1.Psychometric Testing of Behavior Assessment for Children.
Hsiao Ling CHUANG ; Ching Pyng KUO ; Chia Ying LI ; Wen Chun LIAO
Asian Nursing Research 2016;10(1):39-44
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Behavior Assessment for Children (BAC) in a community of school-aged children in Taiwan. METHOD: A school-based sample comprising third grade and fourth grade students was recruited from Taichung City in Taiwan. The parents (n = 248) and teachers (n = 15) of these students completed structured questionnaires, including the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the proposed BAC. Content validity, concurrent validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and inter-rater reliability of the BAC were assessed. RESULTS: The BAC comprised three subscales (attention, emotion, and self-control) that included 17 items. The content validity index (CVI) score was 0.98. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis (goodness of fit = .90, root mean square of residual = .03, root mean square error of approximation = .06, and comparative fit index = .94) supported the construct validity of the three BAC subscales. The concurrent validity of the BAC subscales significantly correlated with the compatible CBCL subscales (r = .59-.78, p < .001). Cronbach α of the subscales of the BAC ranged from .78 to .92. The intraclass correlation coefficient between the parents and teachers ranged from .31 to .44, and the joint probability of agreement ranged from 31.4% to 92.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The BAC is a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating behavioral problems in schoolaged children.
Child Behavior Disorders/*diagnosis
*Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures
Reproducibility of Results
2.Feline mammary carcinoma‑derived extracellular vesicle promotes liver metastasis via sphingosine kinase‑1‑mediated premetastatic niche formation
Yi‑Chih CHANG ; Hao‑Ping LIU ; Hsiao‑Li CHUANG ; Jiunn‑Wang LIAO ; Pei‑Ling KAO ; Hsun‑Lung CHAN ; Ter‑Hsin CHEN ; Yu‑Chih WANG
Laboratory Animal Research 2023;39(4):329-343
Feline mammary carcinoma (FMC) is one of the most prevalent malignancies of female cats. FMC is highly metastatic and thus leads to poor disease outcomes. Among all metastases, liver metastasis occurs in about 25% of FMC patients. However, the mechanism underlying hepatic metastasis of FMC remains largely uncharacterized.
Herein, we demonstrate that FMC-derived extracellular vesicles (FMC-EVs) promotes the liver metastasis of FMC by activating hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) to prime a hepatic premetastatic niche (PMN). Moreover, we provide evidence that sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) delivered by FMC-EV was pivotal for the activation of HSC and the formation of hepatic PMN. Depletion of SK1 impaired cargo sorting in FMC-EV and the EV-potentiated HSC activation, and abol‑ ished hepatic colonization of FMC cells.
Taken together, our findings uncover a previously uncharacterized mechanism underlying liver-metas‑ tasis of FMC and provide new insights into prognosis and treatment of this feline malignancy.