1.Surgical Treatment of 100 Patients of Osmidrosis.
Chang Hwa LEE ; Hyung Sun SOHN ; Seok Don PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1988;26(6):861-866
One hundred patients of osmidrosis were treated by surgical procedure at the Department of Dermatology, Wonkwang University Hospital. The methods of operative treatment were elliptical excision for 37(74), bipedicle incision with apocrine glancl undercutting for 14(28), and single incision wit.h apocrine gland undercutt,ing for 49 (98). The results were summarized as follows : 1. Of the 74 axillae treated by elliptical excision, one occurred recurrence, and 1.7 showed complication, hematoma in 6, infection and delayed union in 4, each necrosis and severe scar in one each, 2. Of the 28 axillae treated by bipedicle incision with apocrine gland undercutting, 6 showed complication; hematoma in 4, infection and delayed union in one each 3. Of t..he 98 axillae treated by single incision with apocrine gland undercutting, 5 showed complication, hematoma in 3, infection and delayed union in one each In conclusion, single incision with apocrine gland undercutting was found to be more excellent compared with the other surgical methods.
Apocrine Glands
2.Effect of Hydrogen Ion Concentration on the Growth of Vibrio vulnificus.
Seok Don PARK ; Hyung Sun SOHN ; Jung Woon KO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(3):354-357
Using the 8 strains of Vibrio vulnificus isolated from the patients with primary sepsis, the viability of Vibrio vulnificus were studied in the various range of hydrogen ion concentration. The opitimal pH range of growth was 7-9, and survived between pH 3. 6 and 12. 5 when incubated at 37C for one hour.
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration*
Vibrio vulnificus*
3.A Case of Subcutaneous Dermoid Cyst.
Sang Yong KIM ; Hyung Sun SOHN ; Seok Don PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(3):329-333
A 18-year-old male patient presented with the skin colored, dome-shaped, soft, movable mass in his left retroauriculr region. The mass has slowly increased in size since birth. Histopathologic exarnination revealed sebaceous gland, eccrine gland and crosssectioned hair in the surrounding tissue, hair shaft projected into the lumen, and laminated horny material in the cyst. Transitional zone between stratified squarnous epithelium and the wall lined by histiocytes showed homogenous degenerative change. After surgical removal of the lesion, no recurrence was observed during 15 months of follow-up.
Dermoid Cyst*
Eccrine Glands
Follow-Up Studies
Sebaceous Glands
4.The Relationship between the Fracutures of the Hip and the Bone Mineral Density over Fifty years.
Jun Seop JAHNG ; Ju Hyung YOO ; Joon Seok SOHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1997;32(1):46-52
Osteoporosis has been described as the most common disease in the old age group. As the bone mineral density decreases, the skeleton becomes more prone to fracture. Hip fractures occur late in life following substantial reduction in skeletal mass. So the incidence of hip fracture is increasing due to prolongation of average life span. The bone density of femoral neck, Ward triangle, and trochanteric region were measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 15 patients with femoral neck fractures and in 58 patients with intertrochanteric fractures to evaluate the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) value and fracture type. The results were as follows 1. In femoral neck fracture group, the mean BMD value was 0.59+/-0.02 g/cm2 in femoral neck, 0.38+/-0.08 g/cm2 in Ward triangle and 0.48+/-0.09 g/cm2 in trochanteric region. In intertrochanteric fracture group, the mean BMD value was 0.57+/-0.09 g/cm2 in femoral neck, 0.39+/-0.10 g/cm2 in Ward triangle, and 0.47+/-0.13 g/cm2 in trochanteric region. 2. In femoral neck fracture group, the fracture threshold value was 0.75 g/cm 2 in femoral neck, 0.60 g/cm2 in Ward triangle and 0.67 g/cm2 in trochanteric region. In intertrochanteric fracture group, the fracture threshold value was 0.63 g/cm2 in femoral neck, 0.51 g/cm2 in Ward triangle, and 0.57 g/cm2 in trochanteric region. In conclusion, there was no statistical relationship in BMD value between neck fracture and intertrochanter fracture group, and no statistical relationship between BMD value and each fracture type in femoral neck and intertrochanter fracture. The type of hip fracture may be related to the degree of trauma rather than the value of the BMD.
Absorptiometry, Photon
Bone Density*
Femoral Neck Fractures
Femur Neck
Hip Fractures
5.Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography: analysis of 120 cases
Hyung Sun SOHN ; Kyung Sub SHINN ; Hyo Seok KANG
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1981;17(2):309-318
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography(PTC) is of value in differential diagnosis of cholestatic diseases. Authors had performed PTC in 120 patients with flexible needle of 23 gauge at the Department of Radiology, KangNam St, Mary's Hospital and Myung Dong St. Mary's Hospital during the period from Jan. 1976 to April 1980. PTC was accomplished successfully in 112 of 120 patients. Diagnoses included cholangiocarcinomas (27 cases), arcinomas ofpancreas head (21 cases), ampullary carcinomas (4 cases), metastatic carcinomas(4 cases), metastatic carcinomas (5cases), bile duct stones(27 cases), sclerosing cholangitis(6 cases), hepatitis(6 cases), liver cirrhosis(6 cases), post operative adhesions(5 cases), chronic pancreatitis(3 cases), stomach carcinomas(3 cases), clonorchiasis(2cases), blood clot (1 case), and remaining normal 4 cases. Some characteristic PTC findings were (1) segmentalannular narrowing and abrupt complete obstruction and polypoid filling defects of the bile duct incholangiocarcinoma, (2) typical nipple or rat-tail appearance of the distal commmon bile duct in pancreatic headcarcinoma, (3) single or multiple sharply and smoothly outlined filling defects whthin bile duct in all cases ofstones, (4) complete obstruction with shallow concavity in ampullary carcinoma, (5) diffuse or segmental narrowingof the intrahepatic bile duct and common bile duct in sclerosing cholangitis, (6) multiple tiny polypoid fillingdefects of gallbladder, common hepatic duct, and common bile duct in clonorchiasis, (7) normal appearance inhepatitis. The overall diagnostic accuracy of PTC in 66 operated cases was 89.4%, and complications following the examination were signficantly reduced by using a fine flexible needle(23 gauge). From the present study it is concluded as follows; 1. To evaluate obstructed or stenosed site accurately, aspiration of bile juice must bepreceded by a 23 gauge needle connected to either 10mo or 5ml syringe. 2. To diagose carcinoma of hte ampullaryportion, serial spot filmings were indispensible ot demonstrated modified appearance of obstructive lesions due tocontraction of Oddi sphincter. 3. In contrast to other reports, the most common site of cholangiocarcinomas wasthe common hepatic duct (12 of 27 cases) in our series. Rat-tail appearance was seen in both pancreatic headcarcinoma and carcinoma involving the distal end of the common bile duct. 4. PTC was a more valuable method for diagnosis of clonorchiasis.
Bile Ducts
Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic
Cholangitis, Sclerosing
Common Bile Duct
Diagnosis, Differential
Hepatic Duct, Common
Sphincter of Oddi
6.Elucidation of the Inhibitory Immune Mechanism of the Contact Hypersensitivity in Mice Induced by Ultraviolet Irradiation.
Jum Yul CHOI ; Hyung Sun SOHN ; Seok Don PARK ; Hun Taeg CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(5):573-576
Normal C3H/HeN strain mice exposed to low-dose ultraviolet radiation(4 * 400 J/m) demonstrated a reduction in contact sensitization potential which locaiized to the skin area of direct UVR exposure(local suppression), where high-dose exposure of UVR(1*30.000 J/m) caused systemic suppression of CH induction, regardless of the application site of 2,4-dinitro-l-fluorobenzene(DNFB). There seemed to be two different mechanisms that are responsible for CH reaction induced by UVR. One of them, local suppression of low-dose UVR resulted from blocking the afferent phase of immune response by the functiona] inactivation of the epidermal Langerhans cells ; it was associated with lack of CH effector cells in the peripheral lymph nodes, an enhanced splenic suppressor cell acitvity, and could not be reversed by indomethacin treatment. The other, systemic suppression of high-dose UVR was mediated by enhancement of prostaglandin E(PGE); it was associated with prevention of the egress of effector cells within the regional lymph node which was caused by blocking the efferent lymphatics, and elevated plasma level of PGE. And depressed CH response was reversed when treated by indomethacin.
Dermatitis, Contact*
Langerhans Cells
Lymph Nodes
Prostaglandins E
7.Three Cases of Parameatal Urethral Cyst.
Jung Won KO ; Hyung Sun SOHN ; Seok Don PARK ; Chang Hwa LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(6):877-881
We herein report three cases of pararneatal urethral cyst, which developed on the male urethral meatus. These cysts occurred since birth or childhood, and did not interfere with urinary of sexual function. Histologically, these cysts were lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with variable thickness. No recurrence was evident after simple excision.
8.Adenosine Deaminase Activities in Sera and Erythrocytes of Patients with Psoriasis.
Kee Yul JANG ; Inn Ki CHUNN ; Young Pio KIM ; Seok Don PARK ; Hyung Sun SOHN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1984;22(5):471-474
Psoriasis has been known to have various humoral and cellular immune abnormalities. And adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities are known to be decreased in immune deficiency diseases. The present study was designed to measure the activities of ADA in sera and erythrocytes of psoriasis patients by Giustiss method. There were no significant differences in the erythrocytes ADA activities between normal subjects (9, Gp+4 43 units/10 cells) and psoriasis patients (7, 29+3. 64 units /10 cells). The ADA activities in sera of the psoriasis patients (13. 15+3. 43 units/ L) showed lowered activities than those of normal subjects (20. 44-2, 07 units/L).
Adenosine Deaminase*
Deficiency Diseases
9.Relationship between stress and health behaviors practice.
Eun Young PARK ; Hyung Cheol PARK ; Kyeong Soo PARK ; Seok Joon SOHN
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2000;21(11):1436-1450
No Abstract Available.
Health Behavior*
10.Bacterial Culture Study of the Hip Joint Fluid during Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Chang Dong HAN ; Joon Seok SOHN ; Wahn Sub CHOE ; Joo Hyung YOO
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(1):18-23
Infection in primary total hip arthroplasty may cause catastrophic results and is the major reason for implant failure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of the hip joint fluid culture as a method of predicting the possibility of a hip joint infection by calculating the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. We performed 628 primary total hip arthroplasty and aerobic and anaerobic bacterial cultures for hip joint fluid between January 1989 and June 1996. The hip joint fluid culture was routinely performed to evaluate the utility of the femoral head for bone banking. Thirty-two cases out of the 628 hips showed positive intraoperative culture and 596 cases showed negative intraoperative culture. The isolated organisms from 32 positive cultures were 11 for Staphylococcus aureus, eight for Staphylococcus coagulase negative, seven for Enterococcus, three for E.coli and one each for Enterobacter, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. Anaerobic culture was negative in all cases. In the positive intraoperative culture cases, none had delayed infection during the follow-up period. But in the negative intraoperative culture cases, one case had acute infection and two cases had delayed infection. In the case with acute infection, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated and on two cases with delayed infection, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus coagulase negative were isolated, respectively. All 32 positive culture cases were fa~lse positive and 595 negative culture cases were true negative and one negative culture case was fa~lse negative. The sensitivity of the hip joint culture was 0%, the specificity was 94.9% and the accuracy was 0%. The specificity of hip joint fluid culture in primary total hip arthroplasty was high, hut the sensitivity score was zero. Therefore, the hip joint fluid culture should not be used for a routine check of infection status in primary total hip arthroplasty. We recommend the hip joint fluid culture in revision arthroplasty or hips in which infection is clinically suspected.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip*
Bone Banks
Follow-Up Studies
Hip Joint*
Sensitivity and Specificity
Staphylococcus aureus