1.Surgical Treatment for an Intracardiac Needle-Like Foreign Body
Eisaku Nakamura ; Kunihide Nakamura ; Masachika Kuwabara ; Masakazu Matsuyama ; Katsuhiko Niina ; Hirohito Ishii
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2008;37(5):306-309
A 37-year-old man who had suffered right chest pain while mowing weeds was transferred to our hospital. A chest roentgenogram revealed a needle-like foreign body overlying the cardiac silhouette and chest CT confirmed an intracardiac foreign body. The patient underwent emergency operation, and a foreign body was removed under cardiopulmonary bypass and performed cardiac repair. A foreign body penetrated right lung and reached it in the left atrial cavity. The patient recovered uneventfully without any symptoms of infections.
2.Peripheral Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Secondary to Tricuspid Valve Infective Endocarditis in an Intravenous Drug User
Masanori Nishimura ; Mitsuhiro Yano ; Hiroyuki Nagahama ; Masakazu Matsuyama ; Kohji Furukawa ; Atsuko Yokota ; Hirohito Ishii ; Toshio Onitsuka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(6):321-324
We report a case of tricuspid infective endocarditis with peripheral pulmonary artery aneurysm. A 31-year-old man with a history of intravenous drug abuse was admitted to our institution. Echocardiography showed severe tricuspid valve insufficiency and large vegetation (10 mm) attached to the tricuspid valve. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a right peripheral pulmonary artery aneurysm. We operated because of the large amount of vegetation. Before the operation, we performed coil embolization for peripheral pulmonary aneurysm. During the operation, we removed the posterior leaflet with vegetation, and performed tricuspid valve repair. The postoperative course was uneventful. Postoperative echocardiography did not show any tricuspid valve insufficiency or vegetation.
3.A Case of Ruptured Coronary Artery Aneurysm with Coronary Artery to Pulmonary Artery Fistula and Review of 23 Cases
Hirohito Ishii ; Kunihide Nakamura ; Eisaku Nakamura ; Jogi Endo ; Masanori Nishimura ; Yukie Shirasaki ; Kousuke Mori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(2):80-83
We describe a case of ruptured coronary artery aneurysm with a coronary artery to a pulmonary artery fistula. An 89-year-old woman with general fatigue and dyspnea was admitted. At the visit she went into shock and was restored by rehydration therapy. Enhanced computed tomography shows a coronary aneurysm (maximum diameter of 50 mm) at the left side of pulmonary artery and mild pericardial effusions. She was scheduled for an emergency operation due to the ruptured coronary artery aneurysm with a coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula. We performed aneurysmectomy and ligation of the coronary artery to the pulmonary artery fistula under cardiopulmonary bypass. We also reviewed 23 cases of ruptured coronary artery aneurysm with coronary artery extending to a pulmonary artery fistula in Japan. The disease is a rare clinical state and regarded as an indication for emergency surgery.
4.Pseudoaneurysms of a Coronary Artery Anastomosis That Occurred Three Times after the First Bentall Procedure
Kousuke Mori ; Hirohito Ishii ; Eisaku Nakamura ; Joji Endo ; Masanori Nishimura ; Yukie Shirasaki ; Kunihide Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(5):229-232
A 64-year-old man originally underwent Bentall procedure for annulo-aortic ectasia for the first time at the age of 38 years. The surgery was to repair a pseudoaneurysm at the anastomotic site of the left coronary artery by direct closure 11 years after the first Bentall procedure. The anastomosis of the right coronary artery was normal at the time of the first reoperation. However, he had surgery to repair a pseudoaneurysm at the anastomotic site of the right coronary artery 26 years after the first operation ; this was accomplished using the button technique. However, seven months after the second reoperation, he again manifested a pseudoaneurysm at the anastomotic site of the left coronary artery and died of rupture of the pseudoaneurysm. We report the case of pseudoaneurysms at the right and left coronary artery anastomoses that occurred three times after the first Bentall procedure.
5.A Case of Impending Paradoxical Embolism in a Pregnant Patient with Pulmonary Thromboembolism
Yukie SHIRASAKI ; Masakazu MATSUYAMA ; Eisaku NAKAMURA ; Hirohito ISHII ; Kunihide NAKAMURA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;48(3):185-188
A 27-year-old woman who suffered loss of consciousness twice after left femoral pain in the 25th week of gestation was referred to the obstetrics and gynecology department of our hospital. A structure with an attachment on the atrial wall was found in both atria on echocardiography, leading us to suspect impending paradoxical embolism (IPE). Judging from the shape of the thrombus in the atria, we thought that there was a high possibility of further embolism although rescue of the baby was feasible via cesarean section, so we decided to carry out emergency surgery. After delivering the infant by cesarean section, we used a heart-lung machine to incise the right atrium under hypothermia and remove the thrombus. As intraoperative esophageal echocardiography showed embolization in the right pulmonary artery, we cut the right pulmonary artery and removed the emboli. After surgery, a femoral vein thrombus was observed on echocardiography of the lower extremity vein, and we inserted an inferior vena cava filter. The patient was discharged on the 16th postoperative day. The situation whereby a thrombus is trapped in the foramen ovale without embolism of the arterial system is the rare pathological condition known as IPE. As no cases of surgical thrombectomy to treat IPE arising from complications of pregnancy have been reported thus far, the case described herein fittingly augments the literature.