1.A Case of Partial Aortic Root Remodeling for Aneurysm of the Right Coronary Sinus of Valsalva
Masaharu Hatakeyama ; Yuichi Ono ; Hiroyuki Itaya
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(5):349-353
We report a case of aneurysm located at the right sinus of Valsalva with mild aortic regurgitation (AR). The patient was a 55-year-old man with hypertension. When he consulted a local doctor complaining of back pain, aneurysm of right sinus of Valsalva was unexpectedly diagnosed by detailed examinations. He was transferred to our hospital for surgery. An echocardiogram showed mild aortic regurgitation and enlargement of the right sinus of Valsalva. Computed tomography demonstrated an unruptured and extracardiac aneurysm of the right sinus of Valsalva (diameter, 45 mm) and a right coronary artery (RCA) that originated from just above the ostium of the aneurysm. He underwent a partial aortic root remodeling procedure with trimmed Hemashield graft and the RCA was anastomosed to the Hemashield graft by the Carrel patch technique. The postoperative course was uneventful, and he was discharged on the 12th postoperative day. Postoperative angiography revealed that aneurysm of the right sinus of Valsalva was not enhanced and the RCA was patent. This procedure preserve the patient's own aortic valve and normal sinus of Valsalva and enabled him to have more physiologic hemodynamics than patch closure, although progression of the AR requires careful follow-up.
2.False Aneurysm in the Right Groin due to Disruption of a Knitted Dacron Prosthesis
Masaharu Hatakeyama ; Yuichi Ono ; Hiroyuki Itaya
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(6):372-375
A 75-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a pulsatile mass in the bilateral groin. He had received placement of a Y-shaped Cooley double velour knitted Dacron graft 20 years previously for arteriosclerosis obliterans. Computed tomography demonstrated an aneurysm near the distal anastomosis of the graft. Based on a clinical diagnosis of a non-anastomotic aneurysm, an operation was performed. When the right aneurysm was incised, it was found that the anastomosis of the graft to the common femoral artery was intact and that the graft itself had a defect, 1.5 cm in size near the distal anastomosis of the graft. The final diagnosis of the right groin aneurysm was a non-anastomotic false aneurysm due to prosthetic graft failure. The left groin aneurysm was a true aneurysm due to arteriosclerosis. After resection of the bilateral aneurysm, graft interposition with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft was successfully performed. Generally, arterial grafts below the groin are subject to high levels of mechanical stress, and graft failure is not uncommon. Vascular surgeons should keep in mind that graft failure is not rare in patients with long-standing prosthetic graft.
3.Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting through the Diaphragm Using the Splenic Artery for Inflow in a Redo Case with Chronic Renal Failure
Mamoru Munakata ; Hiroyuki Itaya ; Yuichi Ono
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(5):268-270
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) through the diaphragm is effective in redo cases who need right coronary revascularization with a patent graft. This is a rare report of this operation using the splenic artery for inflow. A 64-year-old man on chronic hemodialysis had undergone coronary artery bypass grafting (4 vessels) 9 years previously had chest pain and was transferred to our hospital with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Coronary arteriography revealed multiple stenoses of the right coronary artery with patent bypass grafts. The patient underwent emergency off-pump CABG through the diaphragm using a saphenous vein graft bridging from the splenic artery to the posterior descending branch and A-V node branch using the sequential method. The graft was patent in postoperative angiography and he was discharged on the 13th day after the operation, free of angina.
4.Aortic Valve Replacement for Severely Calcified Aorta with SCP and Deep Hypotheramic Circulatory Arrest
Masaharu Hatakeyama ; Yuichi Ono ; Mamoru Munakata ; Hiroyuki Itaya
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;41(2):80-84
A 60-year-old man on chronic hemodialysis was found to have severe aortic stenosis causing refractory atrial fibrillation elected to undergo aortic valve replacement. However, chest CT scan revealed a severely calcified ascending aorta which prevented safe aortic cross-clamping. At operation, arterial cannulation of the systemic circulation was performed to a graft anastomosed to the right axillary artery and venous cannulation to the right atrium. Cardiopulmonary bypass was started and the body was cooled. When a rectal temperature of 25°C was achieved, cardioplegic solution was administered retrogradely to achieve cardiac arrest and circulatory arrest was performed. Immediately, brachiocephalic artery was clamped and a single selective cerebral perfusion (SCP) was started with right axillary perfusion. In addition, a selective cerebral perfusion was added via the left common carotid artery to maintain adequate flow. After anastomosing the tube graft to the distal ascending aorta, cardiopulmonary bypass was restarted, a clamp was placed on the tube graft, and the patient was rewarmed. The aortic valve was excised and a 21-mm SJM-Regent valve was placed in the intra-annular position. The systemic circulatory arrest time was 18 min. The patient was weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass without difficulty and had an unremarkable recovery without complications. The ascending aorta replacement described here for the treatment of aortic valve disease in a patient with a severely calcified aorta is safer than deep hypothermic circulatory arrest alone, allowing a shorter circulatory arrest period. In addition, selective cerebral perfusion by right axillary artery anastomosed graft is advantageous in that we can start selective cerebral perfusion promptly by clamping the brachiocephalic artery.
5.Histochemical and biochemical studies on the effect of exercise on the skeletal muscle fibers in rats.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1985;34(5):276-283
The inter of this study was to observe the effects of training on histochemical and biochemical properties in the skeletal muscle fibers.
Wistar strain albino rats were assigned to endurance (E), sprint (S) and control (C) group at 4 weeks old. Animals of trained groups were trained by treadmill for 12 weeks. After training, all animals were sacrificed and M. Soleus (SOL) and M. Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL) were taken out.
Using histochemical staining methods for Hematoxylin and Eosin, Actomyosin ATPase and Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH), area and composition of the three muscle fiber types were examined. Furthermore, the chemical properties of glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activities were examined.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. The E and S trained groups, respectivelly, showed lower increase of body weight than the control group.
2. Hypertrophy of all fiber types in EDL were observed in the both trained groups. Area of SO fibers in SOL were also increased in the E group as compared to the C group.
3. The differences observed for fiber composition among the three groups. The rate of FOG fiber in SOL decreased significantly in the both trained groups as compared to the C group. The rate of SO fiber in both muscles were slightly higer for the E group relative to the C Group, but these differences were no significant. However, in the E group significant increase was observed for oxidative enzyme activity. The Phosphofructo-kinase activity in EDL of the S group was significantly higher in comparison to the other groups.
These results suggested that there is the discrepancy between histochemical proper-ties and biochemical properties in the effects of training on skeletal muscle fibers and that the necessity of histochemical and biochemical analysis.
6.A Case of Asymptomatic Appendicolithiasis Treated by Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Hiroyuki ONO ; Tomonori MIYAZAWA ; Norihiko KOIDE ; Nobuhiro FUJITA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2013;62(2):131-134
A 69-year-old woman underwent total colonoscopy in a health checkup at a local clinic. Colonoscopic study revealed a submucocal tumor-like lesion at the appendiceal orifice. She was admitted to our hospital for an elaborate investigation and treatment. Abdominal plain X-ray showed calcification in the right lower abdomen. Abdominal CT scan demonstrated a high density mass in the ileo-cecal region. Thus, we diagnosed the symptom as asymptomatic appendicolithiasis. She underwent laparoscopic appendectomy. As asymptomatic appendicolithiasis is very rare, we report this case with a review of some literature.
7.Detecting Early Pancreatic Cancer: Current Problems and Future Prospects
Hiroyuki MATSUBAYASHI ; Hirotoshi ISHIWATARI ; Keiko SASAKI ; Katsuhiko UESAKA ; Hiroyuki ONO
Gut and Liver 2020;14(1):30-36
The number of patients with pancreatic cancer (PC) is currently increasing in both Korea and Japan. The 5-year survival rate of patients with PC 13.0%; however, resection with minimal invasion (tumor size: ≤10 mm) increases the 5-year survival rate to 80%. For this reason, early detection is essential, but most patients with early-stage PC are asymptomatic. Early detection of PC has been reported to require screening of high-risk individuals (HRIs), such as those with a family history of PC, inherited cancer syndromes, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, or chronic pancreatitis. Studies on screening of these HRIs have confirmed a significantly better prognosis among patients with PC who were screened than for patients with PC who were not screened. However, to date in Japan, most patients with early-stage PC diagnosed in routine clinics were not diagnosed during annual health checks or by surveillance; rather, PC was detected in these patients by incidental findings during examinations for other diseases. We need to increase the precision of the PC screening and diagnostic processes by introducing new technologies, and we need to pay greater attention to incidental clinical findings.
8.Comparison of Formulation Property and Therapeutic Safety of Paclitaxel between Generic Products
Hiroyuki Ono ; Yuhki Sato ; Nobuhiro Oyama ; Ryosuke Nakahara ; Masae Kuranari ; Hiroki Itoh
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2016;18(1):7-12
Background: Because generic medicines reduce the financial burden on patients and medical insurance providers, they become more popular year after year. However, there are still few reports that analyze the efficacy and safety of generic medicines, especially in terms of their characteristics and side effects.
Methods: Paclitaxel is an antineoplastic frequently used with good results in the treatment of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, and angiosarcoma, but fat solubility is high and various kinds of adverse events, such as myelosuppression and arthralgia, peripheral neuropathy, and alcohol hypersensitivity are known to develop. We investigated the efficacy, characteristics, and the incidence of adverse events for the generic product of paclitaxel.
Results: Differences were found for the generic version in terms of the characteristics and preparation time.
Conclusion: The incidence of adverse events was not significant, suggesting that the generic version could be a reasonable substitute.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1980;29(4):191-204
Effects of 20km running uppn taking a low-carbohydrate, high-fat and protein diet on the changes in blood pressure, heart rate, body weight, skinf old thickness, blood components and urinary recordings in five healthy young men were investigated and the changes in these items which occured by taurine inducement were studied by double blind test method. The results were as follows:
1) As to the degree of decrease in body weight in 20km running, the case in taurine administration (T. A.) was more than in placebo administration (P. A.) .
2) As to the degree of increase in systolic pressure upon 20km running, T. A. was less than P. A. 3) The rate of creatine kinase isozyme (CK-MB) against creatine kinase (CK), which increased after 20km running in P. A., was possible to reduce by T. A.
4) T. A. was less than P.A. in the rate of increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on 20km running.
5) In P. A., triglyceride increased after 20km running, but in T. A., it decreased.
6) T. A, much influenced the rate of individual fatty acid composition on 20km running
7) T. A, was more than P. A. in the secretion of adrenaline on 20km running.
8) No changes were observed in other blood components and urinary kallikrein.
10.Intervention by PCT and Problems Awaiting Solution at Anjo Kosei Hospital: Usefulness of Rounds of Patients Receiving Opioids
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA ; Takanori MIURA ; Hiroyuki MANSHIO ; Eiji YONEYAMA ; Yoji SUGIURA ; Akio KATSUMI ; Mika SHIMADA ; Akiko OGINO ; Tomoko KOIKE ; Mamiko TAKEUCHI ; Yoriyuki NAKAMURA ; Yoshitaka ONO ; Jinwoo LEE
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2012;61(1):8-15
In order to intervene in the management of pain of cancer from an early stage. Our palliative care team (PCT), including pharmacists, makes the ward rounds (screening rounds) of the patients receiving opioids at our hospital. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of screening rounds activity by the PCT and its current problems, and to explore how to resolve the problems. We retrospectively studied the records of 196 patients who had receivede interventions by the PCT, with regard to intervention status and prescription proposal (228 subjects) about drug therapy by us. Study groups were as follows: 103 patients to whom interventions were deliveed at the request of medical doctors (intervention request group) and 93 patients who had interventions by the PCT after PCT-screening rounds (screening group). PCT-screening rounds caused to increase the number of interventions by the PCT. After PCT-screening rounds, the cases of intervention started by the request of medical doctors, who had given no heed to PCT intervention, also increased in numher. In this study, some problems with palliative intervention were also brought to light. Even in the screening group where the PCT largely intervened, 33% of prescription proposal by the PCT was ignored. This problem may be, at least in part, due to inadequate communication between PCT and ward staff through an electronic medical recording card, leading to poor relationship between PCT and ward staff. In the future, the PCT needs to work cooperatively with ward staff through direct communication such as medical conference to perform better intervention.