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Author:(Huan Duc Pham)

1.Lewis surgery in treatment of the lower two-thirds of the esophagus cancer

Huan Duc Pham

Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):4-9

2.The result of esophagoplasty with transverse colon: 63 cases

Huan Duc Pham

Journal of Surgery 2007;4(57):35-39

3.Survival duration and prognosis factors after operation of esophageal cancer

Huan Duc Pham

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2001;11(4):19-27

4.Assessing quality of life of patients after esophageal cancer surgery

Huan Duc Pham ; Quyet Tien Nguyen

Journal of Surgery 2007;4(57):8-11

5.The result of the esophageal plastic surgery with stomach tube

Huan Duc Pham ; Quyet Tien Nguyen

Journal of Surgery 2007;4(57):20-24

6.Assessment of preliminary results of esophagectomy non thoracotomy for treatment of esophageal carcinoma.

Lam Mai Do ; Huan Duc Pham

Journal of Surgery 2007;57(2):1-6

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