visited our department in spring, showing a higher incidence than any other season. The highest monthly incidence was in May, when there were 13 cases. 9, Of the total, 42 cases(84%) were cutaneous lymphatic type, while 8 cases(16%), localized cutaneous type.
Lower Extremity
Upper Extremity
9.Evaluation of Functional Renal Volume with 99mTc-DMSA SPECT in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Hyung In YANG ; Tae Won LEE ; Tae Hyung KIM ; Deog Yoon KIM ; Seong Pyo HONG ; Chun Gyoo IHM ; Myung Jae KIM
Korean Journal of Nephrology 1999;18(3):422-427
About 40% of patients with diabetes mellitus develops to diabetic nephropathy, and these patients show increment of glomerular filtration rate and renal volume at early phase. 99mTc-DMSA SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) can measure a functional renal volume because 99mTc- DMSA it is taken up by the viable proximal tubular cells located in the renal cortex. To evaluate the renal volume in early diabetic nephropathy, we compared functional renal volume between diabetic patients and control, renal transplantation donor. 99mTc-DMSA was injected intravenously and SPECT was done after 2 hours in 15 diabetic patients, 18 renal transplantation donors, and 2 patients with end stage renal disease due to chronic glomerulonephritis. In diabetic patients with creatinine clearance more than 30ml/min and proteinuria, right and left renal volume were 247+/-22ml/BSA(m2), 256+/-37ml/BSA (m2), which were greater than those of diabetic patients with normal renal function and without proteinuria, or renal transplantation donors(P<0.05). In conclusion, we measured the functional renal volume by 99mTc-DMSA SPECT. Renal volume of diabetic patients with proteinuria were larger than the volume of control group or diabetic patients with normal renal function and without proteinuria. 99mTc-DMSA SPECT was thought to be useful test a for the measurement of functioning renal volume.
Diabetes Mellitus*
Diabetic Nephropathies
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Kidney Failure, Chronic
Kidney Transplantation
Technetium Tc 99m Dimercaptosuccinic Acid*
Tissue Donors
Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon*
10.A Case of Cysticercosis Treated with Praziquantel.
Jong Yuk YI ; Chun Wook PARK ; Yung Hwan KIM ; Hyung Ok KIM ; Chung Won KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(1):123-126
We have recently experienced a case of cysticercosis treated with praziquantel. The patient, 22-year-old female, with 43 cystic masses had marked clinical response to the administration of praziquantel (75 mg/kg/day) for 7 days. It seems that praziquantel, anticestodal agent, might be a safe and effective therapy for this infection.
Young Adult