1.The Outcome of Our Smoking Cessation Interventions Project in the Past 6 Years: A Study of 1-Year Abstinence Rates
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2007;56(1):1-6
Background/Objectives: Since April 2006, smoking cessation treatment has been included in public health insurance coverage, although conditionally. The tobacco control program usually takes 12 weeks or so. When it comes to the form of treatment, most medical care facilities adopt nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) at their outpatient ward. The cessation success rates are considered not so high as before. In stead of treating nicotine-addict outpatients individually, our hospital has been offering a stop-smoking program all its own since 1999. This study was designed to examine the results of our efforts in the last six years retrospectively.Subjects/Methods: Enrolled for this study were 232 patients who had participated in our six-month smoking cessation program between 1999 and 2005. A non-smokingsupport team made up of a physician, pharmacist(s), nurses, dietitian(s) and physical therapist(s) takes care of groups of participating patients, each group consisting of 10 or less. The patients undergo behavior therapy throughout the 6-month period and NRT in the first eight weeks. Under the program, nutrition guidance is offered regularly by dietitians for weight control and physical exercises by physical therapists for relief from the stress due to abstinence from smoking. We took a questionnaire survey of all the subjects and worked out the ratios of those persons who had remained abstinent up to one year after they stopped smoking to the total.Results: The rates of abstinence maintained eight weeks, six months and one year after the start of cessation were 78.4%, 70.3% and 64.7%, respectively. Of those who were still abstinent, 78.0% replied that they found it easy to resist the urge to smoke cigarette thanks to the smoking cessation program.Conclusion: Our six-month participatory tobacco control program was found effective as high cessation rates were maintained.
Cessation of smoking
2.A Successfully Operated Case of Traumatic Aortic Disruption with Multisystem Trauma
Hiroyuki Watanabe ; Kayoko Kobayashi ; Takuto Maruyama
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(6):343-346
A 63-year-old man suffered from multisystem trauma including pelvic bone fracture and lung contusion caused by a traffic accident. Chest CT revealed mediastinum and periaortic hematoma. Because of hemorrhagic complications, a emergency operation was avoided, and conservative therapy was decided on. Though his blood pressure was controlled strictly, re-bleeding appeared. An urgent operation was performed 4 days after the injury. Under partial cardiopulmonary bypass, the aortic isthmus disruption was resected and replaced with an artificial graft. The postoperative course was uneventful. In cases of traumatic aortic disruption with multisystem trauma, the delayed operation is more common than urgent operation. However, there is always the possibility of rupture. It is extremely important to appropriately judge the timing of the operation.
3.A Case of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Horseshoe Kidney
Shiro Tomari ; Masaru Sawazaki ; Yoriko Kobayashi ; Naoto Izawa ; Hiroyuki Ishibashi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;40(6):314-317
Horseshoe kidney is a common renal anomalies, but coexistence with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is rare. Horseshoe kidney may cause various technical difficulties of aneurysm repair. A 76-year-old man was referred to our hospital for treatment of AAA with a horseshoe kidney. Preoperative 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) scans showed a pair of normal renal arteries and 3 accessory renal arteries from the anterior wall to abdominal aorta just proximal to an aneurysm. At operation, the aneurysm was exposed through a transperitoneal approach, and artificial graft replacement was performed with a woven Dacron bifurcated graft preserving the renal isthmus. The accessory renal arteries were not reconstructed. The postoperative course was uneventful. Postoperative 3-D CT showed minor infarction of renal isthmus, but renal function was not impaired.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2007;56(2):223-232
This study examined peculiarities in both muscle strength and cross-sectional area (CSA) among soccer players in comparison with those of archers as contrasting athletes. Subjects were 15 male soccer players and 9 male archers at N University. Measurement items were height, body weight (BW), isokinetic muscle strength (knee extension, knee flexion, hip extension, hip flexion) and CSA (psoas muscles). Isokinetic muscle strength (30, 120, 240°/sec.) was measured by Cybex6000 (Lumex Co.), and the psoas muscle CSA was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (Hitachi, Japan). Results were as follows : 1. There was no significant difference in isokinetic knee extension and flexion strength/BW at all angular velocities between soccer players and archers. 2. On isokinetic hip flexion strength/BW, the average values of soccer players were significantly higher at all angular velocities than those of archers. However, there was no significant difference in the average values of isokinetic hip extension strength at all angular velocities between the two groups. 3. The average value for the psoas muscle CSA in soccer players was significantly higher than that of archers. In this study, the biggest difference in muscle strength between soccer players and archers was hip flexion strength, and the CSA of the psoas muscle in soccer players, which is the main component of hip flexion, was significantly larger than that of archers. These findings showed the peculiarity of soccer players due to the constant demands of movements involved in ball kicking and running during practice and competition.
5.Analysis of the Contents of Inquiries from Operation Room Staff
Soichi Shibata ; Toshiki Nakamura ; Yuko Kobayashi ; Hiroko Syono ; Keiji Yagisawa ; Kazue Soda ; Hiroyuki Miyashita ; Hajime Matsubara
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2016;18(1):46-49
Objective: From September 2009, the Department of Pharmacy of Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital started operation room services, and the pharmacist in charge also responds to the inquiries from the operation room staff (doctors and nurses) concerning pharmaceutical compounds. In the present study, we collected the inquiries and analyzed their contents in order to understand the information of pharmaceutical compounds required by the operation room staff.
Methods: The inquiries from operation room staff received between October 2009 and March 2012 were collected and the contents were analyzed.
Results: A total of 625 inquiries (mean, 20.8 inquiries per month) were received. Regarding the contents of inquiry, the most frequent inquiry was on “the presence or absence of the stock” (70.7%), followed by “drug information” (17.0%), “handling of controlled substances” (5.9%), and “handling of non-controlled substances” (4.2%). For “the presence or absence of the stock,” the most common pharmaceutical compounds inquired were antibacterial agents, anesthetics, and infusion fluids. For “drug information,” the contents were diverse, ranging from drug efficacy to operation method, whether compounds are included in hospital drug list, in-hospital preparations, and drug selection. For “handling of non-controlled substances,” the most frequent inquiries were associated with the expiration date after unsealing.
Conclusion: The most frequent inquiry from the operation room staff was on “the presence or absence of the stock,” and the common subject of inquiry was presumably pharmaceutical compounds frequently used at the time of surgery. The analysis showed that the operation room requires a wide range of information.
6.Clinical Research Support in Mito Kyodo General Hospital: Current Practice and Future Problems
Sanae AOTO ; Keiko FUJIE ; Yoshio NAKATA ; Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI ; Shigeyuki WATANABE ; Atsushi HIRANO ; Koichi HASHIMOTO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;65(6):1177-1187
Clinical research is essential for the practice of evidence-based medicine. This study reports on our current practice of clinical research support in Mito Kyodo General Hospital and discusses future challenges. In April 2013, the University of Tsukuba hired a clinical research assistant to provide clinical research support in Mito Kyodo General Hospital. The clinical research assistant worked full-time in the hospital in collaboration with 3 university faculty members. The target population for this study comprised 450 medical personnel including doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. From April 2014, 1 of the 3 faculty members visited the hospital once a month to offer clinical research consultations and deliver a lecture on nursing research. We analyzed past records of clinical research support and conducted a questionnaire survey to explore the level of satisfaction of the medical personnel. Four-hundred and ninety records of 91 research topics proposed by 68 medical personnel were identified. Of these, 93.4% were proposed by doctors or nurses. Most studies employed an observational study design (64.8%) and were conducted in order to make a presentation at an academic conference (51.1%). The consultation sessions were held 1–5 times, for 40–405 min, and lasted from 1–84 days per research topic. Consultations mostly pertained to research design and protocol planning (57.1%). Forty-seven clients were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey, 30 of whom provided valid responses. The results showed that 96.6% of the clients were satisfied with the consultations. The number of clients who participated in the consultations comprised only 15.1% of the target population. These practice biases need to be addressed in future. However, nearly all respondents were satisfied with the consultations. These findings suggest that our clinical research support was beneficial to medical personnel.
7.Clinical and Epidemiological Features of 14 Cases of Pernicious Anemia on Tokunoshima Island
Akira Kobayashi ; Taishi Hata ; Hirofumi Yamamoto ; Maki Suzuki ; Shingo Takemoto ; Hiroyuki Miyagami ; Mitsutoshi Tara
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2017;40(2):86-90
Objective: To identify the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of pernicious anemia (PA) in patients treated at Miyagami hospital on Tokunoshima Island.
Methods: We evaluated 14 patients with PA who were enrolled and treated from March 2009 to May 2014.
Results: The majority of patients were older than 50 years of age and primarily consisted of elderly women. Routine medical examinations revealed macrocytic anemia in 6 of the 14 patients (43%), although they were clinically asymptomatic and subsequently diagnosed with PA. The average number of patients per year was reported to be 3 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.25-3.42).
Conclusions: The annual incidence of PA per 100,000 individuals on Tokunoshima Island is possibly much higher than that previously reported in Japan. An increase in the elderly population, a negligence of the disease, and an ethnic and regional diversity may explain this discrepancy. As the annual incidence of PA may be higher than that previously reported, anemia must be carefully evaluated in the differential diagnosis of PA.
8.Comparison of Early and Midterm Result of Endovascular Aneurysm Repair and Open Repair in the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Yoshifumi Iguro ; Hiroyuki Yamamoto ; Kenichi Arata ; Akira Kobayashi ; Masahiro Ueno ; Kouji Tao ; Syouichi Suehiro ; Ryuzo Sakata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(6):395-400
To evaluate a comparison for endovascular repair (EVAR) versus open repair (OR) for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Data of all patients with infrarenal AAA treated electively, both with OR (107 cases) and EVAR (24 cases), at our institute between January 1999 and March 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. No difference was found between the 2 groups for sex, age, and AAA size. Cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (20.8% vs 6.5%, p<0.04) and frequencies of laparotomy (25% vs 2.8%, p<0.001) were significantly more in the EVAR group than the OR group. In the initial results, deployment of the stent grafts was successful in all cases and complete thrombosis of the aneurysm was achieved in 21 cases (87.5%). One graft occlusion and a wound infection occurred in the EVAR group. OR was successfully performed in all cases. These were 6 cases of paralytic ileus, 1 of re-operation for hemorrhage, 1 of respiratory failure, and 1 of ischemic colitis in the OR group. One hospital death occurred in each group. Mean blood transfusion (0ml vs 238±345ml) and operation time (131±53min vs 250±76min) were significantly less in the EVAR group than the OR group. In the long term results, the cumulative survival rate was 88.0±6.5% at 1 and 2 years, 80.6±9.2% at 3 years in the EVAR group; 99.0±0.9% at 1 year, 94.1±2.6% at 2 years, 87.7±3.9% at 3 years in the OR group, with no difference between the 2 groups regarding survival rate. Four new endoleak and 3 graft infections were encountered in the EVAR group. Freedom from stent graft-related complications was 81.3±8.5% at 1 year, 61.4±11.9% at 2 years, 47.8±12.6% at 3 years in the EVAR group, but 100% at 1, 2 and 3 years in the OR group. Freedom from procedure-related complications in the EVAR group was significantly lower than that in OR group. In the long term results, EVAR was associated with more procedure-related complications. This finding may justify reappraisal of currently accepted EVAR for AAA management strategies.
10.Lactic Acidosis with Metformin Use in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Aya Sawa ; Toshikazu Abe ; Miyoko Omoto ; Kazuya Fujihara ; Hiroyuki Kobayashi ; Yasuharu Tokuda
General Medicine 2013;14(1):72-75
Metformin is widely prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Its use for patients with type 1 has been considered a contraindication because of possible adverse effects such as lactic acidosis. However, metformin has been recently used with insulin therapy to reduce insulin-dose requirements in Type 1 DM.
An 81-year-old Japanese woman with type 1 DM was treated with insulin and metformin. She was admitted to our hospital due to altered mental state and hypotensive shock via a referral from her primary care physician. The patient had severe lactic acidosis and acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia with the suspected cause being the use of metformin. She was treated successfully with hemodialysis (HD).
Although the independent predictive factor of mortality due to metformin-associated lactic acidosis is a prothrombin time (PT) activity of less than 50% in 24 hours, we recommend that HD should be performed for a patient with severe lactic acidosis even if the initial PT activity is normal.