1.Study on the oral contraceptive pill use in Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;494(11):40-42
The study on the oral contraceptive pill use in 722 women at reproductive age in 2003 was reported that: The highest rate of use oral contraceptive pill in the group of women at 26-49 years old (92.1%); Women educated from primary to high-school levels accounted for 74.1%; Women with 1-2 children accounted 84.5%; For income 60.6% of women with the range from 300000-700000VND/monthly. The most popular contraceptive pill was Ideal (76.2%). Adverse effects of taking pill were nausea (17.9%) and putting on weight (11.9%).
Contraceptives, Oral
Age Factors
Age Groups
2.Study on acceptable situation in buying contraceptive pills at Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;0(12):67-70
Cross-sectional survey woman in reproductive age (from 15 to 49 years old) who use free cost contraceptive pills in 2003. Result: Women who accept to buy contraceptive pill are from 26 to 49 years of age commonly (92,7%), housewife (40,6%), married (98,8%), and education level from primary to secondary (74,1%). The percentage of women having income from 300.000 to 700.000 per month who accept to buy contraceptive pill is highest (62,3%). 2. Ideal drug is bought by 88,4%. The percentage of women who accept to buy contraceptive is quite high (93,8%), among them 50,2% are at the ready to buy, 43,6 can buy. 54,5% don’t buy due to no have money and 29,6% due to unconvenient.
Contraceptive Agents
Contraceptive Agents, Female
Age Factors
3.Exacerbated fast arrhythmia and Wolff - Parkinson syndrome at Cardiovascular Department of Hai Ba Trung Hospital from January 1996 to August 1999
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;512(5):76-79
Study on medical records of 2.632 exacerbated fast arrhythmia patients, treated in Hai Ba Trung Hospital from January 1996 to August 1999. The results: exacerbated fast arrhythmia and Wolff - Parkinson syndrome (W.P.W) were rarely forms among general cardiovascular diseases (17.96%). The disease occurred mainly in 40-69 year-old patients, the rate of female were higher than male. For W.P.W syndrome, the disease common occurred in 30-49 year-old patients, the rate of male were higher than female. Pressing eyeball was still an effective method though it was not absolute. Cordarone drug had a good effect. Electrical shock was the most effective and the last treatment method after failure in other methods
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Arrhythmias, Cardiac
4.The biodiversity of various species of the Gynostemma Blume genus in Cao Bang province
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(6):36-40
Background: \u2018Giao co lam\u2019 (Jiaogulan), a valuable medicinal plant is considered ginseng for the poor. However, there were difficulties in planting and collecting because of its biodiversity. Objectives: Study on the biodiversity of various species of the Gynostemma Blume genus in Cao Bang province in order to classify species in this genus. Subjects and method: The samples of medicinal plant \u2018giao co lam\u2019 (Jiaogulan) in Cao Bang have been collected, described and identified scientific name. Results: These samples were identified with scientific names and classified based on both morphological and DNA characters. As a result, \u2018giao co lam\u2019 (Jiaogulan) in Cao Bang, belongs to two species: G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino and G. laxum (Wall.) Cogn. The species G. pentaphyllum can be divided into two varieties, including: G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino var. 1 and Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino var. 2. Conclusion: The quantity of active material in each varieties of these species might be different, so further study is required on the medicinal plant \u2018giao co lam\u2019 not only in Cao Bang but also the rest of Vietnam.
Gynostemma Blume
giao cao lam
5.Studying on clinical, subclinical manifestations and lung CT-scan images of patients with empyema
Thanh Hoang Tran ; Chau Quy Ngo
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):61-65
Background: Empyema is not rare in Vietnam and in the world. Objective: To study clinical, subclinical manifestations and lung CT-scan images of patients with empyema. Subjects and method: A study included 50 patients of empyema treated in Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai Hospital, from January 2003 to August 2005. This was a retrospective, prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional, controlled study. Results and conclusions: Most empyema commonly occurred in the setting of bacterial pneumonia. Empyema was common in males and the male-to-female ratio was 2.82. The onset of empyema was suddenly with clearly infection syndrome (high fever, increased WBC count, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate), chest pain, and cough. CT images of empyema were ipsilateral; almost empyema was free pleural effusion and moderate in size. Thickening pleura was 72% and located pleura were 42%. Positive culture of pleural fluid was very low (24%). Gram (-) bacteria was predominant (P. Aeruginosa 33.3%, K. Pneumoniae 25%).
6.Studying clinical manifestations of acute exacerbation \r\n', u"of 150 patients with COPD by Anthonisen's classification in \r\n", u'Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai Hospital \r\n', u'
Thanh Hoang Tran ; Huyen Thi Thai
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):100-103
Background: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the common complication of COPD and sometimes is lethal cause of patients. Objective: To study clinical manifestations of exacerbation of 150 patients with COPD by Anthonisen's classification at the Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai hospital. Subjects and method: A retrospective, prospective, descriptive study included 150 patients in Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai hospital, from February 2005 to March 2006. Retrospective study included 100 patients and prospective study included 50 patients. Results and conclusions: The male - to - female ratio is 6:1. The average age of patients was 68.85 \xb1 9.45 years. The most of age group was 61 - 70 years. 73.33% patients hospitalized were belonged to type I - this was serious type and similarity of III-IV stage according to GOLD 2003' classification of COPD. 100% of cases hospitalized with dyspnea, 90.6% cough with purulent sputum, 58.7% fever.
Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive/ diagnosis
7.Comment about paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with lung cancer at Department of Respiratory in Bach Mai Hospital from 2003 to 2005
Thanh Hoang Tran ; Minh Nguyet Vu
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):52-56
Background: Paraneoplastic syndrome is a rare syndrome on lung cancer patients in Vietnam and in the world. Objective: To define the percentage of the common paraneoplastic syndromes on lung cancer patients and research the clinical and investigations of these syndromes. Subjects and method: A study included 570 patients diagnosed lung cancer based on histopathological and cytological evidences, treated in Department of Respiratory in Bach Mai Hospital from 2003 to 2005. This was a descriptive, retrospective study. Results and conclusions: 19.47% of the patients had common paraneoplastic syndromes. Pierre Marie's syndrome was the most common (65.8%), followed by Schwartz-Bartter's syndrome (25.2%). 64.8% of the patients were 50 to 69 years old, 88.3% were men, 83.8% were smokers. 66.6% of patients were the severe periods. 30.7% of patients were diagnosed histologically adenocarcinoma. 12.8% of patients had Pierre Marie's syndrome, 5.3% had Schwartz-Bartter's syndrome, 1.9% had hypercalcemia of malignancy and 1.9% had thromboembolism.
Lung Neoplasms/ pathology
Paraneoplastic Syndromes/ pathology
8.The value of urocytogramme in normal menstruation period of adolescent girls
Yen Thi Thuy Hoang ; Nhan Thu Nguyen ; Hop Van Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):168-172
Background:The urocytogramme is a certain laboratory tests, although older. By studying the cellular elements from the wall of the bladder trigone desquamated in the urine, it allows cyto-hormonal diagnosis. It allows to assess the presence and importance of the biological effect of sex steroids. This examination is not commonly used because they are poorly known in our country. It's a review of how simple, noninvasive, inexpensive. Objectives:This study aims to learn about the value of urocytogramme in normal menstruation period of girls. Subjects and method:A study was conducted on 143 high school girls of Hai Ba Trung Secondary School, Hue city. The mean age was 15\xb18 months, completely puberty; the average weight was 45.7\xb16.8 kg; average height was 156.8 \xb18.5 cm. The duration of study was from September 2006 to May 2007. Results:Urocytogramme had the index which changed according to the phase of the menstrual cycle and correlated closely with sex hormone concentrations in the ovulatory phase. The IK index had the value in ovulation diagnostic phase with the sensitivity and specificity concentrations equivalent to LH and plasma Estradiol. Conclusion:Urocytogram was a useful test for the diagnosis of in normal menstruation period of adolescent girls. It was easy, cheap and truly reflected oestrogen activity to help doctors making decision for the treatment of lasting amenorrhea disorders.
Menstrual Cycle
9.Prenatal diagnosis of turner syndrome
Tho Quynh Nguyen ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Cuong Danh Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):38-43
Background/Introduction:The proportion of TS \u2013 Q96 ranges from 1/1500 \u2013 1.300 female newborns and about 3% of fetuses. In most of the world, TS can be diagnosed and treated at the early stages of pregnancies. In Vietnam, TS patients are frequently detected at the later stages with serious syndromes. TS diagnosis mainly relies on chromosomal analysis of amnion cells. Thus, prenatal diagnosis of TS is the rationale of this study.\r\n', u'Objectives: Utilize chromosomal analysis and FISH methods to diagnose Turner syndrome from amnion cells. \r\n', u'Subject and method: 30 pregnancies (from week 14-22) with high risks of TS, which were detected by ultrasound scan and triple test, 15 mil amnio fluid is withdrawn for the FISH technique from interphase amniocytes and amnio cultures, chromosomal analysis from metaphase cultured cells. \r\n', u'Results/Outcomes: Chromosomal analysis and FISH analysis give the same results: - 12/30 fetus with TS, 5/30 fetus with normal female results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with normal male normal results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with Down syndrome, \u2013 5/30 fetus with Edward syndrome. 11/12 TS fetus have large cystic hygromas, 9/11 cystic hygromas are separated. 12/12 TS fetus have triple test (+) with the threshold: APF \u2264 0.7 MoM, HCG \u2265 2 MoM, uE3 \u2264 0.7 MoM.\r\n', u'Conclusion:Chromosonal analysis and FISH are standards for diagnosing TS fetus. FISH can provide a quick result (48-72h). \r\n', u'
Turner syndrome (TS)
Fluorescence in site hybridization (FISH)
10.Some ultrasound markers that association with down syndrome fetus
Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Phuong Thi Kim Doan ; Cuong Danh Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):51-56
Background: Down syndrome is a developmental disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays in the way a child develops, both mentally and physically. It affects about 1 in every 700 babies. The fetus having high risk for Down syndrome (OS) can be detected early by ultrasound. Objectives: The aim of the study is to find out some ultrasound markers that relate to OS fetus. Subjects and method: A descriptive study was carried out on 612 pregnant women with fetus \ufffd?12 weeks by ultrasound to detect abnormal markers in fetus. The fetus were diagnosed Down syndrome by analysis chromosome from amniocyte and monitor up to the neonate. Then, finding out association between OS fetus and ultrasound markers. Results: Among 612 pregnant women,36/12 pregnant women had abnormal imaging in fetus, 11/12 pregnant women had OS fetus. There were 12 pregnant women detected OS fetus. 6/12 OS fetus associated with the maker of nuchal skin fold (cut off 2: 3mm at the first trimester and 2: 6 mm at the second trimester): Detection rate (DR) was 50%; false positive rate (FOR): 0,83%. 3/12 OS fetus associated with the marker of duodenal atresia. DR was 25%; FOR: 0%. Conclusions: The two common markers associated with OS fetus: \r\n', u'the first marker was nuchal skin fold (with cut off 2: 3mm at the first trimester and > 6 mm at the second trimester) and the second marker was duodenal atresia. \r\n', u' \r\n', u'
Down Syndrome
Fetus/ anatomy &