1.Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation
Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2016;15(5):444-447
Liver transplantation (LT) is one of the most important curative treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).In the past decade,great achievements have been made in the field of liver transplantation in China.The incidence of postoperative complications and hospital mortality have significantly decreased due to growing experience and maturity of surgical techniques.However,tumor relapse after LT still negatively impact on the long-term outcome of patients with HCC.HCC recurrence and patients' survival after LT are closely related to preoperative screening of patients,listing priority,local treatment and postoperative management.Successful management of these procedures determines the final therapeutic effect of LT on patients with HCC.In this article,the above issues were explored and discussed according to the current situation of domestic transplant community through revision of the literatures in combination with the clinical experiences.
2.The prognostic value of combined analysis of KLF4 expression and the Milan criteria in hepatocellular carcinoma patients after orthotopic liver transplantation
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation 2014;35(6):333-336
Objective To evaluate the prognostic value of combined analysis of the biomarker Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) and the Milan criteria in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients treated by orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT).Method The clinicopathological data and outcome of the recruited 105 HCC patients undergoing OLT from October 2001 to April 2009 were retrospectively analyzed.KLF4 expression in HCC and paired non-tumor tissue was detected by immonohistochemistry and confirmed by Western blotting analysis.Five-year overall survival (OS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) rate and survival curves of the grouped patients were calculated and plotted by Kaplan-Meier method.Result The level of KLF4 expression was lower in HCC than that in paired non-tumor tissue (P<0.05).KLF4 expression was significantly lower in poorly differentiated HCC than that in well-moderately differentiated HCC (P =0.008).Loss of KLF4 was an independent risk factor for predicting tumor recurrence and survival of HCC after OLT (HR =0.459 and 5.42,respectively,P<0.001).The level of KLF4 expression could not differentiate the OS and RFS rate in the patients with tumors meeting the Milan criteria,whereas the OS and RFS rate in the patients with tumors exceeding the Milan criteria differentiated according to KLF4 expression.The patients with tumors beyond the Milan criteria and exhibiting moderate to high KLF4 expression had unexpectedly favorable 5-year OS (91.7%) and RFS (70.5%) rate.Conclusion KLF4 is a useful biomarker for prognostication of HCC patients undergoing OLT.Integrated use of KLF4 biomarker and the Milan criteria improves accurate prediction of survival and tumor recurrence for HCC patients after OLT.
3.Adjuvant chemotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation
Junyi WU ; Hongcheng SUN ; Zhihai PENG
International Journal of Surgery 2010;37(2):112-115
Liver transplantation may be the best curative treatment for patients with cirrhosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. However, tumor recurrence and metastasis is still a difficult problem of liver trans-plantation. Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy has been employed in an attempt to eliminate micrometasta-ses, and could improve long-term survival after LT for hepatocellular carcinoma. Although the specific chem-otherapy and its efficacy remain controversial, it has been widely used as a safe, feasible and effective meth-od in several clincial institutions.
4.SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging and its quantitative analysis for the assessment of stent implantation for cerebral artery stenosis
Lili JIN ; Xiaoguang SUN ; Gang HUANG ; Yan XIU ; Hongcheng SHI
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2015;35(2):108-111
Objective To evaluate the role of SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging in assessing the stent implantation for cerebral artery stenosis.Methods A total of 35 patients (31 males,4 females,average age (63.9±10.8)years) with cerebral artery stenosis confirmed by DSA for cerebral artery stent implantation were retrospectively analyzed.99Tcm-ECD cerebral perfusion imaging was performed for all patients before and after stent implantation.The images were realigned and normalized by SPM 2.0 and then analyzed by Brain Search software for quantitative analysis.The brain was automatically separated to 210 functional areas according to Talarich map.The normalized averaged counts (NAC) of each area were calculated and compared with the data of 28 health controls (8 males,20 females,average age (35.8± 9.4) years).Less than 1.96s was defined as low perfusion lesions.The NAC values before and after stent implantation were compared for classifying improved from non-improved group.The mean number of lesions and Essen stroke risk score (ESRS) were analyzed between the two groups.The mean number of lesions and postoperative improvement rate of the internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion and stenosis were compared.Paired rank sum test,two-sample t test,two-sample rank sum test and x2 test were used for statistical analysis.Results In 35 patients with low perfusion areas,20 were significantly improved after stent implantation.The mean number of lesions in the improved group (34.05± 14.41)was significantly higher than that in the non-improved group (22.93±17.24; t=2.067,P<0.05).The mean ESRS of the improved patients (14.8)was significantly lower than that of the non-improved patients (22.3,Z=2.24,P<0.05).The improvement rate of 28 cases with ICA stent implantation was (60.7%,17/28)higher than that of 7 cases with middle cerebral artery (MCA) stent implantation (3/7; P>0.05).The mean number of the ICA occlusion lesions (34.36± 14.31)was higher than that of the ICA stenosis lesions(31.35± 16.37),but the difference was not statistically significant(t=0.498,P>0.05).The improvement rate of the ICA occlusion was higher than that of the ICA stenosis (7/11 vs 10/17),but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging and its quantitative analysis can evaluate the low perfusion lesions before stent implantation and predict the perfusion improvement after stent implantation.
5.Fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma: diagnosis and therapy
Zhenwu LI ; Hongcheng SONG ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN
Chinese Journal of Urology 2016;37(8):591-594
Objective To explore the characteristic clinical profiles and treatment modalities of Fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma(FRN).Methods A retrospective study was conducted for 14 FRN patients from Jan.2000 to Oct.2015.Their clinical data were collected including clinical presentations,pathology and treatment modalities.There were 8 males and 6 females with a mean age of 23 months.There were 3 cases at left side and right side 5 cases,bilateral 6 cases.2 patients were classified as stage Ⅰ,1 stage Ⅱ,5 stageⅢ and 6 stageⅤ.Abdominal mass was the main clinical presentation in 11 patients,and 1 case with hematuria,1 with abdominal pain,and 1 with vomit.Most tumors showed cysts or completely solid from the ultrasonography.Computed tomographic scan revealed a large inhomogeneous enhancement tumor from the kidney pole with necrotic,cystic,bleeding or calcification.Ultrasonography and Computed tomography (CT) had no different performance from Wilms' tumor.9 patients received preoperative chemotherapy,and the response was none in all of them.8 unilateral patients underwent tumor nephrectomy and another 4 had nephron-sparing surgery.Results Pathology showed that FRN contained more than 70% of fetal rhabdomyomatous tissue.Immunohistochemistry had no specificity,most FRN shows Desmin (+) and Myogenin(+).Bilateral FRN tumors were seen in 2,one side with FRN and another side with nephroblastomatosis were seen in 3,one side with FRN and another side with Wilm's tumor was seen in 1 patient.Postoperative pathology confirmed FRN in all 14 cases.All patients received postoperative chemotheraphy:Act-D and VCR for 6 month(stage Ⅰ),Act-D and VCR for 15 month(stage Ⅱ),Act-D +VCR + ADR and radiotherapy for 15 month(stageⅢ).During follow-up of 6 months to 15 years,10 of them were alive without tumor and no evidence of recurrence.Conclusions FRN is a rare histologic variant of Wilm's tumor with less aggressive behavior.FRN usually has a huge volume and is bilateral with a poor responder to preoperative chemotherapy,but it is associated with a generally favorable outcome.Surgery and chemically treatment appears the effective measure.
6.Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors of the urinary tract: a clinical diagnosis and treatment review in pediatric
Wenwen HAN ; Hongcheng SONG ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN
Chinese Journal of Urology 2016;37(4):292-295
Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) of the urinary tract in pediatric.Methods The retrospective study of 12 IMT was based on information retrieved from Beijing Children's Hospital from January 2006 to July 2015.The literatures of urinary IMT were reviewed.There were 12 cases of urinary IMT, with 8 cases in bladder, 2 in kidney, 1 in ureter and 1 in prostate.Mean age at surgery was 6.4 years old (range 2months-13 years), 6 cases males and 6 females.Tumor resection were performed in 11 patients, biopsy was performed only in 1 patient.Results HE staining revealed diffuse appearing spindle myofibroblastic cells admixed with inflammatory cells.Immunohistochemistry showed positive ration for following markers as ALK (8/12), CK18 (6/12), Desmin (7/12), SMA (8/12), Actin (1/2), Vimentin (9/12).Negative staining were seen for Myoglobin, S-100 and Ki-67 < 20%.Patients were followed up in 10 cases, lost to follow-up in 2;the mean follow-up time was 14.4 months (range 3-31 months).All patients recovered well without relapse or metastasis.Condusions Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors of the urinary tract in pediatric were rare, without specific characteristic in clinical features and imaging.The main treatment of IMT is complete surgical excision.
7.Primary malignant rhabdoid tumor of the ureter: a case report and literature review
Wenwen HAN ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN ; Hongcheng SONG ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2015;36(11):818-821
Objective To discuss the clinical and pathological features of malignant rhabdoid tumor of the ureter (MRTU).Methods One case of MRTU was reported, a six-year-old girl was admitted to our hospital on May 29, 2014, and presented left loin pain 2 weeks, ultrasound showed gradually progressing hydronephrosis and hydroureter.During a physical examination, she felt tenderness in the left kidney area and no mass was palpable in abdomen.The ultrasound showed left sided gross hydroureteronephrosis and a round hyperechogenic mass in the inferior pole of the left ureter (In front of the left iliac vessel), with no obvious borders.Contrast-enhanced CT suggested a gross dilatation of the left kidney and ureter with a solidappearing lesion in the lower ureter;neither additional abdominal abnormalities nor enlarged lymph nodes were seen in both examinations.The surgery began with incision of left lower abdomen.The partial ureter of neoplasm was excised along with invaded psoas and posterior peritoneum by gross inspection, then ureteroureterostomy was performed.The severed ureter was completely blocked with the ill-defined neoplasm and was 3.3 cm in length and 2.1 cm in width.Results The ureteral neoplasm was excised,along with the invaded psoas and posterior peritoneum,after that ureteroureterostomy was performed.HE showed the diffuse large round nuclei, vesicular chromatin, prominent nucleoli cells, and moderate amounts of eccentrically placed eosinophilic cytoplasm.Immunohistochemical studies were positive for cytokeratin, epithelial membrance antigen and vimentin, negative for INI1, METU hereby was confirmed.She underwent a chemotherapy regimen consisting of ICE, alternating with VDC.Four courses chemotherapy (3 months) later,CT scan suggested hematogenous metastasis of lung.The family refused further treatment and the patient died of systemic metastasis eight months after surgery.Conclusion MRTU was a rare and highly aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis.
8.The experience of diagnosis and mangement in coexisting ureteropelvic junction obstruction and nonreflux megaureter
Wenwen HAN ; Hongcheng SONG ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Urology 2017;38(2):95-98
Objective To investigate the experience of diagnosis and management of coexisting ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) and nonreflux megaureter (NRM).Methods The retrospective study of UPJO with NRM was based on 10 years information retrieved from January 2005 to December 2015.The data of 13 patients (8 males and 5 females) were available and recorded.Mean age at surgery was 3.7 years old (range 1.8 to 14 years).The diagnosis and mangement were summarized.Coexisting ureterovesical junction obstruction (UVJO) and vesicoureteral reflux,iatrogenic stricture and vesicoureteral reflux were excluded.Intravenous pyelography,voiding cystourethrography,ultrasound and CT reconstruction were performed before operation.Only six patients had an accurate diagnosis as UPJO with UVJO before surgery.Pyeloplasty was the initial surgical management choice for 10 patients,and ureteroneocystostomy in 3 patients.Results UVJO were diagnosed with pyelography techniques in 3 patients after pyeloplasty,while 4 were diagnosed as nonreflux and nonobstruction megaureter.Of the 10 patients who underwent initial pyeloplasty,additional ureteroneocystostomy was required in 3 and the prognosis was good.Additional pyeloplasty was required in 2 of the 3 patients who initially underwent ureteroneoeystostomy.Mean follow-up time from last operation was 23.3 months (6-53 months),the overall prognosis was good.Conclusions It is often difficult to correctly diagnose coexisting UPJO and NRM.In patients with UPJO,it is highly recommended nephrostomy radiography after pyeloplasty to evaluate the distal ureterovesical junction.Initial pyeloplasty is always recommended as first-line therapy.Additional ureteroneocystostomy was required when hydroureteropelvic was aggravated.
9.Study on the correlection between echocardiographic novels and gated myocardial perfusion single-photonemission computed tomography in evaluating left ventricular systolic synchrony
Xiaoyan FANG ; Minmin SUN ; Hongcheng SHI ; Xianhong SHU
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography 2011;20(10):833-837
ObjectiveTo evaluate left ventricular systolic synchrony in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) by speckle tracking imaging (STI) and real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) and investigate the correlation with ECG-gated myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (GMPS).MethodsA total of thirteen patients with CAD diagnosed by coronary angiography underwent STI and RT-3DE examinations.The data was analysed off-line using Qlab 8.0 software.STI systolic synchrony indexes included the standard deviation of times to peak strain in radial and circumferial direction in 12 left ventricular segments (Trs12-SD and Tcs12-SD),the standard deviation of times to peak longitudinal strain in 16 left ventricular segments (Tls16-SD).RT-3DE systolic synchrony indexes included the standard deviation of times to the minimum systolic volume in 16 and 12 left ventricular segments (Tmsv16-SD and Tmsv12-SD).GMPS was performed within one week before or after echocardiography.Phase analysis was performed offline using Emory Cardiac Toolbox software.Peak phase,phase SD,bandwidth,skewness and kurtosis were calculated.Results Trs12-SD derived from STI had a positive correlation with phase SD and bandwidth ( r =0.800,P <0.05 ; r =0.607,P <0.05).Tmsv16-SD derived from RT-3DE had a better positive correlation with phase SD and bandwidth ( r =0.847,P =0.001 ; r =0.890,P <0.001).ConclusionsTmsv16-SD derived from RT-3DE had a better correlation with GMPS parameters than STI parameters.RT-3DE assessment of left ventricular systolic parameters is expected to become the ideal synchronization indicator.
10.Management of childhood pelvic fracture-associated urethral injury
Hongcheng SONG ; Ying ZHANG ; Weiping ZHANG ; Ning SUN ; Chengru HUANG
Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2017;32(11):807-810
Surgical treatment of pelvic fracture-associated urethral injury(PFUI) continues to be a difficult problem to be solved in urology.Children with an immature prostate and puboprostatic ligament may suffer from posterior urethral disruptions in a manner different from adults.Considering these distinctions,the management of pediatric PFUI presents a challenge for urologist as no consensus or algorithm has been proposed or accepted.Now,through analyzing the pathogenesis,presentation,diagnosis and treatment of PFUI,give the principle of the management.The choice of immediate repair or delayed repair should be decided according to the particular situation.Immediate Ⅰ stage anastomosis of urethra for PFUI is recommended when the patient's condition is stable,serious complications are treated,and the surgeon is experienced.If the patient's condition is unstable or no experienced urologist is available,a suprapubic catheter should be placed for bladder decompression and try to get a good condition for delayed urethroplasty.