1.Adult's nutrition status and the seasonal changes of child malnutrition in Bai Say, Hung Yen 1997-1999
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2002;8():23-26
A longitudinal study on the actual and seasonal changes of household food and nutrition security during 1997-1999 was carried out in Bai Say commune, Hung Yen province. The results shown that CED of women is much higher (47.5) in the poor households comparing to that in the middle and rich ones (34.8%), in both groups it was found that women are the higher-risk group to CED than men (41.2 vs. 21.5%). Child malnutrition is still very highly prevalence: under weight was 45-49%, wasting 18-23%, much higher than those of national data in 1999 (P<0.05), while stunting is approximately to that of national one 38-39%. Child wasting has been found to be seasonally changed (p<0.05), while there was no clearly change of the other forms (p>0.05). Child malnutrition occurs very early, around 6 months after birth, rapidly and cumulatively increases from 12 to 24 and 25 to 36 months, stands at rather high prevalence subsequently
Nutritional Status
Child Nutrition Disorders
2.Overweight/obesity status and related factors among adults aged 50-59 in urban Hanoi
Hoan Van Pham ; Anh Thi Lan Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;1(17):20-26
Background: many studies showed that obesity rate was significantly higher in women than in men and 60-80% of overweight/obesity caused by diet. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City were two of 10 provinces that had the highest rates of obesity. Objectives: to determine the actual rate of overweight/obesity and describe some related factors among Hanoians aged 50-59. Subjectives and Method: a cross sectional survey within a case-control study. The study was carried out in 14 wards under 7 districts of urban Hanoi. Body fat percentage was measured by machine Omron (Japan). Overweight/obesity evaluations were based on classification scales of WHO 1998 and IDI&WPRO 2000. Results: the mean rate of overweight/obesity was 23.1% (26.2% in women vs. 21.9% in men). The rate of women with waist to hip ratio >0.85 (39.83%) was higher than that in male (29.38%). Proportions of body fat percentage greater than 30% were 58.40% in female and 40.06% in male. Overweight/obesity was closely related with sedentary lifestyle, such as spending less time for exercise and sports, high food expenditures, etc. It was found that people with overweight or obese family members were 3 times at risk of overweight/obesity higher /than others. That rates of overweight/obese people with elevated level of biomarkers were composed of 48.99% with high blood cholesterol (>5.2mmol/l); 9.69% with blood glucose (\ufffd?.0mmol/l); especially 65.33% with high triglyceride (>1.7mmol/l); 7.22% with low HDL-C (<1.15 mmol/l); and 8.23% with high LDL-C (\ufffd?.00mmol/l). Conclusions: rate of overweight/obesity among Hanoians aged 50-59 was relatively high. Some related factors were described: waist to hip ratio, body fat percentage, sedentary lifestyle, such as spending less time for exercise and sports, high food expenditures, etc.
Risk Factors
Middle Aged
3.Separation and identification of glycoprotein in human serum of Fragile X syndrome
Anh Thi Lan Luong ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Phuong Thi Minh Nguyen ; Dung Tien Nguyen ; Chi Van Phan
Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):22-28
Background: Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation. The absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation (FMRP) in Fragile X syndrome changes other proteins. Objective: To detect changes of glycoprotein in human serum of Fragile X syndrome. Subject and methods: Affinity chromatography with lectin concanavalin A (ConA) used to receive glycoprotein. The collected glycoprotein was then separated using 2-D electrophoresis. The protein spots were further excised, trypsin digested, and analyzed by nano LC couple with ESI-MS/MS and identified by MASCOT v1.8 software. Results and conclusion: 5 glycoproteins showed the different expression levels in the serum of Fragile X syndrome. Haptoglobin, Ig-J were increased and ceruloplasmin, transferring, Ig kappa were decreased. Using affinity chromatography with lectin concanavalin A (ConA), glycoprotein was received and divided on 2 ways electrokinetic chromatography. The mixture protein was identified with a reliability of 99.5% by 2 ways liquid chromatography combined with continuous spectrum mass.
Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X Mental Retardation