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Author:(Hsien Ts’ung TAY)

1.Distribution of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients Undergoing Endovascular Revascularization for Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia: Insights from the Vascular Quality Initiative in Singapore

Shereen X. Y. SOON ; Ankur PATEL ; Tze Tec CHONG ; Charyl J. Q. YAP ; Hsien Ts’ung TAY ; Kiang Hiong TAY ; Chandramohan SIVANATHAN ; Tjun Y. TANG

Vascular Specialist International 2021;37(2):13-

2.Distribution of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients Undergoing Endovascular Revascularization for Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia: Insights from the Vascular Quality Initiative in Singapore

Shereen X. Y. SOON ; Ankur PATEL ; Tze Tec CHONG ; Charyl J. Q. YAP ; Hsien Ts’ung TAY ; Kiang Hiong TAY ; Chandramohan SIVANATHAN ; Tjun Y. TANG

Vascular Specialist International 2021;37(2):13-

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