1.Research on dysglycemia on patients with chronic renal failure
Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;396(4):47-49
Chronic renal failure is a common syndrome with progressive nature. The treatment for this condition is considered difficult. Apart from clinical manifestations of chronic hyperuremia, this condition also associates with other disorders including glucid metabolic disorders. Out of 40 patients who were involved in this study, 57.5% were found to have an increase in blood sugar level and 12.5% have suffered from diabetes. There was no difference in the rate of dysglycemia between males and females. The result of study showed that glucose tolerance disorders associated with the severity of disease, especially during the third and fourth stages that accounted for 45%.
Kidney Failure, Chronic
glucosediet therapy
2.The bursar for the consultation and treatment in the hosehold in the publicity
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;430(9):34-35
A cross sectional survey and dirrect interview of 3,883 households in Co Nhue commune, Tu Liem district in which rich households: 1,359 (35%); poor househould: 39 (1.004%), avarage income/month: 250,000 VND/ capital/month were implemented during 1-4/1998. The results have shown that the average bursar/capita/round in the hospital was 195,700 VND; The highest bursar/ child with ages of 5/ round was 69,800 VND and lowest bursar capita with ages of 15-60/round was 37,172. The level of this expenditure was higher 15 times than this in the publicity. Therefore, 75/138 people who think that the bursar of consultation and treatment in hospital was excessive expensive.
Referral and Consultation
Family Characteristics
3.Knowledge of leprosy in population of the 2 village of leprosy in Gia Lai province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):24-25
A social investigation was carried out by questionnaire in 37 people in the Domax village and 15 people in Jri village, in which male: 29, female: 23, Gia Rai minority: 28 people and Bana minority: 13 people. The results have shown that, people's knowledge, in generally, was low. 86% of questioned people thought that the leprosy can be treated at home. 67.3% of those said that the disease can be eliminated. 71,2% of population thought that patients with leprosy should live at home together with their families. 84.6% of population knew the leprosy chemotherapy. 21.2% of population thought that it should not contact with patients with leprosy, and 28.8% of population thought that it should not live together with patients with leprosy
4.Efficacy of the air electrostatic filter air microflora of the preservative environment and proteolytic activity of some species of bacteria and fungi
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):35-36
Author studied the quantity of microorganisms in the air at places before and behind the filter. The isolation, classification and proteolysis of some species of bacteria and fungi were investigated. The results showed that the electrostatic filter is able to reduce the quantity of air microorganisms(975-99,2%), but the quantity increased in preservation. 40 species of micromycetes in 10 genera,8 species of bacteria in 2 genera were isolated from the air. The title of proteolysis was maximum with Aspergillus, Penicillum, Bacillus, and Staphylococcus.
5.Situation of enviromental sanitation in ThuaThien-Hue province
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):28-31
Cross-sectional surveys were carried out in ThuaThien-Hue province successively in 1993, 1997 and 2000. Percentage of households using tap water in Hue city: 1993: 71.6%; 1998: 76.9%; 2000: 87.5%. However the percentage of households having clean latrines was still low: 1993: 49.3%; 1998: 63.3%; 2000: 52.9%. This was due to the damages caused by the severe flood, which occurred in November - December 1999.
6.Extent of weightgain, fact diet and energy consumption among pregnant women
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):92-95
The monitoring of weight and direct interview of 159 pregnant women from 8 weeks to 9 months of pregnancy in 6 communes of Melinh district, Vinh phuc Province has shown that the average weight gain of pregnant woman was 7,4 kg which only obtain 74% of required weight. The quality and quantity of the diet did meet the demand, the diet’s energy was low(first trimester of pregnancy: 1488 kcal, rest 6 months of pregnancy: 2086 kcal which obtained 82% of energy demand).The nutrition in the diet was low.
Pregnant Women
Weight Gain
7.Using adeal for mosquito control
Journal of Preventive Medicine 1999;9(2):58-64
Adeal is a new type of larval mosquito control compound that inhibits larval development and emergence. Adeal is effective against various kinds of mosquitoes, including Anopheles spp., Aedes spp., and Culex spp. Long - term efficacy, even at a lower application dosage, easy handling requiring no special spraying or misting equipment. Adeal has been successfully tested in Japan, USA, Thailand, Sudan, Tanzania and Solomon Islands
Mosquito Control
8.Mother's management for children under five years who suffered from the disease
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):50-52
A study on mothers with children under five years who suffered the disease in 2 villages of Viªn and §«ng at Cæ NhuÕ commune, Hµ Néi has shown that rate of children under five years suffered from the disease was 12.80%. Rate of bronchitis, pneumonia among children under 5 years were highest, followed by pharyngitis (25.6%), amygdalitis (9.6%). The rate of mother who transferred their children to the communal health station was 61.60%, to the private clinics (24.40%) and to hospital (6.4%).
9.study on the needs of health care and use of health services
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;380(5):19-21
1000 households with 6,125 persons were randomly selected from 2,773 households with 16,731 persons in Co Nhue commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi participated to a study on the determination of needs of healthcare and use of health service. In which the direct subjects were householders and mothers with children under 6 years. The results have found that there was no difference of morbididy rate between men and women. Children under 5 years accounted for highest morbidity rate (22.6%). There was high needs of healthcare for children in the community, especially the respiratory tract infection. The children came to the communal health station and convenient health care facilities accounted for 35.06% because of the good profession and attitude.
Delivery of Health Care
Health Services
Health Services Needs and Demand
10.Needs of home health care of people in suburb of Hµ Néi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):12-15
A Sociological survey of 1500 households in 30 communes in Hanoi' s suburbs shows that 1337/1500 households (89.13%) want to be provided with home health care service 25.42% consider this as a measure to improve health - care quality in the community
Delivery of Health Care
Suburban Health
Health Services Needs and Demand
Suburban Population