1.The Changes of Serum Interleukin-37 Levels in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Shaoyuan CHEN ; Wuyi HE ; Jian JIN ; Hongcheng FANG ; Peiyi XIE ; Yousu SU
Chinese Circulation Journal 2014;(11):871-874
Objective: To study the serum interleukin-37 (IL-37) level changes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and to explore the relationship between IL-37 and coronary atherosclerotic plaque.
Methods: Our research included 3 groups. ACS group, n=60, SAP (stable angina pectoris) group, n=30 and Control group, the subjects with normal coronary artery, n=15. The peripheral serum levels of IL-37 were examined by ELISA and the differences were compared among different groups.
Results: ① The serum levels of IL-37 at admission were as ACS group < SAP group < Control group, P<0.05.②Intervention could transitionally decrease IL-37 level in SAP group. With 4 weeks treatment, IL-37 levels were signiifcantly increased in both ACS group and SAP group than admission time, while they were still lower than Control group, P<0.05.③The serum level of IL-37 at admission was negatively related to IL-18 (r=-0.79, P<0.05), the ratio of IL-18/IL-37 were as ACS group>SAP group>Control group, P<0.05.④In ACS group, IL-37 level was negatively related to GRACE score (r=-0.71, P<0.05), the ratio of IL-18/IL-37 was positively related to GRACE score (r=0.73, P<0.05).⑤The diagnosis of ACS could be basically excluded if the patients with IL-37>77ug/L.
Conclusion: The serum IL-37 might be involved in the inlfammatory process in ACS patients, it could be expected as an index for ACS monitor and evaluation in clinical practice.
2.Function of colonic mucosal barrier of patients with colonic slow transit constipation
Shangkui XIE ; Donglin REN ; Hui PENG ; Bang HU ; Hongcheng LIN ; Li LI
Chinese Journal of Digestion 2013;33(12):849-852
Objective To explore the function of colonic mucosal barrier of patients with colonic slow transit constipation (STC).Methods From June 2008 to June 2012,a total of 136 patients with STC were enrolled.Among them,course of disease of 55 cases was between one and six years,of 43 cases was between six and 10 years,and of 38 cases was over 10 years.The colonic transit time of 66 cases was between three and five days,of 42 cases was between five and seven days,and of 28 cases was over seven days.Altogether,35 cases received subtotal resection of the colon.At same time,individuals who received partial resection of the colon because of single polypus were set as control group.Fasting blood and urine samples of all subjects were collected.The colonic specimens of STC patients who received surgery and control group were harvested.The urinary lactulose and mannitol ratio (L/M) was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).The level of blood Dlactic acid (D-LAC) was tested by enzymatic spectrophotometric.The level of blood diamine oxidase (DAO) was determined by speetrophotometry.The level of endotoxin (ET) was detected by azo chromogenic substrate limulus test.The colonic epithelial cells membrane resistance (TER) and paracellular mannitol permeability (PMP) were measured with Ussing perfusion chamber.t-test was performed for comparison between groups.Results Urinary L/M of STC group and control group was 0.16±0.03 and 0.10±0.02,respectively.The level of blood D-LAC was (1.81±0.19) and (1.04±0.13) mmol/L.The level of blood DAO was (17.07±1.81) and (9.78±1.14) U/L.The level of blood ET was (64.20±6.85) and (51.30±5.90) EU/L.The TER of colonic epithelia cell was (61.23±7.76) and (75.87±9.65) Ω/cm2.The PMP of colonic epithelia cell was (3.17±0.35) % and (2.14 ±0.22)%.All the differences were statistically significant (t =3.185,3.378,3.863,3.201,3.125 and 3.543,all P<0.05).Among patients with disease course between one and six years,six to 10 years and over 10 years,colonic transit time of STC between three and five days,five to seven days and over seven days,urinary L/M,blood D-LAC level and blood DAO level increased along with the disease course and colonic transit time and the differences were statistical significantly compared with control group (urinary L/M:t=1.993,2.311,2.356,2.204,2.347 and 3.673; blood D-LAC level:t=2.023,2.886,4.124,1.999,2.998 and 3.465; blood DAO level:t=1.994,2.995,4.423,2.203,3.673 and 5.211; all P<0.05).Compared with control group,there were significant differences in blood ET level of course of STC between six and 10 years,over 10 years,colonic transit time of STC between five and seven days and over seven days (t=2.121,4.245,3.241 and 4.657,all P<0.05).Conclusion The permeability of colonic mucosal barrier increased and which was more significant in longer colonic transit time and long course of disease.
3.Urethral duplication in children
Hongcheng SONG ; Jiwu BAI ; Chengru HUANG ; Ning SUN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Jun TIAN ; Xianghui XIE ; Minglei LI
Chinese Journal of Urology 2008;29(6):381-384
Objective To discuss the management of urethral duplication in children. Methods The clinical data of 1 8 children(all are males)with urethral duplication were retrospectivelv ana-lyzed. All the 18 patients were sagittal plane included epispadias in 6,hyposPadias in 4 and Y type in the remaining 8. In 6 cases with epispadias,3 patients underwent excision of the accessorv dorsal ure-thra,3 patients without operation.Urethroplasty was necessary in the patient with a duplicated hypo-spadiac urethra. Of 8 patients with Y-type urethral duplication,7 patients underwent 2 stage repair including displacement of the urethra from the anal canal to the perineum at stage 1 and subsequent urethral reconstruction at stage 2.The ventral urethra which was hypospadias had been excised in the other one. Results All the patients were followed-up. Good cosmetic and functional resuIts were a-chieved in the 3 boys who underwent excision of the accessory dorsal urethra.In the hypospadiac du-plication,2 patients could void spontaneously through a normally positioned granular meatus.One boy presented with urethral stenosis after operated. One boy had a vesicostomy for neuropathic bladder. In Y-type urethral duplications,only 1 patient was successful after 2-stage urethroplasty,3 patients de- veloped urethra stricture or fistula,3 boys need the 2-stage operation,the other 0ne who underwent excision of the ventral urethra could void spontaneously. Conclusions Urethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.The clinical presentation varies because of the different anatomical Datterns of this abnormality. Commonly the ventral urethra is most functional and maintained after surgical correc-tion.Surgical management should be individual and depend on the anatomical configuration of the du-plicated urethras.
4.Two-stage tubularized transverse preputial island flap and two-stage urethral plate reconstruction procedures in the treatment of severe hypospadias
Jun TIAN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN ; Xianghui XIE ; Minglei LI ; Hongcheng SONG ; Ning LI ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2016;37(9):690-694
Objective To compare the treatment efficacy of severe hypospadias between two-stage urethral plate reconstruction procedure and two-stage tubularized transverse preputial island flap procedure. Methods From 2010 December to 2014 December, we retrospectively analyzed 82 cases with severe hypospadias, using two-stage urethral plate reconstruction and two-stage tubularized transverse preputial island flap urethroplasty, respectively.Their mean age in the first operation was 2.4 years, ranged from 2 to 3 years.Hypospadias were penoscrotal type in 32 cases, perineal type in 50 cases.In group A, 42 cases, including penoscrotal type in 15 cases, perineal type in 27 cases, with urethral plate reconstruction procedure underwent two-stage urethroplasty.The transected ventral penile urethral plate and to strip the ventral fibrous tissue were needed in correction of chordee of penis.The patients in group A were underwent the second urethroplasty with urethral plate reconstruction procedure 6-12 months later.In group B, 40 cases,including penoscrotal type in 17 cases, perineal type in 23 cases, who underwent one stage operation in the correction of chordee of penis, only with tubularized preputial island flap forming the part of the urethra.The patients in group B were underwent the second urethroplasty 6 ~12 months later.Results Patients were followed up for 1 to 5 years, mean 3.5 years.No recurrence of penis chordee was noticed.In group A, 6 cases (14.3%) had postoperative fistula.The second fistula repairing was perform 6 to 12 months after the second stage operation.However, still 3 cases were noticed the fistula recurrence, which was cured after the fourth operation.In group B, 3 cases (7.5%) developed fistula, which appeared in the second urethroplasty (P<0.01).They were all treated after the second repairing procedure.In group A, 4 cases were noticed urethral stricture, the urethral stricture rate was 9.5%.The stricture occurred 1 to 3 months after the second operation.After dilation and indwelling catheter, 3 cases resolved the problem. Another case still found the recurrence after 2 months, which the one stage urethral plication and second urethral reconstruction were considered to treat this patient.In group B, 1 cases of urethral stricture, the urethral stricture rate was 2.5%(P<0.01).After dilation and indwelling catheter, this case resolved the problem.In group A, 3 cases had urethral diverticulum, which occurred at a rate of 7.1%, whereas without urethral diverticulum occurred in group B (P<0.01).Those patient with urethral diverticulum accepted the diverticulum removing procedure 3 to 6 months after the second stage procedure.One case was found the urethral fistula, which was treated one year later.The success rate of operation was 69.0%in group A, the success rate of the operation was 90.0%in group B.The difference of the success rate between two groups was statistically significant ( P <0.01 ) . Conclusions With respect to two-stage urethral plate reconstruction procedure in treatment of severe hypospadias, there were the low complication rates of postoperative urinary fistula, urethral stricture and diverticulum in two-stage tubularized transverse preputial island flap procedure.Urethral meatus could be done at the glans of the penis.In addition, the two-stage tubularized transverse preputial island flap procedure provides a good opportunity to practice to master complex hypospadias operation.
5.Surgical management of congenital vesicoureteral junction obstruction in children
Hongcheng SONG ; Jiwu BAI ; Ning SUN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Jun TIAN ; Xianghui XIE ; Minglei LI ; Ning LI ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2010;31(9):611-613
Objective To discuss the management of the congenital vesicoureteral junction obstruction (UVJO). Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed of patients who underwent ureteral reimplantation due to UVJO between 2003 and 2008. Of the 73 patients with 83 ureters (male 49 and female 24, age range 8 months to 13 years, median 41 months). Forty-one cases were on the left, 22 were on the right and 10 were bilateral obstruction. The most common presenting symptoms were intermittent abdominal pain and urinary infection. All patients were evaluated preoperatively by ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram, intravenous pyelogram and diagnosed as UVJO. Reimplantation was done by the Cohen technique in all patients. Results Follow-up of 46 patients ranged 0.5-3.5 years postoperatively, including ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram, intravenous pyelogram. Hydronephrosis improve in 41 patients, had no change in 5 ureters. Conclusions Symptomatic children or advanced hydroureteronephrosis are definite indication for surgical treatment of UVJO patients. Surgical management could be effective for most of patients.
6.Clinical analysis of six cases of nephroblastomatosis combined with Wilm's tumor
Hongcheng SONG ; Ning SUN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Jiwu BAI ; Jun TIAN ; Xianghui XIE ; Minglei LI ; Ning LI ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2011;32(5):313-315
Objective To investigate the diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of nephroblastomatosis (Nbm) combined with Wilms'tumor (WT). Methods Clinical data of six patients treated for WT combined with Nbm in Beijing Children's Hospital from 2006 to 2010 were reviewed retrospectively.The patients'ages ranged from five to 14 months.Two of the patients were female and four were male.The WTs were left-sided in four cases and right-sided in two cases.The Nbms were ipsilateral with WT in three cases,contralateral in two cases and bilateral in one case. The Nbms were single In three cases and multiple in three cases.WTs were all single and the maximum diameter was 3,4,8,10,11,and 12 cm respectively.Two paitents underwent nephrectomy.Nephron sparing surgery and upper and lower pole nodule biopsy was conducted in two cases,Nephrectomy and contralateral nephron sparing surgery was conducted in an additional two cases.Adjuvant chemotherapy included vincristine,actinomycin and doxorubicin. Results One patient had tumor recurrence 33 months after a 15 month regimen of postoperative chemotherapy. One patient had tumor recurrence and died after nephron sparing surgery 5 months after a 11 month regimen of chemotherapy.Four patients underwent 6 months of chemotherapy,and it was 9,12,and 21 months respectively after stop of chemotherapy.Another patient was still in chemotherapy. Conclusions Nbm is a pre-neoplastic proliferative process with high risk of developing WT.Chemotherapy may reduce the rate of Nbm malignancy.If Nbm is malignant or chemotherapy is invalid,nephron sparing surgery is recommended.
7.Application of augmented enterocystoplasty and continent urinary diversion by using the appendix in pediatric patients
Jun TIAN ; Ning SUN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Jiwu BAI ; Xianghui XIE ; Minglei LI ; Hongcheng SONG ; Ning LI ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2008;29(7):478-481
Objective To evaluate the long-term functional results, complications and patient's satisfaction level in patients performed augmented enterocystoplasty and continent urinary diversion using the appendix. Methods From 1999 to 2005, there were 22 children (12 males and 10 females) underwent augmented enterocystoplasty and continent urinary diversion using the appendix. Surgical results were reviewed retrospectively. There were 11 eases with bladder and urethra dysfunction attributed to neurogenic bladder, 2 cases with complex genitourinary malformation associated with an imperforated anus, 2 cases with exstrophy-epispadias complex, 2 cases with posterior urethral valves, 3 cases with failed urethrovaginal fistula repair and 2 epispadias cases with post failure of Young-Dees- Leadbetter bladder neck reconstruction. Upper urinary tract dilatation and hydroureteronephrosis were found in 17 eases (28 units), including grade Ⅱ-Ⅴ vesicoureteral reflux in 15 children (24 units). Simultaneous procedures included ureteral reimplantation in 15 cases and bladder neck closure in 14 cases. The appendix was used as the catheterizable conduit placed in the right lower abdomen and clean intermittent catheterization was performed in all patients. Outcomes were assessed by urodynamic study, IVU, ultrasound, voiding cystourethrography, BUN, Cr and electrolyte test. Results Mean follow-up was 3.6 years, ranging from 1.5-6 years. Complications included stomal stenosis requiring dilatation in 2 cases and leakage in 2 cases without bladder neck closure and 1 case required surgical revision. All patients achieved excellent stomal continence. No metabolic acidosis and bladder stone was noted. Upper urinary tract impairment had not worsened in all patients. Conclusion Augmented enterocystoplasty and continent urinary diversion using the appendix are associated with high continence, compliance and satisfaction rate and a low complication rate in the treatment of pediatric patients with disorders related to bladder and urethral dysfunction.
8.Endoscope with subsidiary incision access for orbital blowout fracture.
Xu ZHU ; Ming LI ; Jian-xin YAO ; Hongcheng HAN ; Shubei REN ; Qiuying CAI ; Jinghui XIE
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2005;40(8):626-627
Ethmoid Sinus
Middle Aged
Orbital Fractures
Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures
Young Adult
9.Surgical decision of concomitant ureteropelvic junction obstruction with congenital abnormalities of the kidney
Xianghui XIE ; Zhiqiang MO ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN ; Jun TIAN ; Minglei LI ; Hongcheng SONG ; Wenjie WANG ; Yusi WANG ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2018;39(2):91-94
Objective To investigate the timing and scheme of surgical treatment for the concomitant ureteropelvic junction obstruction(UPJO) and congenital abnormalities of the kidney.Methods The clinical data of 155 patients with concomitant UPJO and congenital abnormalities of the kidney from January 2006 to January 2016 was retrospectively analyzed.There were 107 males and 48 females,who aged 6 months to 16 years and 6 months.The average time was 5 years and 9 months old when they received operation.There were 8 cases less than 1 year old.There were 93 cases of UPJO on the left side,54 cases on the right side,and 8 cases on both sides.There were 33 cases with duplication of kidney,19 cases with solitary kidney,and 6 cases with renal dysplasia,6 cases with renal ectopia,12 cases with polycystic kidney disease,and 41 cases with dysplasia;2 cases with renal malrotation.There were 100 cases with symptoms such as fever,abdominal pain,vomiting.5 cases had received Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty in other hospitals,2 cases received nephrectomy with symptoms did not relieve.4 cases were treated with nephrostomy in other hospital.Children with the repeated clinical symptoms,or renal function decreased significantly,or hydronephrosis progressive to the anteroposterior diameter of more than 30 mm received surgical treatment.Results There were 140 cases received Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty,and 8 cases received nephrectomy with 5 cases were UPJO side and 3 cases were only abnormalities of the kidney without UPJO.All patients received IVP or ultrasonography postoperative 3-6 months,which showed hydronephrosis improved or no obvious change,and 4 cases were improved obviously.The IVP results showed that 5 patients with renal dysplasia together with UPJO had the renal function improved.There were 128 cases followed up for 12 to 106 months,with an average of 64.5 months.All patients had no clinical symptoms.83 cases were reexamined by IVP or ultrasonography,and hydronephrosis was getting better or no change.Conclusions The patients with concomitant UPJO and congenital abnormalities of the kidney don't need surgery in advance.The best choice for those patients is Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty.The indication of nephrectomy should be considered carefully.
10.Efficacy of modified electroconvulsive therapy combined with medication in inpatient schizophrenia patients and urban-rural differences
Hongcheng XIE ; Shuangshuang FENG ; Tingting WANG ; Junfan LIANG ; Jiajun REN ; Hongli ZHANG ; Ziyuan LIN ; Siru WANG ; Bo XIANG ; Kezhi LIU
Sichuan Mental Health 2024;37(6):497-501
BackgroundCombination of antipsychotic drugs and modified electroconvulsive therapy (MECT) is currently a commonly used method for treating schizophrenia, but its efficacy varies among different patient groups. ObjectiveTo explore the therapeutic effects of MECT on schizophrenia patients living in different urban versus rural environments, so as to provide references for the selection of treatment plans based on patients' residence. MethodsA total of 587 patients hospitalized at Luzhou Mental Health Center, Zigong Mental Health Center and Yibin Fourth People's Hospital from May 2018 to August 2022, who met the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) ,were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups: medication-only group (n=106) and MECT combined with medication group (n=481). In MECT combined with medication group, 24 rural patients residing in urban areas were excluded, leaving the remaining patients divided into urban group (n=103) and rural group (n=354) based on their place of residence. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess the severity of symptoms. Clinical efficacy was evaluated using PANSS score reduction rate, and covariance analysis was used to compare the therapeutic effects of different patients. ResultsThe differences of reduction rate of PANSS total score, positive symptom scale score and negative symptom scale score as well as treatment effectiveness rate between MECT combined with medication group and medication-only group were statistically significant (F=11.149, 12.111, 31.725, χ2=14.010, P<0.01). Statistically significant differences were also observed in reduction rate of PANSS total score and positive symptom subscale score as well as treatment effectiveness rate between urban and rural patients in MECT combined with medication group (F=3.946, 4.523, χ2=4.033, P<0.05). ConclusionThe efficacy of MECT combined with medication may be superior to medication alone in the treatment of schizophrenia, and the combined therapy may be more effective in urban patients than that in rural patients, with potentially more pronounced improvements in positive symptoms.